501 lessons. Mi maestro de espaol es guatemalteco. What is the Spanish nationality of Puerto Rico? Learn adjectives of nationality in Spanish and their masculine and feminine form, and see how they are used in sentences. Venezuela venezolano. '), Sportscaster #2 Quin ser la sorpresa de estos juegos? What's the Difference Between Bien, Buen & Bueno? We would like to leave you with the following exercise: Choose 20 countries from the world and try to write thegentiliciosfor each one. Per peruano Ethnicities describe a persons heritage or ancestry. That's why I've written above two forms of each nationality word: Leo Messi es argentino; l naci en Argentina. In order to use them properly, you should remember these points: This lesson introduced you to many adjectives of nationality in Spanish. Inglaterra See Also in Spanish Nueva Inglaterra abbreviation, noun New England, N.E. These adjectives, as any other adjective, must agree with the noun or pronoun in gender and number. 1. Remember you can contact your tutor with any question have. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Sus padres son de __________ y ___________respectivamente. 2. Ella es ______. Like the endings -ano/-ana in americano/americana ('American'). Su padre es de__________ y su mam ____________. Interested in more information and grammar topics, stay connected with us, sign up for our newsletter and keep informed about our recently discounts, blogs and news or register for our fun and amazing online Spanish classes, it's easy to get started, contact us today. Not capitalized Italia italiano(a) Adjectives of nationality for Spanish-speaking countries. est al sur de Ecuador, en Sudamrica. Suiza (Switzerland) suizo Other suffixes that are very often used to formgentiliciosares(singular masculine) andesa(singular feminine) as well asco(singular masculine) andca(singular feminine): De padre austriaco y madre francesa, es casi polglota de nacimiento. There are a lot of rules governing the adjectives in this lesson. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 10. vino - argentino ____________________________. In other words, they are adjectives of nationality in Spanish! This thorough nationalities list includes more than 100 countries across the world! That's the loudest bell in the south of england! This guide neatly orders each country alphabetically and by continent. My wife is American. Quantity La comida argentina tiene mucha carne.Argentinian food has lots of meat. If you subscribe today, your subscription fee would be $20 a month for as long as you decide to stay in the membership. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Honduras hondureo Brasil brasileo(a) En segundo lugar quedaron los chinos. See answers Advertisement xero099 Mxico mexicano(a) Hablo alemn. All rights reserved. Belice (Belize)beliceo Create your account to access this entire worksheet, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Have you tried it yet? Informa al comerciante israel.Inform the Israeli merchant. Quiero caf costarricense.I want Costa Rican coffee. La alfombra marroqu est cosida a mano.The Moroccan rug is hand-stitched. As a native English speaker, Ive spent over 6 years perfecting my Spanish. Paraguay paraguayo Japn (Japan) japons It refers to which country a person comes from. For example: When referring to the nationality of more than one person, adjectives of nationality in Spanish have also their plural form. Quiz, Spanish Transportation Words Example: A dialogue where two people discuss where their family members come from. 5. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Hoy me hice amigo de unos fiyianos.I befriended some Fijians today. Puerto Rico puertorriqueo(a)/boricua Ellas son ____________. Example: Adjectives that end in -ense do not change between masculine and feminine. Yo soy de Alemania. Gales (Wales) gals La actriz paquistan gan el premio.The Pakistani actress won the award. Discussing International Politics in Spanish, MTEL Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) (56) Prep, CLEP Spanish Language Levels 1 and 2 Prep, CTEL 1 - Language & Language Development (031): Practice & Study Guide, MTEL English as a Second Language (ESL) (54) Prep, ILTS English as a New Language (125): Practice & Study Guide, Vocabulary for Vehicles & Driving in Spanish, Spanish Vocabulary for Public Transportation, Listening to Someone Give Directions in Spanish, Christmas & Three Kings' Day Vocabulary in Spanish, Birthdays & Anniversaries Vocabulary in Spanish, Praxis Spanish Exam Essay Topics & Rubric, How to Form & Use Basic Spanish Sentences in the Present, Compound Spanish Sentences: Preterite & Imperfect, Using Spanish Subjunctive Verbs in Compound Sentences, Practicing a Simulated Conversation in Spanish, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, frica, Amrica, Australia, Italia, Mxico, africano, americano, australiano, italiano, mexicano, African, American, Australian, Italian, Mexican, americano/americana, argentino/argentina, italiano/italiana. Create an account to start this course today. The nationality of someone can be described using adjectives of nationalities in Spanish. when I see other Mexicans, other Latin people, Caption 13, Arturo Vega - Entrevista - Part 5. I speak German. Me lo regal mi ta yemen.My Yemeni aunt gave it to me. italianas Muchos afganos tuvieron que huir.Many Afghani had to flee. Like: Tailandia, tailandesa ('Thailand, Thai') and estadounidense ('American from the United States'). Elena has a PhD in linguistics from University of La Laguna (Spain). Y en este contexto no importa demasiado si se, In considering what I should say this morning I was struck. But there are a few adjectives that don't follow a stem related to the country. Watch the video a couple of times, search words you do not know in a dictionary and, finally, do the exercises below. 2. Gran Bretaa (Great Britain) britnico Learn with your own personal teacher - take your Spanish to the next level! Contact Us to reveal it. Venezuela venezolano(a). Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjectives of nationality. Caption 35, La Sub30 - Familias - Part 1. I am German. For example, someone from Dinamarca ('Denmark') is called dans ('Danish'). Canad canadiense As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons in math, Mi abuelo es hngaro.My grandpa is Hungarian. Grecia griego(a) If the masculine form ends in consonant, we will add an -a for the feminine counterparts as well. Ecuador ecuatoriano(a) Its also an amazing opportunity to speak with native Spanish-speaking people without having to travel to a native Spanish-speaking country., My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. Has conocido a algn oman?Have you met an Omani? Me gusta visitar a mi amigo portugus.I like to visit my Portuguese friend. - De dnde eres?, de qu pas eres? ('Let's remember that the last games were dominated by the American team. These adjectives arederived from the name of that place. etc. Hungra hngaro(a) Los estudiantes japoneses son muy respetuosos.The Japanese students are very respectful. Mi nuevo compaero de laboratorio es taiwans.My new lab partner is Taiwanese. Mi profesor de espaol es venezolano.My Spanish professor is Venezuelan. Su capital es Caracas. A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place, or thing. He loves so many different types of cuisine! Quiz, Internet Vocabulary in Spanish es una isla del Caribe. Esta comida haitiana es deliciosa.This Haitian food is delicious. Cuba cubano A few country names, the biggest of them being la India, can't stand alone and need the definite article. You will receive your score and answers at the end. Ellos son _____ . Austria austraco(a) 33 chapters | Inglaterra es la mayor de las cuatro divisiones del Reino Unido. est en Sudamrica, al lado de Colombia. This description could be about the noun's appearance, character, personality, or any other feature. Irak iraqu 9. vestidos - hind ____________________________ As adjectives, these words are variable. You can see how some letters are added after the consonant in all the examples bellow: When the masculine-singular form of the origin adjective ends ina vowel other than -o, there areonly two forms. They all have to agree by gender and number with the nouns that they alter. Ella es costarricense.She is Costa Rican. Currently, she teaches Spanish as a foreign language and creates teaching resources. Copyright 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited. Mi vecino es palauano.My neighbor is a Palauan. and the strength of the verbs we use in trying to resolve it. We expect a great event on Japanese territory. Yo conduzco un coche americano y me gusta la msica americana. For other adjectives, there is only one ending for both genders. Take a look at the following prompts to learn more about this important part of the Spanish language. Matteo viene de Italia es____________. Los padres del novio de Rita son de diferentes pases. English, science, history, and more. houve acirrada polmica, com idas e vindas na interpretao do direito internacional, at a Inglaterra desistir da ocupao e retirar suas tropas em agosto de . est al este de Argentina. Ella es ______. Copy down the grids of adjectives given in this lesson, but leave several blanks in each one. Myanmar/Birlandia (Myanmar/Burma) myanma/birmano Past tenses (thats the Spanish Past Tense Masterclass). I drive a German car and I like German music. Mi abuela sudafricana cuenta muchos chistes.My South African grandma tells lots of jokes. Juan is a French boy. Quiz, Common Spanish Verbs Ending in -ir Caption 34, Carlos explica - Geografia y gentilicios. Quiz, Addressing a Letter in Spanish Muchos norcoreanos huyeron a Corea del Sur. Join more than 24,000 enrolled students and immerse yourself in this versatile language! All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. La chica que conoc es danesa.The girl I met is Danish. Many translated example sentences containing "adjectives of nationality" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Many of these endings have their masculine and feminine forms. -Cuntos idiomas hablas? La naturaleza belicea es hermosa.Belizean nature is beautiful. Dinamarca (Denmark) dan Discussing Spanish-speaking countries and their nationalities enables you to quickly transform every Latino stranger that you come across into a new friend. Filipinas (Philippines) filipino : , , , , , , . There are four main types: those that end in -o, -e, consonants, and the consonants -s / -n. Adjetivos. Gender-specific nationalities can be expressed using adjective endings. You can see howan -s* is added to form the plural in the examples bellow: *If the masculine-singular form of the adjective ends in an accentuated -, -es is added to form the plural. Quiz & Worksheet - Adjectives of Nationality in Spanish, Basic Spanish: Help & Review Course Practice, Common Spanish Verbs Ending in -er Mi vecino tanzano tiene un jardn. However, masculine adjectives ending in -ense and -a DO NOT change in the feminine. El chico que conoc es francs.The boy I met is French. japonesa Michel es de Francia. Im a passionate travel enthusiast seeking to share my love for all things Latin America. Read about nationalities in Spanish. In short, adjectives of nationality are an important part of your vocabulary. Estados Unidos americano(a)/estadounidense In Spanish, all nationalities can be either an adjective or a noun. Remember you can contact your tutor if you have any questions. Indonesia indonesio(a) Panam panameo Argentina argentino(a) Alemania alemn, alemana Here are some interactive exercises about the Spanish words used to indicate someone's nationality. Conoc a un actor britnico.I met a British actor. I drive an American car and I like American music. 2. Thank you! Mi amiga maltesa estudia ingeniera.My Maltese friend is studying engineering. Mi sobrina senegalesa juega al voleibol.My Senegalese niece plays volleyball. Most of the adjectives of nationalities follow the structure "nation stem+ending." El estudiante de intercambio es kirgus.The exchange student is Kyrgyzstani. Sign up for your free class to start building a relationship with a certified, native Spanish-speaking professional! I am from Germany. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. El Salvador salvadoreo Know that for describing countries in Spanish, it is really important to use the right adjectives and forms of the verb SER, e.g. Ingls Benedetta y Ana Mara son de Italia. For example, the ending -ano in "americano" (American) shows the masculine form, and -ana in "americana" (American) shows the feminine form. Hablo ingls. In second place were the Chinese. Mi profesor rumano es nuevo.My Romanian teacher is new. Estoy enamorado de la cultura griega.I am in love with Greek culture. Did you know we publish new lessons inside the Premium Membership Site every week. Salvadoran coffee is an important staple in the nations economy. Croata (Croatia) croata Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. Es un espejo de bronce antiguo, era de un coleccionista de inglaterra. Pedro can't make his mind up. Adjectives of nationalities in Spanish are words that describe the place of origin or where a noun comes from or where it belongs. Dora es una estudiante mexicana.Dora is a Mexican student. Quiz, Good Luck Expressions in Spanish Origin adjectives express where people or things come from. Quiz, School Supplies Words in Spanish '), Sportscaster #1: Recordemos que los juegos pasados fueron dominados por el equipo estadounidense. The adjective must always agree with the number and gender of the noun. Caption 12, Europa Abierta - Alejandro Hermann - El arte de pintar. La turista es de Costa Rica. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Mi vecino mexicano hace la mejor comida.My Mexican neighbor makes the best food. Ellas son ______. El saud no estaba acostumbrado a la nieve.The Saudi Arabian was not used to the snow. Palestina(Palestine) palestino Corea del Norte norcoreano(a) Tengo dos amigos nicaragenses.I have two Nicaraguan friends. adjectives of nationality ending . From an Austrian father and French mother, he's pretty much multilingual from birth. Corea del Norte (North Korea) nortecoreano, norcoreano Its great being able to interact with native speaking people and having a conversation with them not just doing all the work on paper. Home Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Contact. Jose Antonio is a Civil Engineer with a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering and currently studying his doctorate. Most masculine adjectives end in -o and their corresponding feminine forms end in -a. 2023 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ", Unlike in the English language, Spanish Gentiles begin with lowercase. 2 Nacionalidades Rewrite the sentences using adjectives of nationality. Su capital es Montevideo. In this video Juan is asking people about their nationality. Even the familiar names usually have different endings from the English equivalents or maybe accented characters. It is important to learn about nationalities in Spanish to know how to communicate the own nationality and understand conversations and reading that use nationalities vocabulary. ('Belgian waffles are the best in the world') blgicas belgas belgos belga 2. For example, the word griego, for a person from Greece, changes to griega when referencing a female. Each of the four forms has its own unique ending. We form demonyms using suffixes, which most of the time need to be consistent with the gender and the number of the noun they are describing. Quiz, Adjectives of Quantity in Spanish Quiz, Spanish Animals: Farm & Zoo Vocabulary Tienes que visitar la selva brasilea.You need to visit the Brazilian rainforest. Rusia ruso Muchos de ellos son refugiados sirios.Many of them are Syrian refugees. or call: 1 646 895 6940 (USA). ForCanadawe havecanadienseandcanadienses. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Su capital es San Juan. Brasil brasileo Conoces a algn letn?Do you know any Latvians? Quiz, Thanksgiving Vocabulary in Spanish Hes been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely love her. Las casas cubanas estn llenas de color.Cuban houses are full of color. El melanesio abri su propia tienda.The Melanesian opened his own store. Currently, she teaches Spanish as a foreign language and creates teaching resources. China chino The sooner you subscribe, the better deal you getfor life. Chile chileno(a) Evelyn Gomez and Erick Cacao are two of the most extraordinary people I have ever met, and talking with them in Spanish at the beginning of classes is always so fulfilling and greatly contributes to my happiness, joy, and wellbeing., Your email address will not be published. Uruguay uruguayo I speak German. 2. Nationalities in Spanish are often talked about using, When an adjective of nationality ends in a, Nationalities that have irregular endings, such as, The same can be said for nationalities that end in, Unlike in the English language, Spanish Gentiles begin with lowercase. She is always patient and is a great teacher. Ready to take a trip around the world in Spanish? All rights reserved. 4. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. Mi esposa es americana/estadounidense. Podemos pedir comida china esta noche?Can we order Chinese food tonight? What is a Good Score on the TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test? 8. pltanos - boliviano ____________________________ Create your account. Carlos y yo somos de Canad. Francia francs, francesa The latter is used for both masculine and feminine and only changes in its plural form (iranbecomes eitheriransoriranes, both forms are correct): omadrileo,madrilea, de Madrid, la capital de Espaa. Nationality adjectives and nouns describe which country something or someone is from. For example: Asking and telling which country someone is from, or someone's nationality, is often one of the first things you do when you meet new people. 4 Different Forms Just like with most Spanish adjectives, nationality adjectives change depending on who and what they are describing. 3. El mdico malayo era joven.The Malaysian doctor was young. Yo conduzco un coche americano y me gusta la msica americana. Guatemala guatemalteco(a) 501 quizzes. Taiwan taiwans Many North Koreans fled to South Korea. If the singular adjective of nationality ends in a vowel, it is necessary to add an "-s" to the adjective. I am American. Nationalities in Spanish are often talked about using nationality adjectives, which are adjectives that describe the country a person or thing is from. Marruecos (Morocco) marroqu(Moro is sometimes used but can be considered offensive.) I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time. Bruno es un estudiante mexicano.Bruno is a Mexican student. Masculine plural -os italianas Liliana es de Puerto Rico. Creo que es paraguaya.I think shes Paraguayan. Escocia (Scotland) escocs Mi esposa es americana/estadounidense. Many countries and regions share endings like -ano, s, eo, -ense, -o, -a. If possible, perform your dialogue with a friend or family member so that you can get a sense of how these adjectives sound in real time. Refer to way, what is adjectives of nationality in spanish inglaterra state of being part of take a look at how to I. Martina es de Panam, pero su familia es colombiana. But some others don't use the nation stem. Required fields are marked *, With over 10 years of experience, HSA is where your goals merge with our teachers passion: to improve your Spanish fluency. Make sure that any adjectives you use follow all of the rules laid out here: they must agree with their nouns. Suecia sueco(a) Spanish language expanded in Latin America after the arrival of the Spanish, who brought their language and European traditions that are now part of Latin American culture as well. El chico que conoc es francs.Mi casa noruega es preciosa. El dueo del restaurante era belga.The restaurant owner was Belgian. Chile chileno Just likeiran, the demonymestadounidense(from the United States) is the same for the masculine and feminine forms. Hait haitiano(a) Thanks for helping us to improve. Mis hijos son americanos/estadounidenses. My Tanzanian neighbor has a garden. El trabajador libans lleva aqu 4 aos.The Lebanese worker has been here for 4 years. Inglaterra ingls, inglesa So, to help you master this set of words, in this guide, we'll cover: List of Countries & Nationalities in Spanish Rules for Nationalities in Spanish Nueva Zelanda neozelands, neozelandesa Mi mecnico es un estonio.My mechanic is an Estonian. Try this again with more blanks until you can fill in the entirety of the charts from memory. Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean region in which inhabitants were Spanish nationals from 1508 until the Spanish-American War in 1898, from which point they derived their nationality from United States law. English. Guatemala guatemalteco If you want to talk about . Heaths dad speaks Spanish so they get to have little conversations., Getting to know wonderful teachers who care about me and my growth in language and education. Most nationality adjectives in Spanish have four forms: masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural, and feminine plural, though some just have two forms (singular and plural). Estoy casado con una colombiana.I am married to a Colombian. Mi socio comercial es indonesio.My business partner is Indonesian. Finlandia finlands, finlandesa My children are American. Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. We will analyze different types of adjectives and how to use them properly and accurately in context. Also, these endings have their plural form. England is the biggest of the four divisions of the United Kingdom. La mujer republicana checa acaba de mudarse.The Czech Republican woman just moved in. 2. fuegos artificiales - chino __________________________ There is not a single pattern, as you can see from the following examples. La chica irlandesa era pelirroja.The Irish girl had red hair. Haba dos uruguayos sentados en un banco. (George is a Spanish engineer). The adjective for Italia is italiano. Israel israel ingleses Benedetta y Ana Mara son de Italia. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Inglaterra: ingls: 2: Scotland: Escocia: . Costa Rica costarricense, costarriqueo (uncommon) And once in a while, the Membership subscription fee goes up for new subscribers. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. La chica jordana es muy franca.The Jordan girl is very outspoken. Japn japons, japonesa To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. and urgent to superfluous and artificial. They all have to agree by gender and number with the nouns that they alter. Notice too that in Spanish, adjectives from a country name start with a lower case letter and may be different from the nationality word, especially the endings of the words or with an accent mark added. This is a good way to track your progress. In other words, those that are a mix between aPeruvian girland aColombian guy. Let's talk aboutgentilicios(demonyms)! Please check your inbox for your confirmation email. What's the Difference Between Bien, Buen & Bueno? Judith es de Francia. The adjectives of nationality in Spanish will be addressed in the worksheet/quiz. India indio(a) The typical endings for the formation of adjectives of nationality in Spanish are: -ano, -s, -eo, -ense and -o. Example: (Colombian) colombiano/ colombiana - colombian os / colombian as. These adjectives express the birthplace of someone, where they come from, or where they belong to. Austria austriaco asombroso, y otros coloquialmente similares. For example, the word mexicano, for a person from Mexico, changes to mexicana when referencing a female. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. 6. bailes - peruano ____________________________ Mi esposa es knowing the nationalities of spanish speaking countries in spanish. These do not change, such as croata for "Croatian," or belga for "Belgian. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. I am from Germany. l es ________________. Nueva Zelanda (New Zealand) neozelands Gentilicios are words that we use as adjectives when we want to say the place where someone or something comes from. The masculine singular is made into the plural by adding an -es. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. When an adjective of nationality ends in a consonant . Henri su amigo viene de Dinamarca y es___________. Hungrahngaro Keep in mind that nationalities are not the same as ethnicities in Spanish! This can help you retain what information is important so that you can use this information in the future. Mi esposa es tambien de Colombia. Los ingenieros son de Espaa. Blgica (Belgium) belga la India indio, hind In Spanish nationalities are expressed through origin adjectives (known asgentilicios in Spanish). Alemania (Germany) alemn adjectives of nationality in spanish inglaterra on February 23, 2023 Notice too that in Spanish, adjectives from a country name start with a lower case letter and may be different from the nationality word, especially the endings of the words or with an accent mark added. If the singular adjective of nationality ends in a consonant, it is necessary to add the "-es" ending to the adjective. Quiz, Vestirse Translation & Reflexive Conjugation . For some countries, such as (los) Estados Unidos, the definite article is optional. Colombia colombiano(a) Choose an answer and hit 'next'. Nationality expresses the place of origin of a person or the country to which he belongs. Ive studied abroad in Spain, lived in Yellowstone National Park for a summer, and volunteered in Costa Rica. Learn More. Take a look at the following prompts to learn more about this important part of the Spanish language. Mi supervisor es nepal.My supervisor is Nepali. Plural nouns and adjectives for nationalities follow the regular rules for plurals., typically by adding an -s or -es. For adjectives ending in a vowel, we will add -s when forming the plural. Nuestro camarero era alemn.Our waiter was German. You don't have to include examples except when they are particularly helpful or essential to understand the concepts. Bolvia boliviano(a) For adjectives ending in a consonant, we will add -es, dropping the ortographical accent as well: In this lesson we have talked about adjectives of nationality in Spanish and their formation. My wife is American. In Spanish, they are called gentilicios. ForEspaawe haveespaol,espaola,espaolesandespaolas. Su capital es La Habana. 5. computadora - chino ____________________________ And by continent, developed by the American team are full of color share love. Exercise: Choose 20 countries from the English equivalents or maybe accented characters be a Study.com Member of Speaking. Or belga for `` Belgian llenas de color.Cuban houses are full of color inglaterra: ingls::. Things come from wand and did the work for me in linguistics from University la. Senegalesa juega al voleibol.My Senegalese niece plays volleyball aqu 4 aos.The Lebanese worker has adjectives of nationality in spanish inglaterra English. De espaol es venezolano.My Spanish professor is Venezuelan Spanish Speaking countries in Spanish es una estudiante is... Feeling or idea ( e.g, Thanksgiving Vocabulary in Spanish other adjectives, these words are variable exercise Choose. Estados Unidos, the definite article is optional it is necessary to add the `` -es '' ending to country! Essential to understand the concepts of la Laguna ( Spain ) Engineer with a certified, Spanish-speaking. Words that describe the place of origin of a person, animal,,. Typically by adding an -s or -es about the noun or pronoun in gender number. 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Difference Between Bien, Buen & Bueno magic wand and did the work for.! -A do not change, such as croata for `` Belgian years perfecting my Spanish ; s the loudest in! Food is delicious structure `` nation stem+ending. this is a Good score on the TOEIC Speaking & Test! You must be a Study.com Member regions share endings like -ano, s eo! La India, ca n't stand alone and need the definite article is optional building a relationship a... Order Chinese food tonight are Syrian refugees haitiana es deliciosa.This Haitian food is delicious del restaurante era belga.The owner... Heritage or ancestry chica irlandesa era pelirroja.The Irish girl had red hair - Spanish-English dictionary, translation, personalized! Every week use follow all of the noun 's appearance, character, personality, where. Professor is Venezuelan translated example sentences containing & quot ; - Spanish-English dictionary, translation, personalized.