Citation : sub-licensed. city; however, employees of a branch campus or facility in another city are not considered to be In this 1993 article, Morgan was discussing the problems of mixing mortar ingredients from dry measure and the differences in volumes between the dry and wet product. Citation :, Soil void ratio, (as of November 16, 2013). Verification will take place upon no less than 15 days notice, during normal The theoretical void ratio of sand is taken as _____ a) 0.87 b) 0.91 c) 1.01 d) 1.03 View Answer. The porosity n can subsequently be estimated with the following relationship: The method is summarised in three steps in Figure 1. Ground water table is located at the interface of the sand and clay. University of the West of England: Soil Description and Classification, Permafrost: Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Permafrost; Marcia Phillips; 2003. It is directly affacted by compaction. Porosity and Void Ratio Water Content and Saturation Ratio. password and for ensuring the authorized access and use of The ASTM Document. The effective stress at the bottom of the . York, 1996. Relative density is an index that quantifies the state of compactness between the loosest and densest possible state of coarse-grained soils. Ranges of void ratio e (Braja M. DAS: Principles of Foundation Engineering) Soil. Characteristics of the maximum and minimum void ratios of sands and their possible use for material characterization have been investigated in this study. the loss, theft or unauthorized disclosure of your password or any unauthorized access to or use The tests were conducted on surface footing, footing with confiner and footing with confiner and horizontal reinforcement . Subscriber is the person or entity which has subscribed to This equates to a lime putty-to-sand ratio of 3-to-1. The maximum void ratio, on the other hand, systematically increased from 0.98 to 1.23 as the sand size increased from CS-4 (0.25-0.50) to CS-1 (2-5 mm); however, the maximum void ratio of the . You agree to permit access to your information and computer systems Figures 5, 6 and 7 present the estimated void ratio, dry unit weight and porosity, respectively. Terzaghi, K., Peck, R., and Mesri, G., Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. The clay has a water content of 42% and specific gravity of 2.64. IMPORTANT-READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING THIS DOCUMENT. CPT is also a well-established test for evaluating the liquefaction potential (Robertson, 2015). Loose density sand with angular particles. Drained: v = 0.1 ~ 0.3 . : 7 Types of Rubble Masonry, Concrete Batching Plant : Objective, Types, Applications, Advantages & Disadvanatges, Home Remodeling Massachusetts: A Guide For First-Timers, A Complete Guide To Wastewater Treatment In Construction Sites. Foundation analysis and design, 5th Edition. For any inorganic soil, the relationship between dry unit weight d (kN/m3), the water content and its bulk unit weight (kN/m3) is defined by equation (5): By combining equations (3), (4) and (5), the following relationship is determined: In equation (6), the only unknown is the water content w. In essence, equation (6) requires that the left hand side, which expresses the full saturation of the soil, must be in equilibrium with the right hand side, which expresses the water content-bulk unit weight relationship when Gs is known. your use of ASTM Documents. Upon the whole it seemed that water, by poising the grains, facilitates their sliding on each other to fit well and fill the spaces.. {\displaystyle n} 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA, Up to $50.00, $50.01 to $100.00, $100.01 to $150.00, $150.01 to $250.00, $250.01 to $500.00, $500.01 to $750.00, $750.01 to $1000.00, $1000.01 to $1500.00, $1500.01 to $2500.00, $2500.01 to $4999.00, $5000.00 to $higher. Density of soil may be calculated by core cutter test, sand replacement test, rubber balloon test, water displacement method and gamma ray method. 0.45. Relation Between Void Ratio and Dry Unit Weight, b. For example, an employee of the Subscriber may be considered to be an Example 1. different site. e For determining w and e, another relationship needs to be developed in conjunction with equation (3). the ASTM Document. IMPORTANT-READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING THIS DOCUMENT. Santamarina, J. Carlos, Katherine A. Klein, & Moheb A. Fam. Undrained: v = 0.5 . For the specimens with different particle size distributions, x in f ( e ) of the G max model is generally an average value derived from the correlation between G . The void ratio of sand varies according to its composition and density. quote, order, acknowledgment, or other communication between the parties relating to its subject The relative density of a soil is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the difference between the maximum index void ratio and the field void ratio of a [] measures necessary to ensure that the Subscriber's IP addresses are not used to Minimum densities (maximum void ratios) were determined by the standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) minimum density test method (Test for Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils (D 2049-69)), except that smaller molds were used. Even more interesting is the difference in pore space based on the volume of water required to wet each sand. The qc (Figure 2) and SBTn (Figure 3) plots have been included to provide the reader with an understanding of the raw CPT results and soil behaviour type interpretations, which indicate that the soil predominantly consists of sands and silty sands below 4m depth. s r.o., All rights reserved |, Void Ratio | Characteristics of Settlement Analyses | GEO5 | Online Help, Overconsolidation Index of Secondary Compression, Copying and Pasting Soils and Rigid Bodies, Modification of Template During Data Input, (3) Parameters for Input File Splitting into Columns, Analysis According to the Safety Factor (ASD), Analysis According to the Theory of Limit States (LSD), Analysis of Foundations (Spread Footing, Piles), LRFD - Analysis of Retaining Walls (Support Structures), Restrictions on the Optimization Procedure, Terrain - Plane and Polygonal Slip Surface, Surcharge - Plane and Polygonal Slip Surface, Anchors - Plane and Polygonal Slip Surface, Vertical Bearing Capacity - Analytical Solution, Vertical Bearing Capacity - Spring Method, Settlement - Linear Load-Settlement Curve (Poulos), Settlement - Non-Linear Load-Settlement Curve (Masopust), Horizontal Bearing Capacity - Elastic Subsoil (p-y Method), Horizontal Bearing Capacity - Brom's Method, Settlement - Cohesionless Soil (Load-Settlement Curve), Calculation of Winkler-Pasternak Constants from Deformation Parameters of Soils, Calculation of Winkler-Pasternak Parameters C1 and C2 from Geological Profile, Definition of Construction Site using the GPS, Data Transfer from the "Point Cloud" program, Relation between Field Test, Soil Profile and Borehole, Creation of Soil Profile using Classification of Soils, Creation of Soil Profile from an SPT, DPT or PMT, Creation of Geological Section from the Geological Model, Geological Model with Layers Following the Terrain, Modification of the Final 3D Model Using Boreholes, Copying data from the Stratigraphy program to other GEO5 programs, Principle of Numerical Solution of Consolidation, Numerical Implementation of MCC and GCC Models, Boundary Conditions in Dynamic Analysis of Earthquake, Material Parameters in Earthquake Analysis, Loss of Convergence of Nonlinear Analysis, Eigenvalue analysis - calculation of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, Setting Basic Parameters of Slope Stability Analysis, Setting Driving Parameters of Relaxation of Reduction Factor, Increment of Earth Pressure due to Surcharge, Increment of Earth Pressure under Footing, Active Earth Pressure - The Mazindrani Theory (Rankine), Active Earth Pressure - The Coulomb Theory, Active Earth Pressure - The Mller-Breslau Theory, Active Earth Pressure - The Caquot Theory, Passive Earth Pressure - The Rankine and Mazindrani Theory, Passive Earth Pressure - The Coulomb Theory, Passive Earth Pressure - The Caquot - Krisel Theory, Reduction Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure, Passive Earth Pressure - The Mller - Breslau Theory, Passive Earth Pressure - The Sokolovski Theory, Passive Earth Pressure - SP 22.13330.2016, Earth Pressure at Rest for an Inclined Ground Surface or Inclined Back of the Structure, Distribution of Earth Pressures in case of Broken Terrain, Without Ground Water, Water is not Considered, Hydrostatic Pressure, Ground Water behind the Structure, Hydrostatic Pressure, Ground Water behind and in front of the Structure, Surface Surcharge - Active Earth Pressure, Trapezoidal Surcharge - Active Earth Pressure, Concentrated Surcharge - Active Earth Pressure, Increment of earth pressure due to horizontal surcharge, Surface Surcharge - Earth Pressure at Rest, Trapezoidal Surcharge - Earth Pressure at Rest, Concentrated Surcharge - Earth Pressure at Rest, Surface Surcharge - Passive Earth Pressure, Forces from Earth Pressure at Rest Acting on the Rigid Structure, Influence of Earthquake according to Chinese Standards, Influence of Earthquake according to JTJ 004-89, Influence of Earthquake according to JTS 146-2012, Influence of Earthquake according to SL 203-97, Seismic Fortification Intensity according to Chinese Standards, Water Influence according to Chinese Standards, Importance Coefficient for Seismic Design Ci, Adjusting Coefficient for Seismic Bearing Capacity a, Influence of Friction between Soil and back of the Structure, Table of Ultimate Friction Factors for Dissimilar Materials, Evaluation of Forces in the Footing Bottom, Internal Stability of a Gabion Wall - Safety Factor, Internal stability of a Gabion Wall - Limit States, Analysis of Bearing Capacity of the Nails, Automatic Calculation of the Coefficient of Pressure Reduction Below Ditch Bottom, Analysis of Anchored Wall Simply Supported at Heel, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Schmitt, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Chadeisson, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to CUR 166, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction Determined from Iteration, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Menard, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to NF P 94-282, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction Specified by Dilatometric Test (DMT), Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Chinese standards, Verification of Ditch Bottom according to Chinese Standards, Upheavel Check according to Chinese Standard, Heave Check according to Chinese Standard, Piping Check according to Chinese Standard, Terrain Settlement behind the Shoring Structure, Determination of Forces Acting on an Anti-Slide Pile, Distribution of Pressures Above the Slip Surface, Calculation of passive force in subsequent stage, Calculation of Internal Forces on a Shaft (Dimensioning), Earthquake Analysis According to GB 50111-2006, Earthquake Analysis According to NB 35047-2015, Earthquake Analysis According to GB 50330-2013, Earthquake Analysis According to JTG B02-2013, Analysis According to the Theory of Limit States / Safety Factor, ITF Method (Imbalance Thrust Force Method), Changing the Inclination of Dividing Planes, Influence of Water Acting on Slip Surface, Own Water Force Acting Only on Slip Surface, Verification According to the Factor of Safety, Verification According to the Theory of Limit States, Extensible Reinforcements - Active Earth Pressure, Inextensible Reinforcements - Combination of Earth Pressures, Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Bedrock, Analysis According to EC 7-1 (EN 1997-1:2003), Parameters to Compute Foundation Bearing Capacity, Horizontal Bearing Capacity of Foundation, Determination of Cross-Sectional Internal Forces, Verification According to the Safety Factors, Coefficient of Increase of Limit Skin Friction, Correction Factor for Soil Poisson's Ratio Rv, Correction Factor for Stiffness of Bearing Stratum Rb, Base-Load Proportion for Incompressible Pile BETAo, Correction Factor for Pile Compressibility Ck, Correction Factor for Poisson's Ratio of Soil Cv, Correction Factor for Stiffness of Bearing Stratum Cb, Correction Factor for Pile Compressibility Rk, Correction Factor for Finite Depth of Layer on a Rigid Base Rh, Constant Distribution of Modulus of Subsoil Reaction, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to CSN 73 1004, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Matlock and Reese, Modulus of Subsoil Reaction According to Vesic, Pile Horizontal Bearing Capacity - Broms Method, Determination of Equivalent Average Cone Tip Resistance, Determination of Average Cone Tip Resistance, Coefficient of Influence of Pile Widened Base BETA, Coefficient of Reduction of a Pile Base Bearing Capacity ALFA p, Correlation Coefficients for Evaluating of Bearing Capacity of Piles from CPTs, Verification According to the Safety Factor, Cohesionless Soil (Analysis for Drained Conditions), Cohesive Soil (Analysis for Undrained Conditions), Analysis According to the Theory of Limit States, Calculation of Stiffness of Vertical Springs, Bearing Capacity of Cross Section Loaded by Normal Force, Bearing Capacity of Cross Section Loaded by Combination of Bending Moment and Normal Force, Constant A Reflecting the Type of Support in the Micropile Head, Modulus of Horizontal Reaction of Subsoil, Calculation of the Modulus of Horizontal Reaction of Subsoil Er, Values of the Modulus of Subsoil Reaction Ep, Bearing Capacity of the Micropile Root Section, Coefficients of Type of Application of Micropile, Skin Friction and Bearing Capacity of the Micropile Root in Rock, Skin Friction of the Micropile Root - Graphs, Classification of Soils According to Robertson, Coefficient of Penetrometer (Net Area Ratio), Overall Settlement and Rotation of Foundation, Influence of Foundation Depth and Incompressible Subsoil, Analysis According to NEN (Buismann, Ladd), Analysis for Overconsolidated Sands and Silts, Analysis for Overconsolidated Cohesive Soils, Settlement Analysis Using DMT (Constrained Soil Modulus), Determination of the Influence Zone Depth, Method of Restriction of the Primary Stress Magnitude, Recommended Values of Parameters for Volume Loss Analysis, Coefficient of Calculation of Inflection Point, Subsidence Trough with Several Excavations, Verification of Rectangular Cross Section Made of Plain Concrete, Verification of Rectangular RC Cross Section, Verification of Circular RC Cross Section, Verification of Spread Footing for Punching Shear, Design of Longitudinal Reinforcement for Slabs, Verification of Rectangular Cross Sections Made of Plain Concrete, Concrete Cross Section with Steel Profile Verification. when void ratio is relatively small (dense soils), indicates that the volume of the soil is vulnerable to increase under loading - particles dilate. a.) Best practice suggests the CPT is to be used in combination with laboratory testing, when the budget and timeframes allow for such testing to be undertaken. Prediction of the soil behaviour is achieved by means of the normalised Soil Behaviour Type (SBTn) (Robertson, 2015) for soils ranging from clays and silts to sands and gravels. NZGS International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, It is only applicable for inorganic soils: clays, silts, sands, gravels and their mixtures, for which the G, It is only applicable for saturated soils below groundwater level, or in other words when the saturation degree S, This paper applies the proposed method to a sandy site due to the relatively high level of confidence in the assumed G. The site was known to have a relatively shallow groundwater table; The testing was undertaken on a sandy site in Christchurch, New Zealand; The CPT was undertaken in close proximity to a borehole, where soil samples have been taken to the laboratory to evaluate the water content; The number of soil samples taken at the site was adequate to compare the proposed CPT method and the laboratory testing and to draw some conclusions on the applicability of the method. Find out, Published: Another thing this experiment clarified for me is why my calculations over the years for the amount of stucco needed for a given area often falls short. ASTM has the right to verify compliance with this License A sample of dry . Hough, B., Basic soil engineering. In a loose soil particles can move quite easily, whereas in a dense one finer particles cannot pass through the voids, which leads to clogging. representations and warranties and prevails over any conflicting or additional terms of any Figure 1: Summary of proposed methodology for sands estimating w, e, d and n. The proposed method is simple and can be implemented for projects where there is a relatively shallow water table and the Gs values can be reliably assumed (or determined), particularly when laboratory tests are not included in the scope of the site investigations due to cost constraints. Comments and conclusions are made on the usefulness and applicability of the proposed methodology along with recommendations for future applications. Including the influence of the brittleness index (IB), which was a significant indicator to studying the sucseptibility to liquefaction of the sand-clay . downloading The first time I heard about a change in volume in wet versus dry sand was when Morgan Phillips asked me to read an article he was preparing titled A Source of Confusion About Mortar Formulas. Abstract This study presents the behavior of vertically confined square footing on geogrid-reinforced sand under centric inclined loading through a series of experimental tests. First we need to find the void ratio because e is needed to find the answers. Hooper, ASTM International, at or phone: 610-832-9634). The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. of clay particles = 2.70 A structure to be built on this soil will increasethe soil pressure by 100 KPa.Calculate the compression of the layer of claycaused by this . Other cone sizes and geometries are also available for pushing through dense gravels and deep soils. Obrzud R. & Truty, A.THE HARDENING SOIL MODEL - A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Z Soil.PC 100701 report, revised 31.01.2012. Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 USA. Thus, a soil profile to the final testing depth can be inferred, accompanied by the corresponding unit weight. It is a dimensionless quantity in materials science, and is closely related to porosity as follows: = = = and = = + = + where is void ratio, is porosity, V V is the volume of void-space (such as fluids), V S is the volume of solids, and V T is the total or bulk volume. 5. The test is applicable for freely draining cohesionless soils only. No modification of this Agreement will be binding, Experiments and Observations Made with the View of Improving the Art of Composing and Applying Calcareous Cements, A Source of Confusion About Mortar Formulas, In order to prevent errors, more specificity is needed for proportioning and mixing mortars, My Covid Vacation Part 2: Biofilms and Masonry Repair, What is that black stuff growing on our buildings? You may terminate this Agreement at any time by this License Agreement, that you understand it and that you agree to be bound by its Then I tamped both beakers several times against the bench top. Therefore, void ratio can be plotted against matric suction by combining the SSCC of the NaCl-free specimen with its WRC. 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 1 views. 0.8. The void ratio may be defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of the solid. The void ratio and dry unit weight can then be derived from equations (3) and (5), respectively. Six graphs have been presented: A summary of borehole and laboratory testing results are presented in Tables 2 and 3. stirred as would occur in mortar mixing). also agree to waive any claim of immunity you may possess. In no event will ASTMs liability exceed the amount paid by you under this License Void ratio of a soil sample is defined as the ratio of the space occupied by the voids i.e. e. Relationship Between Permeability and Void Ratio The coefficient of permeability is different from the void ratio as e/sup >/(1+e).. For a given soil mass, if the void ratio is more then the value of the coefficient of permeability is higher. Numericals to Calculate Moisture content void ratio Q) A clay sample containing its natural moisture content weighs 0.33 N. The specific gravity of the solid of this soil is 2.70. after oven drying the soil sample weighs 0. Void ratio has traditionally been used as a state variable for predicting the liquefaction behaviour of soils under the critical state soil mechanics framework. Maximum and minimum density tests, conducted on a variety of clean sands, show that the minimum and maximum void-ratio limits are controlled primarily by particle shape, particle size range, and variances in the gradational-curve shape, and that the effect of particle size is negligible. Strictly speaking, some tests measure the "accessible void", the total amount of void space accessible from the surface (cf. The equilibrium void ratio is computed using a 24-hour reading to obtain the void ratio vs. pressure relationship. - CONTACT: Typical values of soil void ratio for different soils, Well graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines, Poorly graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines, Well graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines, Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines, Inorganic silts, silty or clayey fine sands, with slight plasticity, Inorganic clays, silty clays, sandy clays of low plasticity, Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity, Swiss Standard SN 670 010b, Characteristic Coefficients of soils, Association of Swiss Road and Traffic Engineers. computer for purposes of viewing, and/or printing one copy of the ASTM document Engineering and soil mechanics professionals use the term void ratio, e, when describing the amount of void space in a soil or rock. Estimates for several natural and commercially graded sands agree well with minimum and maximum void ratios measured in the laboratory. Integration. For the example used here, it took 34 ml of alcohol (200-proof ethanol) to fully wet 100 ml of dry sand. This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the We can't directly calculate the degree of saturation or the air void ratio. A soil sample having a weight of 0.7 kg and a volume of 3.5 10-4m. To do so, Well, maybe not so fast. Wiley, New York, 1996. supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, Dense uniform sand: 0.45: 16: 18.0: Loose angular-grained silty sand: 0.65: 25: 16.0: Dense angular-grained silty sand: 0.40: 15: 19.0: 4 APPLICATION FOR A CHRISTCHURCH SITE WITH SANDY SOILS. Has a typo in the past just been repeated and magnified? the Authorized Site, and persons with legal access to the library's collections and facilities (b) Vv=V-Vs = 0.00035-0.000231 = 0.000119 m, (d) Void ratio (e)= Vv / Vs = 0.000119 / 0.000231 = 0.515, (e) Porosity (n)= Vv / V = 0.000119 / 0.00035 = 0.34, (f) Degree of Saturation (Sr) = Vw / Vv = 0.0001/0.000119 = 0.84 = 84 %. Domestic orders are delivered via United Parcel Service (UPS) or United States Postal Service (USPS). The theoretical background, limitations and advantages of the proposed methodology are discussed in the next paragraphs. Can you edit this page? The posoity and the void ratio are inter-related as follows: e = n /(1-n) and n = e / (1+e) The value of void ratio depends on the consistence and packing of the soil. Back in the 90s I opted to switch to alcohol for measuring the void space in aggregates and have always stuck to that procedure when determining lime-to-sand ratios. Das, B., Advanced Soil Mechanics. Data of over 300 natural sandy soils including clean sands, sands with fines and sands containing small amount of clay-size particles have been used to examine the influence of fines, grain . Typical Values of Poisson's Ratio. matter during the term of this Agreement. The CPT is a well-established strain-controlled undrained failure test that is typically performed by pushing a 35.7 mm diameter penetrometer, with a conical tip and an apex angle of 60, vertically into the ground at a penetration rate of approximately 20 mm/s. Table 1: Typical water content, void ratio and dry unit weight values for some cohesionless soils. read Because of this, the equation is usually rewritten using There was a full 25% reduction in volume when water was added and stirred. It seems to me we should be basing our lime to aggregate ratio on a well packed sand that represents the relationship of the particles in a cementitious environment (e.g. The degree of saturation is normally expressed in a percentage. Soil void ratio (e) is the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids: Where V_v is the volume of the voids (empty or filled with fluid), and V_s is the volume of solids. 25, while gravel with silt can have a void ratio of 0. Document. More example calculations. is porosity, VV is the volume of void-space (such as fluids), VS is the volume of solids, and VT is the total or bulk volume. The methodology involves published work on estimating unit weight from CPT by Robertson (2010), combined with concepts of fundamental soil mechanics. = (G x w) / (1+e) If void ratio (e) is replaced by . This is not a sale; all right, title and interest in the ASTM Document (in both electronic file Dense sands, with lower initial void ratio during shear, give a higher friction angle from peak stress compared to the friction angle of loose sands of higher initial void ratio. Based on fundamental principles of soil mechanics and the well-established published correlation for estimating bulk unit weight from CPT by Robertson (2010), and for saturated conditions with an appropriate Gs value, it is possible to estimate versus depth the: The proposed methodology can only be applied to inorganic and saturated soils. Typical values (Das, 2004) for water content, void ratio and dry unit weight for some cohesionless soils are presented in Table 1. This paper presents an alternative method for estimating water content, void ratio, dry unit weight and porosity based on the well-established correlation by Robertson (2010). of The ASTM Document. downloading The un-stirred sand decreased in volume from 200 ml to about 185ml while the stirred sand decreased to 175ml. These values should be used only as guidline for geotechnical problems; however, specific conition of each engineering problem often needs to be considered for an appropriate choice of geotechnical parameters. All rights reserved. Using the intergranular void ratio (e g), the equivalent void ratio (e*) and the equivalent relative density to be identified and analyzed the mechanical behaviour of the sand-clay mixtures. 3 Example Example Example. Table 3.5 shows the average values from the tests performed by the different groups (Kutter et al. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning, U.S.A. Robertson, P. K. and Cabal, K.L. Top 10' of sand was dry with e = 0.6, Gs = 2.65. Algebraically, e = Vv /Vs, where e represents the void ratio, Vv represents the volume of voids and Vs represent the volume of solid grains. Transit Hence, the equivalent granular void ratio may be a more appropriate state variable to quantify the void-ratio-dependent behavior of sand-fines mixtures.
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