August 2019. After a regular study duration of six semesters you graduate with the degree Bachelor of Science (BSc). Bachelor's Programme, Full-time, Graz Read more. For his patented security system, investors offered 75,000 euros on "2 Minuten 2 Millionen". This degree qualifies you for entry to a master's degree programme to study your subject in greater depth. Students of the faculty (GEWI, SOWI, REWI, etc.) Tip: Use Ctrl + and Crtl - to change the font size. Nevertheless, there is room for specializations by choosing subject foci and deepening interests in elective modules. The bachelorâs programme Physics is offered as a NAWI Graz cooperation programme between the University of Graz and Graz University of Technology. Bachelor's Degree This programme focuses on the language, literature and culture of the English-speaking world (especially the Anglo-American area). School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Go to additional information (Accesskey 5), Go to page settings (user/language) (Accesskey 8). The Bachelor program in Economics (3 years, 180 ECTS) is taught in German and English (you need both languages). Begin of page section: Finance (VU) will improve your ability to apply quantitative methods to solve investment and financing problems. A bachelor's degree is the first stage of your university education. In the case of graduate applications, academic advisors at Uni Graz assess the bachelor degree and current enrollment to determine whether graduate enrollment in ⦠Its most outstanding characteristic is the obligation to combine two school subjects with each other or with a special pedagogical subject. If you have any questions regarding the Bachelorâs Program, please contact Ms. Angelika Neubauer at the Student Services Center of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences in the RESOWI Center. Contact: Here's his report. Additional information: Die Corona-Ampel der Universität Graz steht aktuell auf Rot. Please see this website for further information. Bachelor and Master students: your home university needs to decide whether or not you need a supervisor at Graz University. In addition, the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz is involved in various Master's Programmes.Please find an overview here.. Universität Graz University of Graz Institute of German Studies. as attorneys or as a notary or in the the judiciary, public managment or international organisations. Topics for bachelor's thesis in Astrophysics and Climate Physics; Topics for bachelor's thesis in Experimental Physics Bachelor in Business Administration In untenstehender Aufzählung finden Sie die Syllabi zu den vom Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen des Bachelorstudiums Betriebswirtschaft. Begin of page section: Bachelor. ingrid.pfandl-buchegger(at) : Tockner, Gudrun, Mag.phil. The range of courses is broad, interdisciplinary and cross-academic. Studies in Physics. Einige Studien an der Uni Graz wurden in UNIGRAZonline auf eine neue Programmversion der Studienverwaltung umgestellt. How does the admission guide work? A bachelor's degree, Teacher training degree or diploma degree does not automatically entitle its holder to register for a master's programme at the University of Graz. A bachelor's degree is the first stage of your university education. Dates and deadlines for the academic year 2020/21 for the Bachelor´s programmes Business Administration, Economics, Biology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Psychology, Education, Transcultural Communication, Environmental System Sciences (Business Administration, Economics and Geography) and the Law diploma programme as well as the Masterâs programmes ⦠You will get trained in applying various mathematical and statistical concepts in the context of return calculations, the valuation of fixed income claims, or in the risk analysis of portfolios. TU Graz, Med Uni Graz und Uni Graz arbeiten an einem Informationssystem, das medizinische Inhalte zielgerichtet auf Personen zuschneidet. Studying in Graz: Choosing and starting your studies, and tips. Module F (Practice Dialogue) is the successful completion of the Business Administration undergraduate and the To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. August 2019. The Bachelor's degree at the Department of Corporate Leadership and Entrepreneurship offers courses in the modules F (Practice Dialogue) and G (SBWL). created by Joachim Hirtenfellner. For his patented security system, investors offered 75,000 euros on "2 Minuten 2 Millionen". TU Graz offers a wide range of degree programmes in technical and scientific subjects. They can also be taken as elective courses according to the curricula of other studies. Monday, 21 December 2020. Bachelor Molekularbiologie: 260 (Uni Graz) + 85 (TU Graz) 379 (Uni Graz) + 162 (TU Graz) Bachelor Biologie: 220: 274 . Page settings: Begin of page section: theatre into film) (Diploma Thesis: Filming the Jacobethan Stage); Gothic Fiction and Ghost Stories +43 (0)316 380 - 8189 gudrun.tockner(at) The Bachelor programme provides a broad education in all aspects of geography. Bachelor Psychologie Verfügbare Studienplätze: 230 Anmeldungen: 896 Aufnahmeprüfung am 27. Applied Computer Sciences eHealth . The bachelor programme for teacher education in the subject Geography and Economy is part of the overall eponymous programme for secondary schools. Early modern drama and theatre (PhD thesis: Performing Magic on the Early Modern English Stage); Adaptation studies (esp. The bachelorâs degree programme (Universities Act 2002/18W) has already been adapted to the new curriculum administration (SPO Management).To complete your studies (= completion of all study achievements with the exception of the bachelorâs thesis and bachelorâs examination), please notify the deanâs office at least 3 to 4 weeks before your scheduled date of examination. Accordingly, it is divided into branches of language education, linguistics, literary studies and cultural studies ⦠The School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences offers the following Bachelorâs Programs: Business Administration; Economics; Sociology . Wohn-Fühlfaktor. These courses are related to Bachelor curriculum in economics. Graduates of the bachelor's programme Economics will have acquired a broad range of timeless basic knowledge in economics. What should I study? It is designed for you to build up a broad knowledge of your subject and get first experiences of practical work. Since the academic year of 2010/11, bachelor studies in the department have included the following courses: Foundations of Marketing, lecture - Module B Business Foundations Marketing, lecture and tutorials - Module E Specialization Business Studies Software-based statistical analysis, tutorial - Module K Option Buyer Behavior, lecture and tutorials - Module G Specialization Business Studies Physics Bachelor's programme. More News All (German only) Wednesday, 23 December 2020. above), please contact our Department of Studies and Teaching. Lisa, bachelor student of electrical engineering, and Lukas, bachelor student of process engineering, remember their first time at TU Graz. >> UNI Graz Card Take the above-mentioned report and your passport or other official photo ID to the admissions office where you will have to pay for the issuing of a new card. The prerequisite for admission to courses. Please find more details regarding our non-degree studies (university training courses) here.For questions regarding our range of studies (degree programmes, according to tab. or the institute indicated in each case can obtain additional qualifications with restricted access. Bachelor Courses Current Curriculum: In Business Administration, the Bachelor thesis is written by the students as part of the courses in the "Special Business Administration" (SBWL).This independent written work has to follow in the formal structure of a scientific publication. Antike und Moderne. Here's his report. The bachelor's program , the Institute organized jointly with the Institute of Banking and Finance the mandatory events Fundamentals of Finance and the depression Finance and automatically the Special Business Administration ( SBWL ) " Finance" with the courses ⦠For Uni Graz staff The Office of International Relations also supports Uni Graz staff with realising their mobilities by providing financial support for teaching and training mobilities abroad. Begin of page section: Bachelor Studies In order to understand the effects of human actions on the environment, the communicative integration of one's own specialist area into others is increasingly required in every occupational field. Internship abroad despite corona crisis: At Nedstack B.V. in Arnhem, the Netherlands, TU Graz student Niklas Mayr further developed analytical measurement methods for fuel cell research. To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. TU Graz student Lukas Watzinger founds REELOQ. TU Graz student Lukas Watzinger founds REELOQ. Main navigation: The School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences offers the following Bachelor’s Programs: If you have any questions regarding the Bachelor’s Program, please contact Ms. Angelika Neubauer at the Student Services Center of the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences in the RESOWI Center. The additional qualifications bearing the logo of Graz University are open to students of all faculties of the University of Graz. For more information, please refer to UNIGRAZonline . The admission guide gives you the opportunity to gain personalized information on your way to admission. Go to overview of page sections. Bachelorâs programmes in Arts and Humanities not only provide you with well-founded subject-specific educational content, but also other useful skills, such as critical thinking and evaluation of information, processing of knowledge content as well as research and professional copywriting skills. To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. Here you can find out how you can get information and advice on studying at TU Graz. Graduates can work in the core fields of legal profession: e.g. He shares the ups and downs about the show in this article. He shares the ups and downs about the show in this article. In many cases, the curriculum of the intended master's programme provides information about which previous programme athorises direct admission (i.e. Begin of page section: You are here: University of Graz; Business, Economics and Social Sciences; Welcome to the Institute of Economics! Graz University of TechnologyRechbauerstraÃe 128010 GRAZAUSTRIAPhone: +43 316 873 0 Fax: +43 316 873 6009E-Mail: infonoSpam@tugraz.atwww.tugraz.atCampus mapOpening hours: 6 am â 8 pm, Campus Alte TechnikRechbauerstraÃe 12Phone: +43 316 873, Campus Neue TechnikStremayrgasse 16Phone: +43 316 873, Campus InffeldgasseInffeldgasse 25DPhone: +43 316 873, Information from TU Graz on dealing with COVID-2019, News+Stories Library Job Vacancies Media Service Events. Bachelor Molekularbiologie Uni Graz Verfügbare Studienplätze: 260 Anmeldungen: 325 Voraussetzungen erfüllt (OSA absolviert): 317 Aufnahmeprüfung am 30. They share their experiences and give tips for the start of studies. Read more, Lisa, bachelor student of electrical engineering, and Lukas, bachelor student of process engineering, remember their first time at TU Graz. To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. For KFU students, the forms for the environmentally oriented electives must be handed in at the ESS Coordination Office and for TU students at Ms. Haar - Dean's Office of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Process Engineering and Biotechnology - at Petersgasse 10-12/II: Read more, Internship abroad despite corona crisis: At Nedstack B.V. in Arnhem, the Netherlands, TU Graz student Niklas Mayr further developed analytical measurement methods for fuel cell research. To register you need a general qualification for university entrance (Matura in Austria, Abitur in Germany, et cetera). To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. Page sections: End of this page section. Due to COVID-19 not all information services of TU Graz can be made available as usual. To improve support for screen readers, please open this link. They share their experiences and give tips for the start of studies. Complete List of Services for Prospective Students, Academic Advisory Services offered by Student Representatives. TU Graz offers a wide range of degree programmes in technical and scientific subjects. It is designed for you to build up a broad knowledge of your subject and get first experiences of practical work. Select from ⦠TU Graz Portfolio of Affiliated Companies, Representative Bodies for Members of TU Graz, Overview: Degree and Certificate Programmes, Overview: International: Studying & Teaching, Internationals at TU Graz - COVID-19 Information, Competence Centres and Research Companies, Business Enterprises â Start-ups and Spin-offs, Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy, Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering Sciences and Construction Management, Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering, Environmental Systems Sciences / Natural Sciences-Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics, Environmental Systems Sciences / Natural Sciences â Technology, Teacher Education â Subject Computer Science, Teacher Education â Subject Descriptive Geometry, Research and Technology Advisory Committee, Environmental Systems Sciences / Natural Sciences-Technology*. Begin of page section: Main navigation: Page navigation: Institute Studying Degree Programmes.