We foster the development of social skills and responsibility among our students, faculty and staff, through a rich variety of measures and projects in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility, Service Learning, Fair Trade, Student Mentoring, and more. Karen Klöver The INGprep preparatory study program at htw saar University of Applied Sciences (short htw saar) will provide you with a gradual entry into your academic career. Aufgrund der immer noch ernsten Situation um Corona und dem damit einhergehenden verlängerten Lockdown der Landesregierung hat die Hochschulleitung am 06.01.2021 beschlossen, die Schließzeiten an allen Standorten der htw saar zu … At htw saar you can apply until January 31., 2021 for two Master's distance courses in occupation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Um Zugang zur Raumverwaltung zu bekommen, müssen Sie Angehörige(r) der htwsaar sein. About 15% of the overall budget of the University comes from application-oriented research projects with companies and public funding bodies of the university. At htw saar, research is of great importance. t -735 That is why we offer a comprehensive personal and professional development program that provides our employees with the skills to enhance their performance in the workplace and grow personally. htw saar; htw saar English; htw saar; htw saar; Profile; Organisation; Faculties; DFHI; Facts & Figures We have developed an international strategy setting out specific measures for developing the intercultural competence of our staff. htw saar; Studying & Living. Follow their code on GitHub. If you’re looking for a practical-oriented study programme with an excellent combination of hands-on skills along with a strong theoretical base, you’ve come to the right place. 31 talking about this. These courses are open to htw saar students only. Erstellen eines digitalen Gebäudemodells mit FreeCAD und ARCH. HTW Saar also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services. Über unsere Hauptseite htw saar halten wir dich auf dem Laufenden. Please try again later. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. htw saar - Studienrichtung Mechatronik / Sensortechnik - Duration: 3:16. htw saar 1,030 views. We are proud of our open and student-friendly learning environment. The University currently offers more than 50 full-time accredited degree programmes, as well as a growing number of part-time postgraduate professional education programmes. Our benefits package includes staff excursions, public transit discounts, discounted sports center membership and an attractive on-campus sports program (German language only). As the only university of applied sciences in Saarland, htw saar has the significant advantages of being able to deliver application-focused R&D and of maintaining close ties to the local economy. Copyright © 2020 htw saar. htw saar. We have developed an international strategy setting out specific measures for developing the intercultural competence of our staff. Corona-Update: Was Studierende jetzt beachten müssen! 1,600 guests attended this spectacular event including students, their families and friends, guests from the world of politics and business, employees of htw saar and, of course, the guests of honor, the graduates! Fields of Study. University of Zagreb (Croatia) University College of Northern Denmark (Denmark) ENIM Metz - Lorraine University (France) LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland) Copyright © 2020 htw saar. We have a number of policies in place promoting equality and diversity. Heiko Mueller. Course programme "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" We actively support the development of our staff, as individuals and teams, in the achievement of their personal aspirations in line with the overall strategy of our university. Studying and living in the capital city of Saarland. htw saar Goebenstraße 40 66117 Saarbrücken Ingenieurwissenschaften Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Mathematik, Statistik, Informatik, eLearning Raum 5309 t +49 (0) 681 5867 281 Melanie.Kaspar@htwsaar.de You can find out more by visiting our Equality and Diversity (German language only) webpage . Werde jetzt Fan und verpasse keine Infos mehr! Bachelor; Master; French/ German programmes; Double-Degree Programmes; German Courses; INGprep Preparatory Study Program Bachelor; Master; French/ German programmes; Double-Degree Programmes; German Courses; INGprep Preparatory Study Program We are the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken, Germany. 2,739 Followers, 70 Following, 315 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from htw saar (@htwsaar_) With the Institute for Technology Transfer companies of all sizes and sectors have a reliable partner at their hand that forms the interface between them and the University. How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity - … In its review of 2014, the German Council of Science and Humanities concluded that htw saar demonstrates high performance, great potential for its further development, and remarkable strength and success in application-oriented research and knowledge transfer. Dr. jur. Our mission is to continuously develop and improve the working environment for our staff. The htw saar takes pride in its location in a richly multicultural border region of Germany, France and Luxembourg. Topics. University Identity. Topics. 25 years of applied research on an international level. 3:16. We are proud of our open and student-friendly learning environment. Fields of Study. We provide targeted training and overseas experiences to further the professional development of our staff and the overall value they bring to the classroom. Search Engine New. Places2x I Gründen an der htw saar + HBKsaar, Saarbrücken. Room 11/08/16 91 likes. This is the main point of contact for journalists. htw saar; Studying & Living. See All. argeted training and overseas experiences. Our unique location in a tri-border region, our international student body, and our active commitment to staff development make the htw saar an exciting place to work. The htw saar takes pride in its location in a richly multicultural border region of Germany, France and Luxembourg. the universities whose students can apply for the IPS):. At htw saar, more than 6,000 students are enrolled in five academic units - the Business School, the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the School of Engineering, the School of Social Sciences, and the Franco-German Institute for Technology and Business (ISFATES-DFHI). You are interested in an exchange programme? Students from HBKsaar or HfM may apply for admission (subject to availability of places). Information on the coronavirus situation for incoming international students and partner universities. 4,953 Likes. Experience life abroad and complete a double degree in one of our partner universities. Our International Office answers any questions and helps you to organize your stay. Ganzheitlicher Startup Support: Unterstützung bei Sensibilisierung, Vorgründung, Gründung und Wachstum Saarland University of Applied Sciences – htw saar researches telecommunication for the logistics of the future July 1 , 2020 FlowPro is a new project supported by German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (research initiative mFUND), launched on July 1, 2020. For the fifth time, htw saar hosted the GradNight, a ceremony for its graduates. Studierende haben Zugriff auf aktuelle Stundenpläne und melden sich bitte nicht mit dem Alias (pib.alfred.neumann) sondern mit der Kennung (aneumann) an! search the htwsaar.de's website. A list of partner universities with which the htw saar has Erasmus+ cooperation in the field of engineering and/or industrial engineering (i.e. htw saar is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. 12 degree programs are fully integrated French-German courses.. Our Continuing Education Centre CEC (Institut für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung) offers 18 advanced courses and certificates for professionals that can be studied alongside their work. We are one of the leading application-oriented universities in Germany conducting research. https://www.htwsaar.de/htw/wiwi/fakultaet/personen/profile/garnjost-petra htw-saar has 2 repositories available. karen.kloever@htwsaar.de. We also offer flexible working opportunities. htw saar offers its international students a range of study-related German language courses. The communications and marketing department produces print materials, advertisements and is responsible for the online presence of the htw saar. At htw saar, more than 6,000 students are enrolled in five academic units - the Business School, the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the School of Engineering, the School of Social Sciences, and the Franco-German Institute for Technology and Business (ISFATES-DFHI). We are the University of Applied Sciences in Saarbrücken, Germany. htw saarHaus des WissensGebäude 11Malstatter Straße 1766117 Saarbrücken Distance Learning Construction Bionics (M. Eng) Remote Study Safety Management (M.A.) Our team issues news releases in the areas of study and teaching, research, and university news. This feature is not available right now. College & University. Currently, we are offering over 55 degree programs, some of them with an international focus and courses in English.