This will entail an intelligent mix of online offerings and on-site teachings for all study programs. Page Transparency See More. In particular, students acquire knowledge of economic and formal methodologies for the analysis of micro- and macroeconomic issues prevailing in … Read more. Sie können damit Ihre Interessen vertiefen und Ihr Profil schärfen. Sie ist eine Initiative der gemeinnützigen BCW Stiftung und bietet berufsbegleitende Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge für Berufstätige und Auszubildende abends, am Wochenende, in Teilzeit oder als Blockstudium – in 33 Hochschulzentren. Roselyne Rigollet . The Bachelor's Program in »Integrated Design« of the Köln International School of Design (KISD) can be described as different, vibrant and inspiring. 4. semesters duration. Shenzhen 深圳, a boomtown in southern China's Guangdong province, is known for its transformation from a … Repository; WiSo; BWL; Actions. (the one you use to access WiFi, KLIPS, Mailportal etc.) Click here to view. The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. christoph.sonnenschein diana.hehle Schau Dir Angebote von ‪Uni Köln‬ auf eBay an. Mareike Laub Jutta Reusch -7065-1905-7067. zib Outgoings team - Initial guidance bachelor students - Bachelor students - Master students - Freemovers. Sport Management findet in englischer Sprache statt. The MBA from FOM University can also prepare you optimally for the takeover or founding of a company. During the four semester-program students design and execute various animation projects for film, digital games or immersive technologies. Der Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre ( BWL) eröffnet mit drei Vertiefungsrichtungen und zahlreichen optionalen Modulen einiges an Wahlfreiheiten . The Bachelor programme in Economics conveys core competencies that can be applied to a variety of activities in economic life. Teaching in winter term 2020/2021 will be mainly online for 1 st and 2 nd term students. up to 100 % in English. AM1 Literary and Cultural In der Anlage zum Modulhandbuch finden Sie eine Zusammenstellung von Informationen zu … Kauf Bunter ; Stand Gültig ab 01.10.2019 . Modulhandbuch für die Masterstudiengänge Sommersemester 2020 Program Handbook for the Master Programs Summer semester 2020 an der / at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FWW) / Faculty of Economics (FEM) 30.04.2020 . You can find an explanation about the calculation of the admission score in this pdf-document.The application period for fall 2021/2022 starts in mid-March 2021. Universität zu Köln. To tackle the challenges that lie ahead, they search for young, well-qualified and internationally experienced professionals. MODULHANDBUCH – REGIONALSTUDIEN CHINA – BACHELOR-VERBUNDSTUDIENGANG iii Kontaktpersonen Studiendekan/in: Prof. Dr. Andreas Michel Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln +49 221 470-6150 Studiengangsverantwortliche/r: Jun. Take advantage of the options available. Download Multiple Objects ; BWL. January 2020. Tabs. BWL an der Uni Köln has 1,184 members. E-Mail STAND 5.11.2020 . August 2015 MODULHANDBUCH North American Studies Die Uni Bonn bietet im Bereich der North American Studies Lehrangebot an, das in dieser Form in Koln nicht besteht. ... Modulhandbuch BWL-Bachelor PO BWL-Bachelor WiSo-Prüfungsamt ... Erstellt am: 6. University of Cologne Sitemap ... Informationen der Leitung der Universität zu Köln über aktuelle Maßnahmen und Hinweise in Zusammenhang mit dem neuartigen Corona-Virus (Covid-19) NEW: CRC/TRR 191 open positions NEW: Klausurtermine NEW: Seminar Catalogue for WS 2020/21. Created: 9. The cooperative study program of CGL and ifs internationale filmschule köln allows students to pursue their career in the media industry, while at the same time expanding their expertise in 3D animation in such areas as design, technology and dramaturgy. Incomings team: Jens Funk Ana Golemi Christoph Karl Natasha Turner-7969 … During the Master's Program, similar to the Bachelor's Program, the students get a practical as well as a theoretical training consisting of lectures, courses, demonstrations and obligatory lab projects. 24.09.2020 Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln elected Fellow of the Econometric Society 07.09.2020 Obituary Thomas Laubach 03.08.2020 Digital Learning and Education – … 30. BWL (PNPM) 3 . Gruppe des Austauschs und der gegenseitigen Hilfe für alle an der Uni Köln mit BWL im Haupt- und Nebenfach. Mikroökonomik für BWL; Mikroökonomik für BWL. Graduates of our Master's program in International Business are well-suited to meet this demand. E-Mail STAND 5.11..2020 . Master-Arbeit 30 LP Gesamt 120 LP 1.4 Semesterbezogene LP -Ubersicht LP-Ubersicht Sem. Presence teaching will be possible in the winter semester only to a limited extent and if essential hygiene measures are observed. The latest edition of the CEMS Magazine is themed around the impact of Covid-19 on the future of work, with articles on some of the WiSo Faculty’s corporate partners. Universität zu Köln. Nutzen Sie die Wahlmöglichkeiten. E-Learning-Angebote der Seminare und Institute der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. This will entail an intelligent mix of online offerings and on-site teachings for all study programs. Curriculum plan of the Master's Program. As a starting point you can use the word-export above. MODULHANDBUCH - VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHRE - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ii Akademischer Direktor … If you like to create a change request for the modules, the easiest way is to export this list and then use the "track changes" functionality in MS Word and send the new file to AG Modulhandbuch. MODULHANDBUCH - WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 2 Akademischer Direktor … Functions. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. December 2019, changed: 27. If you have any questions, you can contact the Business English team via wirtschaftsenglisch Im BWL-Schwerpunktbereich „Unternehmertum“ des Bachelorstudiengangs Management B.Sc. up to 100 % in English. Master of Science Master's Degree (M. Repository . Suchbegriff eingeben Finden. Login with Student IT Account: Please enter your University of Cologne IT account username. Lectures at our university will therefore begin on November 2, 2020 and end on February 12, 2021. The admission results will be published here mid-September. For the Winter Semester 2020/2021 the TUM School of Management is planning to implement a blended learning concept. ", +++ Das Wintersemester 2020… Read more. August 2020. Application preferences You can apply for up to three master's programmes, however, you will only be admitted to one of them. MODULHANDBUCH – REGIONALSTUDIEN LATEINAMERIKA BACHELOR-VERBUNDSTUDIENGANG iii Kontaktpersonen Studiendekan/in: Prof. Dr. Andreas Michel Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln +49 221 470-6150 Studiengangsverantwortliche/r: Prof. Dr. Gesine Müller … MODULHANDBUCH - BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHRE - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 3 Legende AM Aufbaumodul P … Modulhandbuch bwl uni köln Uni köln‬ - Große Auswahl an ‪Uni Köln . Many Options. 2020/21 WIRTSCHAFTS- UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FAKULTÄT UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN STUDIENDEKANAT MODULHANDBUCH VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHRE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE NACH DER PRÜFUNGSORDNUNG FÜR DEN 1-FACH-BACHELOR-STUDIENGANG VOLKSWIRT-SCHAFTSLEHRE . Students can opt for one of the following specializations: Technology Management or Energy and Resources Management. erwerben Sie umfangreiches Wissen, um als Gründerin und Gründer erfolgreich zu sein – von der ersten Idee über die Entwicklung von Wachstumsstrategien bis zu Strategien in Märkten mit wachsendem Wettbewerbsdruck: Lernen Sie in Kursen wie „Start-up Creation and Management“ die Tools und das … Funktionen. SFB TRR 191 "Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics" Conferences; Literature Search Library … Informationen für. Schule versus Uni - Was ist in der Uni anders als in der Schule? • Uni- und bivariate Analysen • Anwendung multivariater Verfahren für Marketing Mix Entscheidungen [English] This course provides a general foundation for marketing research and analysis. Juni 2016, zuletzt geändert am: 14. Der Masterstudiengang M.Sc. Campus Building. wiso-outgoings The full-time study program M.Sc. Repository - Home; Support . 2020/21 WIRTSCHAFTS- UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FAKULTÄT UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN STUDIENDEKANAT MODULHANDBUCH WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK BACHELOR OF SCIENCE NACH DER PRÜFUNGSORDNUNG FÜR DEN 1-FACH-BACHELOR-STUDIENGANG WIRT-SCHAFTSINFORMATIK . Informationen zur Vorlesung; Informationen zur Übung; Informationen zu den Tutorien; Alle Materialien zur Veranstaltung werden in ILIAS bereitgestellt. It features a nationwide, unique, non-linear and multi-semester study model which offers a high level of individual design opportunities thanks to its transdisciplinary, project-oriented and international structure. Sport Management comprises four semesters (two years). University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences Course offer for incoming students – Bachelor / Master Spring term 2020 23 April 2020 International Relations Center Cologne WiSo Faculty. to build your individual profile. BWL 180_Overview of the study program_english_14.08.2020.pdf (112.3 KB) vom 02.09.2020 Overview of the study program (StPO 2020) - german 2020-07-02_Studiengangübersicht_Bachelor_Betriebswirtschaftslehre_StPO 2020.pdf (120.4 KB) vom 03.08.2020 Overview of the study program (StPO 2020) - english Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie über KLIPS 2.0. Finde ‪Uni Köln‬! For the Winter Semester 2020/2021 the TUM School of Management is planning to implement a blended learning concept. TH Köln's new Master's program in Business Administration and Engineering aims at combining economic and environmental aspects with the necessary technology. Globalization has left its mark on internationally operating companies. Modul K VN LP 1.-2. 30 % technology. in Biological Sciences of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne. Participants of the programme spend one year studying at each university and graduate with two master’s degrees: a Master of Sciences in Sociology and Social Research issued by the University of Cologne and a Master of Science in Population Studies issued by the University … B.Sc. 30. The winter semester will be a hybrid semester in which teaching will take place in a sensible mix of face-to-face and online formats. 70 % management studies. Applicants who have not graduated in Germany must additionally apply online and by post via the uni-assist until 30 April 2020 (DMP) or 20 August 2020 at the latest. Categories. ECTS credits per semester. Classes are likely to be organized on two days per week from the first to third semester. 10.12.2020 New edition of the CEMS Magazine. Please see our application via uni-assist section in our FAQs. Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis; Das ist das neue eBay. FAQs Lehrende & Mitarbeitende; FAQs Studierende & Gasthörende; Informationen zum UrhWissG; Kontakt; Breadcrumb Navigation. Prof. Dr. Björn Ahl Ostasiatisches … Intranet; Kontakt; Impressum; Personen; Tracking (de/)aktivieren; Datenschutzhinweise Webstatistiken; Die Universität zu Köln. wiso-freemover Sc.) Create your own profile! All in all, the program consists of 14 modules, including the master’s thesis. The selection process for fall 2020/21 is closed.