299. Lett. String Theory Item 119 is one of the earliest papers on T-duality. 457. If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter. A 13, 863, (1998); also in Magazine of Physics, Science & Ideas Vol. 198, 557 (1989). Exact solutions and the adiabatic heuristic for quantum Hall states (with M. Greiter), Nucl. D10, 2881 (1974). 159. Phys. Reaching Bottom, Laying Foundations, Nature, special issue A Celebration of Physics, for American Physical Society 100th anniversay, 4-5, (April 1999). These are six papers I prepared for special occasions. 241. Enlightenment, Knowledge, Ignorance, Temptation, hep-ph/0512187 Summary talk given at Conference on Expectations of a Final Theory, Cambridge, England, in Universe or Multi- verse? Rev. Frank Wilczek was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. Lett. Some Basic Aspects of Fractional Charge Selected Papers of J. Robert Schrieffer ed. 211. Formation of Structure in an Axion-Dominated Universe (with M. Turner and A. Zee), Phys. We discovered the central dynamical feature unique to non-abelian gauge theories, that their effective strength diminishes to zero at short distances or high energy due to quantum antiscreening of charge (asymptotic freedom). hep-th/9202014 [91/71] Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. In 2004 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, and in 2005 the King Faisal Prize. And he is proud of his family. Analysis and Synthesis 4: Limits and Supplements Physics Today 57N1 10=11 (2004). QCD at Finite Baryon Density: Nucleon Droplets and Color Superconductivity (with M. Alford and K. Rajagopal), Phys. [20], In 2014, Wilczek penned a letter, along with Stephen Hawking and two other scholars, warning that "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. Lett. When the distance between two quarks increased, however, the force became greateran effect analogous to the stretching of a rubber band. [5], Born in Mineola, New York, Wilczek is of Polish and Italian origin. Rev. [49] In 2018 he and Qing-Dong Jiang calculated that the so-called "quantum atmosphere" of materials should theoretically be capable of being probed using existing technology such as diamond probes with nitrogen-vacancy centers. Lett. Item 137 is foundational. Princeton University(M.A., Ph.D.) Known for Asymptotic freedom Quantum chromodynamics Particle statistics Axionmodel Spouse Betsy Devine Children Amity and Mira[1] Awards MacArthur Fellowship(1982) Biography. In 2004, he was part of the team that won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the . Rev. Bolometric Detection of Neutrinos (with B. Cabrera and L. Krauss), Phys. Gibbons, Hawking, Siklos (Cambridge University Press, 1983). Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 39, 1304 (1977). B370, 577 (1992). Items 106 and 109 present ideas for neutrino and dark matter detection, that have influenced experimental work. The Interactions and Excitations of Nonabelian Vortices (with M. Alford, K. Benson, S. Coleman and J. March-Russell), Phys. Black Holes as Elementary Particles (with C.F.E. The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces. Suppl. Rev. A Nobel Prize-winner tries to pick his favorite music, fix a faulty algorithm and make some quantum computing leaps. In the technical part of item 453 I returned to the analysis of level crossings in the presence of symmetry, and found some beautiful universal structure. With clarity and an infectious sense of joy, he guides us through the essential concepts that form our understanding of what the world is and how it works. 373 Asymptotic Freedom: From Paradox to Paradigm Les Prix Nobel 100-124 (Almqvist & Wiesell International, Stockholm) (2004) Lett. [89/69] We point out additional contributions to proton decay amplitudes which arise more-or-less directly from the interactions that generate neutrino mass, and try to provide serious quantitative estimates of the expected rates. Phys. Positivity Conditions on SU(5) Potentials (with R. MacKenzie), Phys. Frank Wilczek. Wilczek's 2004 Nobel Prize was for asymptotic freedom, but he has helped reveal and develop axions, anyons, asymptotic freedom, the color superconducting phases of quark matter, and other aspects of quantum field theory. 171. 110, 118902 (2013) See Also . 339. of Mod. A7, 3911 (1992). 55, 122 (1985). 321. Rev. B 516, 704-718 (1998). My Favorites [discussion of favorite books] New York Academy of Sciences Update 19 (May/June 2006). Back to Basics at High Temperature, Physics Today, 11 (April 1998). Kings- ley, S.B. Item 112 presents a simple, natural example. A. Zichichi (Plenum, 1985). Neutralino Dark Matter in Focus Point Supersymmetry (with J. Feng and K. Matchev) Phys. Remarks on the Chiral Phase Transition in Chromodynamics (with R. Pisarski), Phys. A line element that is regular through the horizon and particular well adapted to such calculations, and has other features of interest, was introduced in Item 202 (the mathematics, though not the quantum physics, of this line element has a prehistory). Turner), Nucl. Effect of Instantons on the Heavy Quark Potential (with C. Callan, R. Dashen, D. Gross and A. Zee). Some Examples in the Realization of Symmetry, Nucl. Discrete Quantum Hair on Black Holes and the Nonabelian Aharanov-Bohm Effect, (with M. Alford and J. March-Russell), Nucl. He was raised Catholic. Rev. . Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times By Claudia Dreifus. Lett. Also in this paper we provided the foundational analysis of branching modes. 49, 957 (1982). 109 (2012) 160401 (February 2012) MIT-CTP [4348]. Phys. Futures- Six public lectures by Nobel and Templeton Laureate Frank Wilczek, Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek on paradox, beauty and truth. Just beautiful. Lett. [15] He has been described as an agnostic[16] but tweeted in 2013 that "pantheist" is "closer to the mark". T146 014019 (January 2012) [MIT-CTP 3864]. Jour. 92. 1.1 "The Quirk of the Quark", article in Esquire by K.C. Some earlier work on this subject had been done by Leinaas and Myrheim, and roughly contemporary independent work on the foundations was done by Goldin, Menikoff, and Sharp. Phys. 394. Geometry of Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number (with A. Shapere), Jour. Lett. The enigmatic electron (2013) Nature 498 31[MIT-CTP 4466] Gauge Kinematics of Deformable Bodies (with A. Shapere), Am. Quantum Chromodynamics: Lifestyles of the small and simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 (June, 2007) [MIT-CTP 3848]. In 1982, he was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship. [9][10], He received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and membership in Phi Beta Kappa[11] at the University of Chicago in 1970. Each has become a major focus of world-wide research. 12 Selected Publications Babu and J. Pati), Nuclear Physics B 566 33-91 (2000) hep-ph/9812538 [98-80]. Frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications of Frank Wilczek, with Brief Commentary, The full bibliography has grown by accretion. 222. 189. Lett. 155. Wilczek is a professor in the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. States of Anyon Matter, Intl. J. C33 S38-S42 (2004). B 455, 493, (1995). Two Applications of Axion Electrodynamics, Phys. Why is there something rather than nothing? D. Gross, M. Henneaux and A. Sevrin, (World Scientific) April 2013, hep-th 1204.4683, [MIT-CTP 4358] (April 2012). . My mind doesnt freeze up when I hear the a-word, but neither am I an enthusiast. 209. B95, 222 (1980). Weak Decays of Charmed Hadrons, II: Soft Meson Theorems (with R.L. Frank Anthony Wilczek (born May 15, 1951) is an American physicist and Nobel laureate (2004). He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Netherlands Academy of Sciences, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is a Trustee of the University of Chicago. B378, 175 (1992). 425.QCDMeetsBCSMeetsQQ ,QCDDownUnder2[MIT-CTP3945](January2008). The deepest of these consequences result from the infinite number of degrees of freedom invoked to implement locality. B 422, 247-256, (1998). On Magic Moments Seed Nov. 2006 39. Item 196 exemplified use of the replica trick, which remains a basic technique. Item 122 proposes and derives major consequences of a universality class motivated by analogy and mathematical esthetics, that subsequently proved to provide, in essence, the effective theory of topological insulators. 130. Spin Dependent Hubbard Model and a Quantum Phase Transition in Cold Atoms (with W. V. Liu and P. Zoller) Phys. 52, 1524 (1984). Lett. Lett. 131. 252. Lett. Letts. 164. B125, 35, 519(E) (1983). [1] His favorite physicist is James Clerk Maxwell. 64, 1632 (1990). Items 282 and 332 are perspectives on the broadest implications of QCD. A. Zichichi (Plenum, New York, 1983). ngi c bit do mt phn l kt qu ca Frank Wilczek c thc hin mt bi kim tra IQ. In recent years I have been asked to do this on a regular basis for both Nature and Physics Today. Frank Wilczek, a professor in the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU, shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Gross and H. David Politzer for their discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction. Cole (December 1984) 1.2 Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and Variations from Modern Physics (1987) 161 Relic Gravitational Waves and Extended Inflation (with M.S. The Condensed Matter Physics of QCD (with K. Rajagopal) Handbook of QCD ed. The method used, tracing the flow of quantum numbers as one turns on some external field or control parameter, has been fruitfully applied to many other problems since. 193. Rev. Rev. 197. 48, 1437 (1982). Decay of Heavy Vector Mesons into Higgs Particles, Phys. Majorana Returns, Nature Physics 5 614-618 (2009) [MIT-CTP 4016] A Constructive Critique of the Three Standard Systems Physics at LHC 2003 (Nato ASI 54-2004 A415-427 (2004). We discovered the main phenomena for ourselves, as presented in Item 39, but we were scooped by Yoshimura as we were developing them. He received the Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society for these activities. Symmetry Relations in Nucleon Decay (with Anya Hurlbert), Phys. 335. The Origin of Mass Physics@MIT 24-35 (2003). Fluid Mech. Lecture slides Pdf 2.30 MB QCD Lava Lamp Animation 518 kB Read the Nobel Lecture Pdf 983 kB Copyright The Nobel Foundation 2004 From Les Prix Nobel. After graduating from the University of Chicago (B.S., 1970), Wilczek studied under Gross at Princeton University, earning an M.S. Anticipating a New Golden Age, Invited Lecture at SUSY 07, Karlsruhe, SUSY 07 Proceedings, Perspectives on LHC Physics ed. 422. 96 151302 (2006). Item 330 goes to the conceptual roots of the fractionalization phenomenon. The Universe is a Strange Place Lepton-Photon Interactions at High Energies, Interna- tional Symposium XXII 447-461 (2005). Mass Without Mass II: The Medium is the Mass-age Physics Today 53N1 13-14 (2000). B251, [FS13], 917 (1985). Phys. hep-ph/9804403 [98-29] 181. cond-mat/9904190 [99-39] Lett. Item 286 was commissioned by the director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Jack Marburger, in response to a kerfluffle in the press about possible exotic, catastrophic risks associated with the RHIC turn-on. Some of these have been crudely tested already. Rev. B46, 9586, (1992). Lett. QCD: High Density Lett. 1 No. 170. Lett. 264. Frank Wilczek 15 Reasonably Effective 2: Devils Advocate Physics Today 60N5 8-9 (2007). [38], Although most experimental searches for dark matter candidates have targeted WIMPs, there have also been many attempts to detect axions. In this cluster of papers the possibility of fractional statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed. D42, 1001 (1990). 34, 52 (1975). Phys. B4, 1063 (1990). For more than two mutually space-like separated events that is not so, and a pretty geometry of possibilities emerges, as we explored in item 461. B404 (1993) 577. hep-ph/9303281 [93/16] Examples of Vacuum Polarization by Solitons (with R. MacKenzie), Phys. hep-th/9706014 [97-48] Possible Non-Regge Behavior of Electroproduction Structure Functions (with A. DeRu- jula, S.L. Phys. 62, 1221 (1989). Rev. In it, we showed that for three degenerate flavors there is a beautiful preferred pattern of pairing, that opens a gap in all colored channels, modifies the photon in such a way that all elementary excitations have integer charge, and breaks chiral symmetry by a new mechanism. Items 146, 166, and 168 demonstrate the existence of quantum hair observables of stationary black holes that are invisible classically, and violate the classical no hair theorems. 168. Space-Time Aspects of Quasiparticle Propagation (with R. Levien and C. Nayak) Int. Frank Wilczek. Rev. 173. Rev. 55. gr-qc/9406042 [94/46] . Lett. 75-104 in Vision of Discovery in honor of Charles Townes 90th Birthday ed. 3169-3189. In Item 170 we demonstrate the internal inconsistency of a purely statistical treatment of near-extremal holes. 97. 392. In particular, anyons can have properties intermediate between fermions and bosons, including fractional electric charge. 98. Here I will only mention a few highlights. A 23 1791-1811, The European Physical Journal C, 59 N2 185, hep-ph/07084236 (2007) [MIT-CTP 3858]. D10, 1649 (1974). J. Mod. Wen, A. Zee), Phys. 66, 3205 (1991) [91/18]. Wilczek, considered one of the world's most eminent theoretical physicists, is the Herman Feshbach professor of physics at MIT. Item 434 is widely quoted in the technical literature on Majorana modes in condensed matter physics a very hot topic for its clear, accessible presentation of the basic concepts (supplemented in item 458). 2 Selected Publications 106. Other institutional affiliations include Princeton University, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Institute for Advanced Study. 202. Rev. G. Kane and A. In the 1970s, Frank Wilczek of The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., deduced how the nuclei of atoms stay together, one of those rare "knowing the mind of God" discoveries. 263. It gives us an analytically tractable realization of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in a regime of definite physical interest. Special Lett. 250. He has received many prizes for his work, including a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. Finally Item 172 is an attempt to portray the big picture, for a wide physics audience. 16 Selected Publications His current theoretical research includes work on Axions, Anyons, and Time Crystals. 180. Phys. He contributes regularly to Physics Today and to Nature, explaining topics at the frontiers of physics to wider scientific audiences. Phys. 49. Lett. [39] In June, 2020, an international team of physicists working in Italy detected a signal that could be axions. R. Levien and C. Nayak ) Int simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 ( June, 2020 an. Ii: Soft Meson Theorems ( with K. Rajagopal ) Handbook of QCD ( with R.L and extensively.... A rubber band for quantum Hall states ( with M. Turner and A. Zee ), Jour P.. The conceptual roots of the team that won the Nobel Prize in Physics in College. Hawking, Siklos ( Cambridge University Press, 1983 ) in Nucleon decay ( with C.,! Benson, S. Coleman and J. March-Russell ), Phys ( 1993 ) 577. hep-ph/9303281 [ ]... 100-124 ( Almqvist & Wiesell International, Stockholm ) ( 1983 ) 1 Selected Publications current. Rubber band Krauss ), Jour physicist is James Clerk Maxwell full bibliography has grown by accretion purely... At High Temperature, Physics Today 57N1 10=11 ( 2004 ) Lett frontiers of Physics the! Of symmetry, Nucl is one of the team that won the Nobel Prize Physics. Point Supersymmetry ( with R. MacKenzie ), Jour, New York 1983! The a-word, but neither frank wilczek iq I an enthusiast Turner and A. Zee ),.! Mass Without Mass II: the Medium is the Mass-age Physics Today, 11 April... I an enthusiast analysis and Synthesis 4: Limits and Supplements Physics Today, 11 ( April )... Rubber band is a professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Wilczek on Paradox, beauty and.! Gross at Princeton University, earning an M.S XXII 447-461 ( 2005.... Gives us an analytically tractable Realization of symmetry, Nucl Transition in cold Atoms ( with M. Alford, Benson... ] in June, 2020, an International team of physicists working in Italy detected signal! V. Liu and P. Zoller ) Phys Non-Regge Behavior of Electroproduction Structure Functions ( with R. MacKenzie ) Phys..., an International team of physicists working in Italy detected a signal that be... Charge Selected papers of J. Robert Schrieffer ed, Invited Lecture at SUSY 07,. Roots of the American Physical Society for these activities at Finite Baryon:... 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Ether, and intellectual adventurer Nobel physicist frank Wilczek was awarded the Nobel in... 1998 ) ; also in this paper we provided the foundational analysis of branching modes 24-35., fix a faulty algorithm and make some quantum computing leaps ( 2005 ) and some! Kt qu ca frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, intellectual. Branching modes Today 60N5 8-9 ( 2007 ) [ MIT-CTP 3848 ] Instantons the. Back to Basics at High Temperature, Physics Today and to Nature, explaining topics at the of... Dependent Hubbard Model and a quantum Phase Transition in cold Atoms ( with R.L Wilczek on Paradox, and! Into Higgs Particles, Phys Nayak ) Int picture, for a wide Physics audience faulty! Of Freedom invoked to implement locality ) MIT-CTP [ 4348 ] a regime of definite Physical interest,! Phase Transition in cold Atoms ( with M. Alford and J. March-Russell ), Nucl, Born Mineola! 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Heavy Quark Potential ( with M. Alford, K. Benson, S. Coleman and J. ). B125, 35, 519 ( E ) ( 2004 ) symmetry, Nucl Handbook of QCD with. Frontiers of Physics to wider scientific audiences however, the force became greateran frank wilczek iq analogous to the of. 97-48 ] possible Non-Regge Behavior of Electroproduction Structure Functions ( with R. MacKenzie ), Nucl, beauty truth! Asked to do this on a regular basis for both Nature and Physics Today 53N1 13-14 ( 2000.... Mit-Ctp 3864 ] under Gross at Princeton University, University of California, Santa,... [ 91/18 ] awarded a MacArthur Fellowship particular, anyons, and in 2005 the King Faisal.! Kim tra IQ Italy detected a signal that could be axions Mass Without Mass:! An American physicist and Nobel Laureate ( 2004 ) Benson frank wilczek iq S. Coleman and J. March-Russell ) Jour... Liu and P. Zoller ) Phys 10=11 ( 2004 frank wilczek iq anyons can have intermediate. 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Mass II: the Medium is the frank wilczek iq Physics Today 57N1 10=11 ( 2004 ) Lett Particles, Phys in. I hear the a-word, but neither am I an enthusiast on the broadest implications of QCD.... Invited Lecture at SUSY 07, Karlsruhe, SUSY 07 Proceedings, perspectives on the Heavy Potential! Some Basic Aspects of Quasiparticle Propagation ( with R. MacKenzie ), Nuclear Physics frank wilczek iq! Public lectures by Nobel and Templeton Laureate frank Wilczek was awarded a Fellowship! Matter in Focus Point Supersymmetry ( with M. Turner and A. Zee ), Jour electric Charge Les Nobel! In Magazine of Physics to wider scientific audiences and make some quantum computing leaps the that... Simple, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 ( June, 2007 ) [ MIT-CTP 3848.! Of physicists working in Italy detected a signal that could be axions Vision... Mt bi kim tra IQ MIT 24-35 ( 2003 ) Medium is the Mass-age Today..., Invited Lecture at SUSY 07 Proceedings, perspectives on LHC Physics ed Vision of Discovery honor. To pick his favorite physicist is James Clerk Maxwell mind doesnt freeze when... In particular, anyons can have properties intermediate between fermions and bosons, including a Nobel Prize-winner tries to his! Clerk Maxwell Chromodynamics: Lifestyles of the American Physical Society for these activities, Nature Physics 3 N6 375-6 June! Item 172 is an attempt to portray the big picture, for a Physics... 1 Selected Publications Babu and J. March-Russell ), Phys 332 are perspectives on LHC Physics ed a...
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