In Judges 3, we read that the Israelites were subject to Eglon, king of Moab, for 18 years.8 Since the Moabites were not Canaanites, marriage to a Moabite was not strictly forbidden.9 Nevertheless, Moabites were not only regarded as aliens or foreigners, but also as second class citizens. Marriage to a Moabite was not something one did to gain status in Israel. - As part of a small team, I organized a five-day congress (90 participants, budget 17,000), the largest yearly event of the association. She believes in a God who is all powerful, but who is not merciful and compassionate. Judaism. There are those who attempt to guild the lily as they read the Book of Ruth, desperately seeking some basis for making a pious Israelite of Naomi. Naomi thought of Gods blessings in terms of having food and a family. Such is not the case, my friend, and seeing her as some kind of heroine will distort our understanding of the message of this wonderful book. Now that Orpah has decided to turn back, Naomi appears to have more leverage. 8 Indeed, my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds, 9 for just as the sky is higher than the earth, so my deeds are superior to your deeds and my plans superior to your plans. In our text, Naomis conversation with her daughters-in-law is couched in language that gives the appearance that she is encouraging them to return to their families and their land because this would be in their best interest. 7 Now as she and her two daughters-in-law began to leave the place where she had been living to return to the land of Judah, 8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Listen to me! Those who place too much emphasis on marriage and child bearing should listen well to these words of Scripture: 6 He bends down to look at the sky and the earth. They would be a reminder that Naomis sons their husbands had not married Israelite wives. It has been supplied by the translators. The usual pattern is the reverse; first, we are told a mans name and familial antecedents and only then are his actions described. They insisted on going on to Israel with Naomi. Bearing children was to be done Gods way. Ordinarily it would be translated as, My God is King. What a difference it makes to believe in a God who is in absolute control and who is also merciful and gracious, causing all things to work together for our good and for His glory, if we believe in Him. Both had married Israelite husbands, had borne no children, and were now widows. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? To do it any other way was to disobey God. 3 0 obj She persuaded her younger sister to help her get him drunk, and then for both of them to sleep with him to produce offspring for him. And in good covenant form, she pronounced a curse upon herself if she did otherwise. In Naomis mind, it probably was in their best interest, but it also appeared to benefit her. As the years have gone by, I may have mellowed in the terms I would use to portray Naomi, but my opinion of her has not really changed. When M, Elijah ben Solomon Abraham Ha-Kohen of Smyrna, Elijah ben Eliezer Philosoph Ha-Yerushalmi, Elijah ben Baruch (ben Solomon ben Abraham) The Elder, Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. . 10 From what we learn from the Book of Ruth, one does wonder what role Naomi played in this decision. Her name means "ewe," while that of her siste, Elam Perhaps he was not even fully aware of this failing but God was. The 25 Translations differ here, but I think that this daughters choice of words is very important to consider. Not even death would separate them. "Elimelech A wolf approached and he fought the wolf. 22 Feb. 2023 . Posted on September 7, 2005 By Rabbi Dr. Meir Levin |, Bar Mitzvah Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of Kabolas Hatorah, Shavuos and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners Compatibility of Missions. Dagon first appears as an important and widely, Rachel First, she insisted that Naomi must cease urging her to turn back. But she concluded that God was using His power against her, rather than for her. This time it is Orpah who kisses Naomi goodbye. She would be buried where Naomi was buried. WebThe Tragedy of Elimelech Ruth Introduction The book of Ruth is a fascinating little book in the Old Testament. Elimelech died in Moab. (3) One gets the impression that those who remained in Bethlehem fared reasonably well during the famine; certainly better than Naomi and her family did. I am now inclined to believe that Ruth is an example of Romans 2:12-16. The two women, now forever bound together by Ruths covenant, continued on their way until they reached Bethlehem. 10 But they said to her, No! Elimelech died and left Naomi in the care of their two sons, who eventually married Moabitish women. For example: And he called his name Noach, meaning to say, This one will give us comfort (e-noach-meinu) (Genesis 5, 29). 20 It could well be that Orpah had much to say, but the author did not wish to focus on her as she is not the heroine of this story. While they were in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving Naomi and her two sons. Elimelech was Naomi's husband. We know of Abimelech, son of the leader Gideon and Abimelech, the King of Gerar. (One was named Orpah and the other Ruth.) Follow your sister-in-law back home! 16 But Ruth replied. Much more common is the pattern in which a single character is introduced, his fathers and forefathers are fully described, and his story then related. They entered the region of Moab and settled there. 3 When Israel joined themselves to Baal-peor, the anger of the LORD flared up against Israel. They need new or different husbands to marry and to bear children. 21 I left here full, but the Lord has caused me to return empty-handed. You must not bow down to their gods; you must not serve them or do according to their practices. The Hebrew term Elohim is plural, but some render it god here, and others gods. Chemosh appears to be the primary Moabite god, but there may well have been others. than the children of the married woman, says the Lord. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. Web(5) And they died. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Ruth rejected Naomis appeal to leave her and go back to Moab, choosing instead to believe and behave like a true Israelite. as Ili-Milku, a variant of the name Milk-ilu, ruler of Gezer. 12 The word new is not in the original text. As you will recall, Mrs. Naomi counseled Orpah and Ruth to do what seemed right in their eyes. | All rights reserved. One manifestation of Gods mercy, expressed through His sovereignty, is His providential working at times when there appears to be no hope. Judah (through whom the messianic line would be traced) kept his third son from a Levirate marriage with the first sons widow, and then had sex with a woman he thought was a cult prostitute.31 God not only preserved the messianic line, He was faithful to fulfill His (Abrahamic) covenant32 with Abraham. Naomis second effort13 will be less subtle and more pointed and forceful. 4 0 obj and lifts up the needy from the garbage pile, 9 He makes the barren woman of the family. The name (Phoen. Now, Naomi urges both of her daughters-in-law to go back home to their own land21 and to their mothers homes22 and to find a new Moabite husband, so that they might have security.23 While God promised to bless all those who blessed Abraham and his offspring, Naomi told her daughters-in-law that to stay with her would be to share in the curse God had placed upon her.24 As the story of Ruth and Boaz unfolds, God promises are fulfilled, while Naomis warning and instructions are proven to be false. No wonder Naomi finally ceased trying to convince her to turn back (verse 18). (8) All of this leads me to conclude that Naomi is not an example of faith, but an excellent example of Israels poor spiritual health. Naomi not only disregards the Abrahamic Covenant, she also urges Ruth (and Orpah) to do likewise. The focus is usually on one person and not on the group. The story of Ruth and Boaz (yes, and even Naomi) should encourage us to live godly lives in dark days, days of unbelief, disobedience, and disregard for the Word of God. Ruth does not cling to Naomi as a kindred spirit, but as a very needy person. 1 Copyright 2010 by Robert L. Deffinbaugh. A few years later, king Saul will offer the sacrifices, even though he was instructed to wait for Samuel, all because Saul felt this was a crisis that justified setting aside obedience in faith to Gods Word.27. Now it's ironic that he left Bethlehem because he was afraid he couldn't survive there, yet he went over into Moab and died anyway. Elamtu), region on the edge of the southwestern part of the Iranian plateau, modern Khuzistan, Sidon Who would want a Moabite wife, especially a widow? named after him.) It must be, the Sages reasoned, that Elimelech misread his destiny. Eventually, Naomi steered Ruth into a relationship with a distant relative named Boaz. Can one, on the other hand, forgive and excuse his deficiencies and the damage that they bring about? But when she urged Ruth to return to her pagan god(s), that was the worst unkindness of all. SIDON (also Zidon ; Heb. (February 22, 2023). While in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving his wife with their two sons (verse 3). The sons married Moabite women, which was something else God wanted His people to avoid. However, God ended up blessing Elimelechs family anyway, although not through his sons. God instead chose to work through Naomi and one of her Moabite daughters-in-law, Ruth. It would do us well to review where the Moabites came from and how they related to Israel in the past. Both women initially refused to heed Naomis exhortation to leave her and return to Moab. 16 But as it is, they aspire to a better land, that is, a heavenly one. 14 For whenever the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature the things required by the law, these who do not have the law are a law to themselves. Call me Mara because the Sovereign One has treated me very harshly. Beware of well-meaning advice that is not rooted in Scripture and that is supportive of what you would really like to do, rather than what God commands us to do. ." This should not come as news to us, but it is a truth that has not come easily to Jews, even some Jewish Christians.33 It is Naomi who fails to live up to the faith of her fathers, while Ruth is an example for all to follow, Jew or Gentile. HADAD , an early Semitic god, first appears in texts written in the Old Akkadian dialect and in Eblaite (third millennium). Text Copyright We should notice that it was not until after Elimelechs death that they married. His name was Nate Mirza. There her husband died, and her sons married Moabite women named Ruth and Orpah. Not long afterward he died, and his two sons married Moabite 31 Later the older daughter said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no man anywhere nearby to have sexual relations with us, according to the way of all the world. Mahlon married Ruth in Moab while Kilion married Ruth's sister Orpah. What was Moses like? Web1 During the time of the judges there was a famine in the land of Judah. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. 1 During the time of the judges there was a famine in the land of Judah. Douay-Rheims Bible And Elimelech the husband of Noemi died: and she remained with her sons. His counsel (even though it effectively called God a liar) was given as though it were in her best interest. Naomis first attempt is described in verses 8-10. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions? They did not seem to live by it, so why would they consider it important to teach it to a Moabite? Elimelech was one of the great men and authorities in Israel. He stood in the opening and blocked it with his body. Naomi felt that God was against her, and every indication is that she felt God had dealt with her in a harsh and severe way. There is no doubt that this is a great honor and privilege for a woman. This she must do by faith. They came empty (at least according to Naomis assessment see verse 21), but God would not let them go hungry (or childless). It says in verse three that Elimelech died in Moab. , ' eylam; Elamite halhatamti; Akk. WebBoaz is a preeminent example of selflessness, willing to risk the loss of his own name so that he could make sure that the name and line of his relative Elimele It is not only Ruth and Naomi who benefit from Gods work in the Book of Ruth, for everyone who has been saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ has been saved by the offspring of Ruth and Boaz. No wonder God forbade Moabites from entering the assembly to the tenth generation.7. She had given up all hope. Encyclopaedia Judaica. The inference is clear: to remain with Naomi has no promise of blessing and every reason to expect that they will share in her divinely-imposed affliction. %PDF-1.5 For the children of the desolate one are more numerous. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Ruth focused on Naomi and her need and on Naomis people and their God. Orpah seems to have no great spiritual interest in Israel or in the God of Israel. If Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, and Kilion suffered because of their sins, they deserved it. The barley harvest will play a significant role in moving this story forward in the next two chapters. WebWhen a severe famine struck Israel, Elimelech took his wife Naomi and their two sons across the Jordan and south to the land of Moab, in the hope of finding a living there. Died. Who was Elimelech? When they entered Bethlehem, the whole village was excited about their arrival. Submit your piece for review, and if approved we will publish it on our site as Community Contributions., Change Your Subscription xkOF;GBYH6=3fn=3_]o{09j?]YNvflo'N_~iv4:8N.N";>5"!2M*bNH$!E/EA@e|h9!MSrj:3Y^&!:Xqw-8O?n#-"XY+;-ZN$ayCp}k _F+w +g du]yB2 (0#`2BYfeu(pV,!g\A:>ffY)Yr,gl}*>3|5g-a>F#oE|v0m7G;o}\B,=y"Z|GMogbAD[ J6tW8!jm4GIt\ul4yg2b>x|YH&-B(k7zk4%>5z$@Q8nK+ja4aAqTND&QqM @%(g]v/mnn-vTY2^JrxVNgl/'u:K-cdw>-xs_X0$%.$f#X2l| @n:c 0/#S=>k"ey4=^Gy^tb^ e . 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