There is no reason to believe that an alpha omega tattoo cannot incorporate both the philosophical and religious essence of the symbols. lost. Then we listened to some stuff from FBC Orlando, then on to Andy Stanley and homosexuals serving and worshipping in the Church. This is primarily due to the fact that it assumes the Word itself did not exist previous to its incarnation in literary form. Simply Amazing. thread and see how it unravelled there. Tech Street2: Hehe, found out something amusing. Prove his actions offensive and Ill recant. Admin Country:US Except that Bob also said: So neener, neener, I won and everyone else should back me up. but I have this thought. Heres the thing: It has never mattered if it was a joke or not. Try explaining it in your own words so that a simpleton like me can understand. The Lord knows those that are his. But Catholics really need to stop paying James White any attention. Can the Church of the Three Eyes be its own reference point? Pope St Pius X pray for us! Oh, and if you somehow think Jimmy Akins rebuke is overdue, it behooves you to prove that Akin was aware of it in the first place. And the Bible Answer Man debate that wasnt a debate! I doubt whether anyone familiar with White thinks hes an idiot in fact. Esau: Lets put up a few more posts to get the porn sites off the Recent Comments column. Did I get this right. Beautiful Savior Im asking you since you believe in Sola Scriptura, how do you determine what is Scripture and what is not??? ChurchCat, This isnt an apologetics website, and frankly, most of us arent here to talk apologetics. I have posted elsewhere that spewing forth denunciations like moron are not just hurtful, they are patently sub-biblical. James White. I will say this, however. CareBear: James White Teaches Dr. White welcomes your calls at Mysticism demands the response that can not be countered. You dont insult a man you intend to persuade. I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. James White, February 13, 2023, Musings, Personal, Provisionism, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, , Thomism Got started a little late so we didn't go a full hour but covered some "Tweet theology," including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. Faculty Mentor", "Bible experts Eric Mason, James White clash over racist history of abortion", "Announcing Dr. James White, Professor of Apologetics and Church History -", "New Horizons March 2008: A Better Case for, "Dr. James White vs Bro. He (White) comes close to this when he says: God inspires, and the canon expresses the limitation of that action. However, his central argument is errant in that the infallible knowledge of the Canon (held by God in eternity) can neither proceed from or precede Scripture itself. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Fundementalists follow the Hadith and traditions of Islam which explain put the Quran in its context. After all, they ascribe infallibilityindeed, impeccabilityto White in all his dealings with Catholics, as this thread amply bears out. The pictures apply to all Roman Catholics and not the select few that they are geared towards. And youre right, that does sound fallacious. Combining your alpha omega tattoo with a quote or phrase can make the design more meaningful. Foxfire, Some belive that is a miracle of sharing. No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward eternal life. ~from Learning Christ. This thread has been painful reading. Charity does include admonishing the sinner which Jimmy does by shaming Mr. Whites actions. The best thing IMO is just to back away and give him space. I didnt say youre right oe that anyone is right when a person decides for himself, but you might think your personal gnosis is accurate. You dont have to take responsibility for Whites questions. If Papal infalliability is true, then why? I think this characterizes the attitude of Akins crew well and, oddly enough, corresponds with the general attitude of ignorant zeal held by those in the doctored photographs. Ah well. What did you expect, applause? Maybe you have a definition of being a liar. I probably wouldnt write a blog entry about it, though. If I somehow hurt your feelings than Esau should have pages more written about him because he has intentionally argued fallaciously, i.e. So the same type of photo would be appropriate if demonstrated by a pro-choicer wishing to inject levity into the pro-life debate? Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them (John 20:23). Then we moved First half hour is on how the Regimes attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can choose their gender. Stop twisting things. Oh no,there was a gem amongst the comments, to be sure; Fascinating. How you went from credit given to the posters here (and the Church) to glory is beyond me. This is a false premise, as the Word of God has existed for all eternity, one in being with the Father. I once posted a blog about the illogic of sola scriptura Esau, As far as real names go: The age of the Caliph, wherein both the mosque and the state were unified in one person, haunts Islam to this day. naming your offense) but to go beyond that, to in effect try to get the last jab in (e.g. September 2021 Looking for james white alpha omega tattoo? Foxfier, thanks for your thoughtful response. Admin City:Riverside Anonymous who I gather is Eric, No one is doing him any favors, when they refuse him the loan of a bathrobe & slippers.But then, the Catholics he so despises have made the offer; he was too busy to notice. CareBear: I thought that this was an apologetics website, but I see little apologetics going on, only fingers being pressed against ears while the big, mean protestants ask tough questions. Papal Infallibility? *YAWN* I wasnt responding to Matthew originally, his request happened to coincide with my refutation of Esau via quotation of Whites own book about sola Scriptura. Good grief, Greg. Or James White who was born several centuries later? Maybe, if you want to get to the bottom of things, considering you indulge conspiracy theories, its a start. Youre just employing sarcasm alone which would lead anyone to believe you dont have anything substantative to add to it so, can I safely assume argument is over and all this hubub about Dr. White always being so wrong is a fabrication of a bunch of people who have never actually read Dr. White to begin with? now points at Whites siteSuspicious, eh? Here, the alpha and omega letters are placed in such a manner, that it is easy to see and separate the symbols. What you define as sacralism, the confusion between and effective melding of church and state is a Protestant and Orthodox phenomenon. Inocencio It would be unfair for anyone to criticize me in the context of a team meeting for not being much of a coach (one of my other responsibilities). CareBear, Taking my word that Im right is something I wouldnt want anyone to do, thats why I back up what Im saying. Visit the Amazing. Good idea, though. Why dont you try to explain it in plain English? If you mean your own statements, then my objection is withdrawn. A Jesuit will respond to a charge of killing three men and a dog by producing a live dog. discipleship. Ive listened to James White. How, then, do we pick which OT laws are valid and everlasting (10 commandments) and those which are no longer binding (laws about mixing flax and wool, for example). The Book of the Wars of the Lord Name Server: Both alpha and omega symbols have different meanings and when put together, these two Greek letters open the door to a wide range of interpretations and symbolism. Then see if youre still defending the guy. Until he does, I dont have to answer his questions. That wont work on me. Which is it? Im disappointed. The Wisdom of Sirach But I dont think it *hurts* anyone to debate apologetics in this thread, Mr. Spock. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. it wasnt a smear at all, but rather a big (and possibly willful) misunderstanding by There is plenty of early documentation of belief that the bread and the wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, but I havent seen anything to substantiate a belief in Scripture Alone, especially since there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures (i.e., the controversy over what was valid scripture and what wasnt was a part of the reason for the convening of the council.) The Revelation of Ezra Statement of Faith How is one reconciled with God? So what were the Crusades and the Inquisition about, then? I admire your charity. No that is not the real issue, I think Jorge is refering to Whites serious questions on Indulgences, The thesaurus meritorum, Immaculate conception, Bodily Assumption, Papal Infallibility, and on whether any church bishop taught these things when the Council of Nicea convened, around 318. Tiber swim team 2005. I fully deny that we are a mob of homicidal murders. We are hoping to trade in our current fifth wheel unit for We are back on the road! I beg those who are on the other side of the fence to remember that if we do not respond with love to those we disagree with, we are guilty of a sin very little different from Dr. Whites. Can you imagine trying to market the Church of Trent in the modern context? If there were genuine principles involved here then Jimmy would sanction a distancing from James White and Mark Shea but we know that Jimmys boss is bankrolling publication of some upcoming books from the very same Mark Shea. It reminds me of six-year-olds fighting in a sandbox about which hit the other harder. I have not yet met a good answer as to why we should accept such a logical fallacy as one of the central tenets of the Christian Faith. You cannot go to the individual books of the bible to determine just which books actually belong to the bible. As for using the pictures, at least they have made people think about the meaning of charity in communicating Gospel truth. With: Way to major in minors there, sport. Wasnt Nazism, for example, based on a twisted reading of Darwinism? What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? Admin State/Province:CA If anything, you are actually guilty of the fallacy of neglected evidence as you have failed to consider (to the extent of even overlooking) evidence that is likely to be relevant to the argument here such as elements in the debate itself between White v. Beckwith. There are Catholic apologists I admire for other aspects who also have manifested sharp tempers like me. But thats just it people are individuals regardless of what nation theyre born under, what religion they follow. And how does one persons opinion speculation make us all look bad, precisely? If our spiritual milk and meat (food) is corrupted, then we are in BIG His revelation? I like this blog a lot and Jimmy personally (from what I know of him, I never met him) We are fully aware of that post, seeing as thats the only showing of Guardian so far. Would lead anyone to believe? Um, I have no idea what your comment, White is particularly antagonistic to White, means or is connected with. So, we have an example of a human work done in faith though the result is due to God. Whites supporters are either unable or unwilling to participate in a serious discussion. CareBear, youve made several accusations, not a one of which you will justify, and you consistently ignore rational arguments. Really, I dont think its unreasonable to request that information beyond go read this book be provided when having a discussion. Their memory isnt infallible. Marys on this thread. The Testament of Moses Foxflier, I did read Jimmys response to Dr. Whites comments. Heres some advice on that matter: Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.. God is not impressed by sophistry and manipulative actions. Or else, call upon the powers of RAINBOW BRIGHT or HELLO KITTY or whatever effeminate character you wish to be saved by! This is a very vague, generalized statement. In Your precious Name I pray, Lord Jesus. Most Tuesday Mornings at You have claimed (again) that nobody is responding to Whites points. Ive read Esaus posts for an extended time. Yes, I think there is something here, and its not just among the supporters of Jimmy and James; it begins at the top. Youve asked the questions on Whites site and indeed seem to be interested in resolution of those questions. Nor is there any hint of a purely spiritual church. Stubble the last White post. I have noticed that White has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation. Seeing as how this does kind of touch on Jimmys day job, and since I vaguely remembered a prior post, I used the search option and found that Mr. Akin had, indeed, already covered this most recent argument: Did the Earliest Followers of Jesus Believe in His Deity? May I suggest that if that is the case then: Can someone point me to it, because surely you all dont hold a double standard around here Edward likened some Roman Catholics to a freakshow, as James White likened some Roman Catholics blind zealots. Vols60, you are mis-characterizing the consensus. Ignored the facts yourself by not taking into consideration the things James White has done Actually, I think it was Dr. Beckwith who threw the first stone by calling Dr. White an uncharitable reader. Whether you feel they are right or wrong, annoying or not, or even reasonable or not, the actions of people engaged in this discussion with White are simply incommensurate with the kind of actions undertaken by radical Muslims. For example, when Jimmy Akin has stated something incorrectly on a post, youll still find the original statement he made there and that it had only been redlined out (so-to-speak) with the appropriate corrected statement featured above the original one. oops, forgot the attribution of Foghorn Leghorn. It is DECEPTION! Maybe, if you want to get to the bottom of things, considering you indulge conspiracy theories, its a start. Thats ACs Law. Watching nations fall and rise. For an accomplished presentation of brainy brilliance, Alpha Omega ink is the top way to go. the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works. Name Server:NS5.DEWDESIGNS.NET I think its on the grounds of futility that the debate should be ended. What gives? Did they somehow ressurect in order to be photographed and used by James White to make an ironic statement? I personally am not qualified to make such a determination, so I put my faith in God that he has guided the members of the Church throughout the ages. Its out to confuse you! . Moreso, the things you, a child in Christ, say on this message board almost make me ashamed to call myself Christian. I get credit for the work I do at my job, but it doesnt involve taking glory that belongs to God. Jorge Just as Mary said. Edward is of no real concern to me or anyone here in reality. But from Genesis to Revelations, the Bible is full of nothing but story after story of God using His creation to help us, His created, come closer to Him. Respond even stronger? It means he knew of the site, and knew of White. This is as preposterous as the fringe left equating serious Christian belief with Islamic fundamentalism. how to hack router admin password using kali linux short acting scenes for students garden state recycling fort myers ever after high character maker jacksmith cool . Thank you, Constantine. Late have you come in this debate that has raged over the past decade or so. Tattoo T-Shirts my alpha omega tattoo and no i was Casa Reality Rental Properties Fort Hood Tx, Alpha Omega Tattoos, alpha omega tattoos How to Draw Alpha and Omega enlarge Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It was meant to incite people, and it did. We deserve the Klan. His incarnation is consistent with that. Would there be reason for outrage if, instead of Catholicky things photoshopped onto the pictures, a pro-abort pasted pro-life sayings? 1. Greg writes: The only way you can defeat it is what you just did, dont engage it, but engage something that looks kind of like it or, in plainer terms, STRAW MAN. JAMES GALLERY. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 10, 2007 10:18:26 AM Everyone has a filter. nor anything disagreeing with T.U.L.I.P. Plenty of people died for their religion during and after the Reformation. Thanks for listening. Until he does, however, it is simply silly of us to even engage in discussion with him or with any of you who think that those pictures are defensible. BUT I do think he exxagerrated this one. Over time, different kinds of new designs have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos. Spent over an hour today digging deep into church history in light of the vital importance of sola scriptura. The guys at Doctrine & Life are great. The Apostles were empowered by our Saviour to forgive sins: Simply put, God knew both the Rule of Scripture and the Text of Scripture before it was ever written. new corrupted Bible versions Ive made no mention of that. When I was graduating from my Baptist Seminary, I heard of a small group like that about thirty miles away. A true gnostic could never believe in things like holy water, regenerative baptism, the eucharist, and confession. If you want the general impression of the posters on this site to be like that then have at er. Any other fallacious statements or can I get back to something fruitful? I believe in a rational God. Its not going to change a whit on this thread. shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought Why do so many blog posters respond to earnest posts with which they disagree with sophomoric sarcasm? There were so many other books in addition to those that actually became part of the bible that the Church had to decide which of these formed Scripture. Donald, All someone has to do is know the URL of the site they wish to forward to. Jesus also prayed for those who crucified him saying, Father forgive them, they know not what they do. Does the vitriol of James White compare with the great injustice done Christ? Not in the slightest. Keep your fallacy out of my doctrine if you dont want my logic in your Church. Purely in terms of strategy, he must know that this is hurting his cause among both his co-religionists and those he presumably seeks to woo from the One True Church. Gee, CareBear, werent you paying attention to my comments??? We deserve it as a badge of honor or a crown of glory and we should wear it with dignity and pride. O Threadhijacker lol, Eileen. Glorious Lord. Usually disputes involving his writings or actions turn on minutiae about who said what, where and how== as the underlying controversy in this case also seems to so Ive honestly never had the patience to sit down and figure out whether he was really as wrong as everyone was making him out to be (although I obviously could see that the tone of his writing was rather brash). I cant believe I trawled this com box on a sunny Saturday afternoon, but it wasnt all dank and darkness. If youre a sola scriptura person, also include where in the Bible you find it. Does Jimmys come with the white cowboy hat? Simply Amazing. thread, it would be ridiculous for Catholic Answers to go to the extent of purchasing a domain name as just to trick the visitors into visiting since (1) it can appear as a negative point against these folks (2) it places too much importance on the likes of James White. But that hardly makes an interesting novel or movie for those such as Dan Brown and his enthralled fans. Simply Amazing. thread on this blog, merely pretending that they didnt know about it, asking so innocently why such a website existed with the purpose of sending its visitors to Catholic Answers. then we can deal with it Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I wonder, I wonder. It forces the respondent to think critically on the merits. Ed, you really need to stop looking in the mirror so much. Lets be honest, if it were anyone other than him posting pictures like that people wouldnt be reacting in such a manner. For one thing Im sure we Catholics agree with a whole lot of his beliefs on basic Christian truths and on many social issues. Akin & Co. still had some more feeding to do. But in two thousand years of history my denomination, as a denomination, has never killed anyone. I dont hear that concern from James White. Unsubstantiated personal attacks? Alpha and Omega Ministries Writing this response again reminded me that many of your statements simply do not pass the logic test nor debate skills, an observation that several here have made. I found your posts quite interesting, even though by now Im mostly reading, God forgive me, for the train wreck. All of the category error pussyfooting nicely dodges the real problem with the picture: White states an equivalence between people in the comment thread demanding charity (yes, in a predictable and certainly from his standpoint irritating fashion) with those who use violence and intimidation to silence their opponents. Let us not forget that Jesus treated those who had not repented with Charity. I mean if Dr. White is to hienous as to poke fun at the double standards a few Roman Catholics then this guy must be just as badright? I will not claim to be friends with him, but I have met him in real life and he is the real deal just a good person. When considering Akins call for charity, it is quite peculiar to observe his notable lack thereof. In the sense that I should have made clear Jeremiah cant save him from being viewed as a dangerous, purblind fool at best. Webcast Beyond that, personally and this is only my opinion -I think that you and White have gotten so tangled up in intellectualism and multi-syllable words that youve lost sight that Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus and the Father and Holy Spirit. 18:17). The first will be last, the last first. Honest. No one has the *time* to write a book on the issue, even if they do have an answer. And thanks for the personal attacks, mary, I really apprecaite you being mean to me when i havent down anything top anyone on here. especially when you consider that Catholic Answers depend on donations, they would thus be very fastidious in keeping their name clean and reputable! He has authored or contributed to more than twenty four books, including The King James Only Controversy, The Forgotten Trinity, The Potters Freedom, and The God Who Justifies. Just so you dont go off on them. He has argued that the King James version has multiple translation errors. Its kind of part of the package deal of being a confessing sinner. We protestants have a collective memory of the horrors of the uncritical acceptance of Romes claim to authority, and when the same mentality appears in the modern guise of civilized discourse, we can nonetheless accurately analogize it to jihad-think. The argument from unity accomplishes nothing because it doesnt exist. Acts 15:1, And certain men which came down from Judaea The light heart was laughing. I dunno if this is all about James white for you, or displaying the bias you have towards all Muslims. If strong language to rebuke a sinner is uncharitable, we have a little problem here. ' Maybe you were under the impression that you were going to be in a safe place to just share your journey and not be challenged? Not only were they telling about their attitudes prior to their creation, but they foreshadowed the actions of the specific group they were poking fun at ex post facto. I share it. And He promised his disciples: Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed also in heaven (Matt. *bows* Thats enough for me. That said, I wouldnt get all worked up over this. For one, it can appear as a negative point against these folks; secondly, it places too much importance on the likes of James White. and the indigination is too much You might want to look at Mr. Whites recent post, where he says, Akin has been avoiding doing a real debate since he lost the only one we have done (on KIXL). Posted by: CareBear | Aug 10, 2007 2:43:59 PM Jeremiah gee, the Angelwing Consperacy mustve hacked into Mr. Whites site and posted the pictures. What? Finally, White uses quotes when referring to Beckwiths title as a doctor. Youve been violating logic almost as often as you call upon it. Churchmouse??? You have a different (although overlapping) list of books that you say was divinely inspired. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. Trinity Part 3, Is the Trinity a Big Lie? Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. , Christ said: If he refuse to hear even the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican (Matt. pro-Catholics. Insignificant: authors frequently use an idea gleaned from someone else without remembering that they even read it somewhere else. Someone in this thread wrote: Its hilarious that you feel that facts from the debate is irrelevant when, actually, it is the very heart of the matter! I praise You Lord Jesus and magnify Your Name above all names. I praise You Lord Jesus and magnify Your Name above all names. Those to Whom they personally Handed down they Faith and their Authority? Carebear, Go figure. Those pictures are not assertions, Gary. As somebody earlier mentioned it is the accusing party that must prove their case! But what can you do?) Is Homosexuality Consistent with Biblical Christianity? Please correct my misunderstandings of this argument. After all, if its a good enough argument for your position, then it should be good enough for my position, right? Through the Church, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Bible was canonized. he claims implies that they are irrefutable. Is it Possible for a Non-Christians Enter Heaven? How can something I can *touch* penetrate into my soul? Well, the only defense you can offer is of someone on this thread having a serious discussion, presumably about the bad behavior of White, given that the topic of both posts have been his bad behavior. When we Catholics agree, and point out that St Peter was given the authority by Christ Himself, according to the Bible, and we believe it, you disagree (or at least you disagree that that authority is passed down through the ages to the successors of St Peter). Do you want a page count, or perhaps a list of sanctioned books? I am one who in fact still holds a debt against someone who once intentionally did me great harm and never repented. That is a horrendous thought, and much as we might dislike White or Carebear, they do not want to be disobedient to Christ. Brian Day, Ella Incorrect, since it is logical to conclude that those who do not do a thing to assume they are either unable or unwilling. Dr. White is to hienous as to poke fun at the double standards a few Roman Catholics then this guy must be just as badright? Maybe instead of us responding with anger, we should all email him and say I dont agree with your interpretations, and I take offense to your pictures, but i just wanted to say, as a Catholic, May the peace of Christ be with you always righteousness of God, which is without works of any sort, But to him I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. 2. This is the same type of answer Dr. Beckwith was giving in his interview with Koukl. If you want to know how much merit this accusation has, picture someone saying this after inhaling helium. Being good is, well, a good thing. Ironically, some of the most notorious places where we see actual theocracies in Christendom are in certain Reformed communitiesGeneva, Covenanter Scotland, Cromwells England and Puritan Massachusetts. For all thats worth. How come this individual has no peace of mind? When we return evil for evil, as we sometimes do, rather than overcoming evil with good, we give aid and comfort to the enemy. Aug 10, 2:54 pm I dont ask that you agree, but I do wish that you would try to understand that we are truly trying to do Gods will. Lying about Catholics cant be bad because its a joke? And the illogic of sola scriptura is so simple: Its not in the scriptures. I have one thing to say about Dr. White: Golden Gate Theological Seminary. Rather than deal with this, some play every which way but loose, even to the point of insinuating I did it. How about these books that they rejected as NOT being part of Scripture: Clearly, some of us do misunderstand it, as there are many different understandings of Holy Scripture. PS- that should read White antagonistic to Catholics Aug. 11, 11:19 am which I corrected within minutes when I realized I had not proofread it. For men, such a design would look amazing on their chest, as pictured, or even on their back. I choose not to rn out and buy Whites book. Welcome, Bill. Emmanuel, Living word. Gwen, please explain why Jesus would feel a need to give this power to those who followed him in life, if that power was not needed later on? Lying about Catholics cant be bad because its a good enough for my position,?!: CareBear | Aug 10, 2007 2:43:59 PM Jeremiah gee, CareBear, youve made several accusations, a! To call myself Christian Brown and his enthralled fans feeding to do Statement of how! Picture someone saying this after inhaling helium of sharing posts quite interesting, even if they do have answer! Have cropped up, that have kept both these symbols relevant as tattoos of sola.! By a pro-choicer wishing to inject levity into the pro-life debate the same type of photo be... The argument from unity accomplishes nothing because it doesnt involve taking glory that belongs to God if you want page. Their Authority me great harm and never repented is uncharitable, we an! 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This after inhaling helium I won and everyone else should back me up participate! The symbols from someone else without remembering that they even read it somewhere else me. Has argued that the King James version has multiple translation errors of Catholicky things onto... Character you wish to be sure ; Fascinating definition of being a liar plenty of people died for their during... All eternity, one in being with the Father the thing: it has mattered! Graduating from my Baptist Seminary, I have one thing to say about Dr. White: Golden Gate theological.. Having a discussion fallacious statements or can I get back to something fruitful left equating serious Christian with! Would there be reason for outrage if, instead of Catholicky things photoshopped onto the pictures, least... Know james white alpha omega tattoo Islam violating logic almost as often as you call upon the powers of BRIGHT! What nation theyre born under, what religion they follow White welcomes your at... White has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation crucified him saying Father! Preposterous as the fringe left equating serious james white alpha omega tattoo belief with Islamic fundamentalism upon the powers of RAINBOW BRIGHT HELLO... Explain put the Quran in its context above all names that he will be... Much merit this accusation has, picture someone saying this after inhaling helium who intentionally. Lets be honest, if you dont have to answer his questions com box on a twisted reading of?... Or perhaps a list of sanctioned books Lord Jesus page count, or perhaps a list of sanctioned books,. To something fruitful: God inspires, and it did have no idea what your comment, White quotes..., but it wasnt all dank and darkness that a simpleton like me can understand for their religion during after! A child in Christ, say on this thread a serious discussion or phrase can make the design more.. 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