The myths of this period are mostly heroic, concerning the founding of the state of Lithuania. Almost all authors of Renaissance - J. Dlugosz, M. Stryjkowski, J. Lasicki, M. Prtorius and others, relied not only on previous authors and chroniclers, but included facts and attestations of their time as well. We have 59 individual gods listed in the Lithuanian pantheon of gods and spirits. 1584 Prussian depiction of the gods Perkunas, Potrimpo, and Peckols. Jokbas - a masculine Lithuanian name connected to both the names Jacob and James. The morning star and deity of dawn. [24][25] Like the Greek Dioscuri Castor and Pollux, it is a mytheme of the Divine twins common to the Indo-European mythology. Popular Girl's Names In Lithuanian 1. Name your princess Regina which means 'queen.' Julija. A number of gods in the Baltic pantheon have authority over death. He listed 16 Lithuanian gods:[5], Jan asicki (Lasicius) was a Polish Protestant activist. [48] Teliavelis/Kalevelis freed Saul (Sun) from the dark using his iron hammer. [2], The first recorded Baltic myth - The Tale of Sovij was detected as the complementary insert in the copy of Chronographia () of Greek chronicler from Antioch John Malalas rewritten in the year 1262 in Lithuania. This list is frequently updated we are constantly discovering more names! Meaning: "Butcher" or "twin of Apollo". Boy. Lauko ir nam dievai", "M. Strijkovskio "Kronikos" lietuvi diev sraas (1)", "irg (arkli) dievybs raytiniuose altiniuose", "Lada (Didis Lado) in Baltic and Slavic Written Sources", "K garbino emaiiai XVI amiuje dievus ar demonus? The Baltic Pantheon is filled with beautiful stories and striking characters. Lithuania converted to Christianity in 1387, but elements of Lithuanian mythology survived into the 19th century. I suppose a god running across the sky wouldnt be quite as impactful and noble as a carriage ride. I'm a maths tutor and a mechanical engineering student with a long time-interest in history. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. In Polish language records, both the given name and surname were Polonized. Dugnai Goddess of the bakery. Laima bestows both good luck and bad. 1555 Woodcut of people praying with two altars, one with a snake and one with fire. For example, if a man's surname was Degutis, his wife would have been known as Degutien, and their unmarried daughter would have the surname of Degutyt. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1. It might just be an epithet of the supreme god - Dievas. Many stories of this kind reflect actual historical events. As with most ancient Indo-European cultures (e.g. The book included a list of Prussian gods, sorted in a generally descending order from sky to earth to underworld and was and important source for reconstructing Baltic and Lithuanian mythology. Different branches of the same family may adopt various surname spellings. Jogaila and Jogail. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! Top 202 Unique lithuanian Baby Girl Names Alphbetically With Meaning & Gender . for the detailed infomation about Marathi Names For Girls Meaning Famous Generated including origin, usage, gender, meanings, list of close, similar business or twin baby names simply click on the names. For additional reading, please see About Forms of Lithuanian Surnames from Lithuanian Catholic Ancestor Search. Lithuanian Goddess of the Sea Kaukas Lithuanian Spirit of Wealth Kaupolis Lithuanian Goddess of Plants Kauriraris Lithuanian God of War Keliu Dievas Lithuanian God of Crossroads Kovas Lithuanian God of War Kremata Lithuanian God of Pigs Krumine Lithuanian Goddess of Farming Kupole Lithuanian God of the Spring Laime Polish-Lithuanian historian Theodor Narbutt wrote the ten-volume work History of the Lithuanian Nation (Dzieje staroytne narodu litewskiego) between 1835 and 1841. example: "lord of the rings" matches names from the novel 'The Lord of the Rings' this field understands simple boolean logic The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It contains descriptions and mentionings of Lithuanian holy groves and sacrificial places alkas. Limitierte Auflage von nur 500 Stck weltweit! Original Lithuanian oral tradition partially survived in national ritual and festive songs and legends which started to be written down in the 18th century. Aitvarai may take a form of a bird, a serpent or a tornado. Known as Perkons in Latvia, Perkunas in Lithuania and Perkuns in Prussia, the formidable thunder god is one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon. After three days, thousands of snakes slither to her home to claim her as their queen and wife to their master. [28] The root of the word is the same as of Lithuanian: vl ('soul of the deceased'). Although your ancestor may have been ethnically Lithuanian, you may find that their given names and/or surnames have been Latinized or Polonized. [32], Medeina the goddess of forest and hunting. In the distant past, a young maiden was bathing in the river with her two sisters. But Egls horrified family trick them three times, into taking a goose, a sheep, and a cow as their masters bride. Lithuanian mythological creatures are rarely plain "good" or plain "evil", most of them are able to be both depending on circumstances. Please mention when praying to the Gods. Sculpture Egl the Queen of Serpents by Robertas Antinis in Palanga, Lithuania Image by GraceKelly. Aarya is another name of Goddess Parvathi, otherwise known as Goddess Durga. Vesta is the virgin goddess of home and family in Roman religion and she was represented by a fire lit in her temple while Gabija is the female spirit of fire in Lithuanian mythology. Lithuanian mythology was not static, but constantly developed, so it did not remain in the same form over the longer periods. Zemyna emyna personifies the fertile earth and nourishes all life on earth, human, plant, and animal. It is short, cute, and suitable for a pretty baby girl. Lithuanian mythology (Lithuanian: Lietuvi mitologija) is the mythology of Lithuanian polytheism, the religion of pre-Christian Lithuanians. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Mnulis (Moon) married Saul (Sun) and they had seven daughters: Aurin (Morning Star Venus), Vakarin (Evening Star Venus), Indraja (Jupiter), Vaivora or son Paarinis in some versions (Mercury), iezdr (Mars), Slija (Saturn), em (Earth). While Dievas rules over and represents air, light and fire, Vilnius represents the chthonic (subterranean/underworld) elements of earth and water. Godchecker is a trade mark used under license. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Known by a whole host of names, the Aitvaras is a nature spirit in Baltic mythology. It closely relates to other thunder gods in many Indo-European mythologies: Vedic Parjanya, Celtic Taranis, Germanic Thor, Slavic Perun. The list of Lithuanian gods, provided by Jan asicki, is still considered an important and of interest for Lithuanian mythology. Saul, the Sun (Surya in Hinduism). Three daughters lived close to their mother Saul, another three were traveling. Surname endings implying marital status for women were often dropped in the United States. But one day, the thunder god Perknas discovers their relationship, and grows furious at the goddess for stooping to the level of their mortal creations. The Baltics were the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, between the 14th and 15th centuries. 2. Contrary to popular belief, this change was not made at Ellis Island. One of the first valuable sources is the Treaty of Christburg, 1249, between the pagan Prussian clans, represented by a papal legate, and the Teutonic Knights. asicki obtained most of his information from aszkowski, a Polish lesser noble who worked as a royal land surveyor. So Egl is taken to their king, who lives at the bottom of the sea. Fire is very often mentioned by chroniclers, when they were describing Lithuanian rituals. Vakare (Lithuanian)- This goddess was the personification of the evening star. Alethea goddess of truth Cybele goddess of caverns, mountains, and wild animals Doris a sea nymph and mother of the Nereids Pheme goddess of fame, gossip, and renown Enyo minor goddess of war and destruction Harmonia goddess of harmony and concord Metis Titan goddess of wisdom Tyche goddess of prosperity and fortune Greek God Names 79. So weve found the two most popular Lithuanian folk stories. Two well-accepted descendants of the Divine Twins, the Vedic Avins and the Lithuanian Avieniai, are linguistic cognates ultimately deriving from the Proto-Indo-European word for the horse, *hwos. Patroness of feminine duties and economic activities, Mara also takes the bodies of the dead, while Dievas takes their souls. or 4 interest-free payments on orders over $100 with . Because of this, mythology from the area is a lot more recent than in other areas however, as the stories were carried by word of mouth, and ever-changing, our knowledge of ancient beliefs is limited to folktales and snippets. Teliavelis/Kalevelis a smith-god or the god of roads. Welcome to our blog! . This product can only be purchased by members. Much like Zeus (from Greek mythology), the bearded Prkons wields an ax and rides a chariot, bringing lightning and rain to the earth below him. Origin: Gender-neutral name of Greek origin. Studies of Baltic history and mythology are growing, and will hopefully add a lot of detail and depth to what we currently know about this intriguing group of people. ", "Kai kurios Motiejaus Pretorijaus hipotezs ir j interpretacijos XX a. pabaigos XXI a. pradios mitolog darbuose", "Chapter iv: Lithuanian mythology by Gintaras Beresneviius", Metaforin uolo kulto raika lietuvi etnokultroje: pagal emaii legend "Baublys",, Bangptys, Vjopatis, Bibirbis, Giltin, Gota, Jaui Baubis, Karvaitis, raitis, Skalsa, Birulis / Berulis, Prigirstytis / Girystis, Ligyius / Lygjus, Kelio dievas / Kelukis, Drebkulis and Magyla - Prussian Lithuanian, This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 17:31. In addition, many sources list many different names and different spellings, thus sometimes it is not clear if they are referring to the same thing. [19], Perknas, god of thunder, also synonymically called Dundulis, Bruzgulis, Dievaitis, Grumutis etc. With multiple interchangeable parts and accessories, in an elegant red and green color scheme, the display possibilities are endless! Learn to recognize name variations and see clues in names. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Lina Lina is a name derived from the Lithuanian word "flax." It doesn't have an English form, but it is a feminine form of the word Linas. The mythical stories of this period are mostly reflections of the earlier myths, considered not as being true, but as the encoded experiences of the past. The two live together happily for nine years, and have three sons and a young daughter. If you wish to use our material in your essay, book, article, website or project, please consult our permissions page. Lastly, Wadjet is said to be one of the many goddesses that composed the Eye of Ra: A group that included Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, Raet, and Mut. In Sauls god-myth, she is married to Mnuo, the moon, before he falls in love with the morning star. She represents the feminine aspects of nature, and protects the earth. This section contains those names of Lithuanian and Prussian gods or other mythical beings that are mentioned in old treatises on history or philosophy, sometimes accompanied by brief descriptions, and which are known from a few independent sources or from their counterparts under different names in later collections of myths and tales. Many legendary characters have more than one name. In 11th century Adam of Bremen mentioned Prussians, living in Sambia and their holy groves. The hierarchy of the gods depended also on social strata of ancient Lithuanian society.[17]. Medeinas sacred animal is the hare when hunters in the forests saw a hare bounding past, they would apparently stop the chase, as this was a clear sign that Medeina was there to protect the forest, and could grow angry at their invasion. The remainder of the pantheon includes a god of bees, of milk, the sea, farming, beer (thats a real favourite of mine), and fire. Find The Beautiful, Rare, Stylish, Most Popular, Top & Unique Baby Names, The Largest Collections Of 202 Unique lithuanian Baby Names - Angelsname When they finally see Egl again, her family doesnt want to let her go. Limited mintage of only 500 pieces in the world! She has features common to witch-myths, like a hideous appearance, spell-casting, and the ability to turn humans into toads, pigs, and other animals. 19. Banionis She is also the primary god in determining what a persons fortunes will be throughout their life. Many scholars preferred to write their own reconstructions of Lithuanian mythology, based also on historical, archaeological, and ethnographic data. Sculpture of Egl at Glebe Park Image by huw-ogilvie. Popular Female Goddess Names Yngvi - "Ancestor" Irene - "Peace" Onuphrius - "happy" Nereus - "Water" Anubis - "Royal child" Nike - "Victory" Diana - "Divine" Gudrun - "God's secret lore" Helios - "Sun" Odin - "Inspiration" Andromeda - "Be mindful of a man" Althea - "Healing" What are some of the cutest female goddess names? A distinctive practice dominated in the ethnic region of Lithuania Minor, then part of East Prussia, where Lithuanized German personal names were common, such as Ansas (Hans), Grt (Gretchen), Vilius (Wilhelm) among Prussian Lithuanians. She is usually regarded as mother goddess and one of the chief Lithuanian gods similar to Latvian Zemes mte. Pleasantly surprised, and more than a little relieved, Egl finds that she enjoys the mans company, despite circumstances. Jankauskas Lithuanian Lithuanian form of Janowski. Baleckas Baleckas is a Lithuanian form of Valeska. After the introduction of Christianity it was equated with evil and Velnias became a Lithuanian name for devil. Dalia, goddess of fate and weaving. Matergabiae Household goddess. Beginning in the 16th century, the pagan religion received more attention from authors, but often their accounts were confused, contradictory, and heavily influenced by various religious agendas. It means 'gift of God'. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. ("dievaitis") ( Parjanya / Indra in Vedic religion). He is also associated with the oak tree. Andajus (Andajas, Andojas) was mentioned in chronicles as the most powerful and highest god of Lithuanians. Another popular source of modern Lithuanian names is the supply of mythological figures from the ancient Lithuanian past: Austja from the name of the ancient Lithuanian goddess of the bees, possibly derived from austi 'to weave,' cf. [57], Lithuanian mythology serves as a constant inspiration for Lithuanian artists. Egle [30] She is usually regarded as mother goddess and one of the chief Lithuanian gods. In Greek legends, the nymph Larisa was either a daughter or mother of Pelasgus, the ancestor of the mythical Pelasgians. She tries to shake it off, but it speaks to her in a human voice, insisting she marry it in exchange for leaving. Many pagan traditions slightly transformed were adopted by the Christian religion in Lithuania. This is a pretty popular name in Lithuania and this means 'God is gracious.' Camilla. Despite that culture around storytelling, Latvian folktales are actually pretty hard to find! Cleanliness was associated with holiness. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. It relates to Thracian Zemele ( mother earth ), Greek Semel ( ). ilvinas honors the agreement, and lets her go, taking their children to see her family. This is the name of a sea goddess who falls in love with a fisherman in the Lithuanian folk tale Jrat and Kastytis. Old Lithuanian names, related to nature and mythology are often given to the children. Additional sources are listed in the FamilySearch Catalog: Latinization and Polonization of Lithuanian Names, Surname Changes of Immigrants in the United States, Lietuviu Pavardes: Online Surname Dictionary, Forms of Lithuanian Surnames: convert between masculine and feminine married and single surname forms. In Lithuanian fairy-tales recorded much later, there is very frequent opposition of kalvis ('smith') and velnias ('devil'). Of interest for Lithuanian mythology serves as a constant inspiration for Lithuanian mythology ( Lithuanian lithuanian goddess names. Them three times, into taking a goose, a sheep, and ethnographic.! 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