php block comment example
and too, and whilst those tags do appear in the generated documentation, the code inside them becomes commented out with HTML comments. "; # This is a single line comment. some i'd recommend: hashcash, nospamnx, typepad antispam. These comments only work within PHP tags, and will be read if placed in HTML. Comments can be used to explain C# code, and to make it more readable. – ands Apr 13 '17 at 14:25 The doc comment (T_DOC_COMMENT) must begin with a /** - that's two asterisks, not one. For example… PHP supports the following two different way of commenting. According to what I can find in the PHP (5.3.2) source code, getDocComment will return the doc comment as the parser found it. and typepad antispam block most human typed spam. Example: Case Sensitivity. How to write comments in PHP. When PHP version 5 was released, it incorporated a built-in model to catch errors and exceptions. When a PHP exception is thrown, the PHP runtime looks for a catch statement that can handle that type of exception. PHP parser will search your entire code for