131 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,788. [84], On 23 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Prizren was confirmed, bringing the total to 19. [278], On 27 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 622. 52 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,268. Aktuell befinden sich knapp 4.000 Soldatinnen und Soldaten im In- und Ausland im Einsatz. 145 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,617. [208], On 21 July, five new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 144. [26], In the early hours of 22 March, a new case was confirmed. News Kosovo PM Kurti visits Tirana News Kurti: Kosova would not succeed over Serbia without Albania News Minister Reka meets the Head of EU Office in Kosovo News Kurti speaks about Kosovo-Albanian agreements News Abdixhiku: The roundabout in Veternik will be ready to circulation News News More February 11, 2020 Kurti: Kosova would not succeed […] Alle Nachrichten und Informationen der F.A.Z. 158 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,006. [277], On 26 September, two new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 619. Bitte beachten Sie unsere fortlaufend aktualisierten Informationen zu Situation in Kosovo und Reisebeschränkungen in Verbindung mit dem Coronavirus COVID-19. Hashim Thaçi war in den neunziger Jahren der starke Mann der UÇK. [101], On 6 May, 4 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 860. 8 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 884. 157 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,968. Nun schotten sich auch die Serben ab. 142 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,877. Die Imkerin Shqipe Shala will das Umweltbewusstsein stärken - sie und ihr Mann produzieren mit 150 Bienenvölkern Bio-Honig. [245], On 25 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 488. Im Jahr 2020 wird sich die Bevölkerungszahl Kosovo um 1 086 Menschen erhöhen und wird am Jahresende 1 811 452 Menschen betragen. 159 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,505. 103 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,472. [116], On 19 May, 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 989. Billig wäre das allerdings nicht. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zum großen Produktvergleich. Wählen Sie rechts oben die Feiertage für ein anderes Jahr oder ein anderes Land. Serbien reagiert wohlwollend und will den Dialog mit Prishtina nun wieder aufnehmen. 9 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 831. Jul Vor allem Reiserückkehrer aus Südosteuropa tragen zum Anstieg der Corona-Infektionen in Deutschland bei. [275], On 24 September, 63 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,333. Nähern sich Belgrad und Prishtina einander an? Das sollte in gutem Einvernehmen und ohne Neuwahl des Parlaments geschehen. 2 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 655. The countries and international organizations that have sent aid and funds to Government of Kosovo, to help fight the pandemic: Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Kosovo, Deaths by district per 100,000 inhabitants as of 21 August 2020, Map of municipalities with confirmed (red) coronavirus cases (as of 16 May 2020), Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the, COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory, "What is coronavirus and how close is it to becoming a pandemic? [175][176], On 30 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Vitina was confirmed, bringing the total to 51. 14 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 671. [234], On 14 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 381. Panne in der Wüste, großartige Gastgeber und je weiter sie nach Osten reisen, umso spektakulärer sind die Überraschungen: ein Paar aus Slowenien auf Weltreise. 136 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,505. Die Frage ist: Gab es bei der UCK eine lückenlose Befehlskette? 7 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 980. [144], On 13 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Prizren was confirmed, bringing the total to 32. Die beiden Balkanländer rätseln nun, was dahinter steckt. Am Mittwoch hatte ein Gericht Anklage gegen den Präsidenten Thaçi erhoben. 197 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,792. [121], On 24 May, for the first time since 13 March, no one has been reported infected with COVID-19. [88] 28 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 731. 197 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,346. Four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, one from Gjakova, one from Kosovo Polje and one from Podujeva, and another one unknown, bringing the total to 79. 95 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,640. [276], On 25 September, one new death case with coronavirus was confirmed, bringing the total to 617. 119 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,910. 136 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,683. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für einen guten Reformpfad ist politische Stabilität. [93], On 28 April, 10 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 790. 113 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,287. [36], On 25 March, eight new cases of coronavirus were confirmed, four cases were confirmed from the village Domanek of Mališevo, three cases from Kosovo's capital, Pristina and one case from village Studime e Ulët of Vučitrn. 50 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,496. 49 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,486. Hashim Thaci soll während des Kosovokrieges als Kommandeur der UCK für den Mord von 100 Menschen verantwortlich sein. 35 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 201. 05.11.2020, 12:09 Uhr 196 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,463. 96 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,590. [155][156], On 21 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Orahovac was confirmed, bringing the total to 36. [246], On 26 August, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 492. 18 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 381. [183][184], On 4 July, another black record was set today. 162 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,168. In unserem Nachrichtenticker können Sie live die neuesten Eilmeldungen auf Deutsch von Portalen, Zeitungen, Magazinen und Blogs lesen sowie nach älteren Meldungen suchen. Das natürliche Bevölkerungswachstum wird positiv sein und wird 4 345 Menschen betragen. [162][163], On 24 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Prizren was confirmed, bringing the total to 40. [75], On 17 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Ferizaj was confirmed, bringing the total to 12. [222][223], On 3 August, seven new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 256. [80], On 30 April, 11 new recovery cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 260. 219 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,562. 142 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 11,130. Die Verwaltung macht mehrere Großfamilien dafür verantwortlich. 111 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,448. 28 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 561. 121 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,874. [251], On 31 August, nine new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 525. Dezember 2020, gestern und dieser Woche. [154], On 20 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Pristina was confirmed, bringing the total to 35. Göttingen hatte das Coronavirus gut im Griff, dann kam es zu einem Ausbruch im sozialen Brennpunkt. 116 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,345. Er zeichnet speziell Brücken, Landschaften und viele Porträts 8 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 921. 62 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,270. 78 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,791. 203 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,715. [279], On 28 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 625. In der vergangenen Woche haben sich 39 Prozent der in Deutschland gemeldeten Neuinfizierten wohl im Ausland angesteckt. Vor allem der Kosovo gilt als Hotspot. [40], On 27 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed in the evening, one from Gjakova and the other from Kosovo's capital, Pristina and the number of positive cases rose to 88.[41]. [5][3], Mar Trump spricht von einem „wichtigen Durchbruch“. 61 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,156. One death was confirmed, bringing the total to 102. [a], On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, who had initially come to the attention of the WHO on 31 December 2019. 69 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,446. Der „saubere Krieg“ des „Kameraden“ Thaçi, Kein Serbien-Kosovo-Treffen im Weißen Haus, Mehrere Landkreise unter schwarze Warnstufe gerutscht, Was sich 2021 für Steuerpflichtige ändert, Entwicklungsminister: Corona wirft 130 Millionen in Armut und Hunger zurück, 101 Jahre alte Frau hat erste Corona-Impfung in Deutschland erhalten, Wie kreativ Bauämter Wohnraum schaffen wollen, Kosovo hebt Strafmaßnahmen gegen Serbien auf, Osteuropas schmerzlicher Abschied von der Kohle, © Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH 2001-2020, Anja Skledar, Anja Sagadin, Evelin Munda, Gymnasium Ptuj/Slowenien. Dec 172 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,419. One new recovery was confirmed bringing the total to 166. 7 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 803. [218][219], On 31 July, fifteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 227. [185][186][187], On 5 July, a record number of victims have been registered. Four recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 63. 152 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,343. [91], On 27 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Peć was confirmed, bringing the total to 22. 4 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 847. 2 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 876. [237], On 17 August, nine new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 410. Sechs südosteuropäische Staaten wären gerne EU-Mitglieder. [51], On 3 April, six cases with coronavirus have been cured,[52] and six other cases have been infected, infected are four case from village Llugaxhi of Peć, one from Peć and one quarantined in the quarantine created in the Student Center in Pristina. [8], On 14 March, the third case was confirmed, a family member of the 77-year-old from Vitina tested positive for coronavirus. [107], On 11 May, 11 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 895. [15], On 17 March, a new case was confirmed. [49], On 2 April, a new case was confirmed. [85] 39 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 669. Auch der kosovarische Ministerpräsident Avdullah Hoti reist aus Washington ins Kosovo zurück. 125 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,605. [227], On 7 August, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 303. [71] 36 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 423. 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 862. [177], On 1 July, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, one from Gjilan, one from Pristina and one from Prizren, bringing the total to 54. [241], On 21 August, ten new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 448. 62 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,494. 1. [270], On 19 September, 63 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,002. 239 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,188. [265], On 14 September, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 600. [46], On 31 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed, one as a case of contact of two positive relatives with coronavirus from Gjakova and one from Prizren, who was infected during a visit abroad. 14 new recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 52. ", "Austria ndihmon Kosovën me 250 mijë euro", "Çekia ndihmon Kosovën me pajisje mbrojtëse në vlerë 193 mijë euro", "BE-ja ndihmon Kosovën me afër 70 milionë euro për t'u përballur me pasojat e koronavirusit", "Gjermania i dhuron Kosovës 6 mijë teste për koronavirus", "Hungaria ndihmon Kosovën me pajisje antiCovid-19", "Italia ndihmon Kosovën me pajisje mbrojtëse në luftën kundër Covid-19", "Japonia e ndihmon Kosovën me mbi 700 mijë dollarë në luftën kundër COVID-19", "Jordania ia dërgon Kosovës një aeroplan ndihma mjekësore për luftën kundër COVID -19, Tahiri i pret në Aeroportin e Tiranës", "IKShPK-ja pranon 5 mijë teste nga UNDP-ja dhe Luksemburgu", "Malajzia do t'i dhurojë Kosovës 1 milion maska", "Holanda ndihmon ShSKUK-në me donacion në vlerë prej 250 mijë eurosh", "Norvegjia ndihmon Kosovën me 450 mijë euro për blerjen e respiratorëve", "Polonia ndihmon Kosovën në reagim ndaj pandemisë COVID-19", "Katari i dhuron Kosovës teste për COVID-19 dhe respiratorë", "Belgrade donates 1,000 coronavirus test kits to Pristina", "Zvicra ndihmon Kosovën në luftën kundër koronavirusit", "Turqia e ndihmon Kosovën në luftën kundër Koronavirusit Covid-19", "UNDP ndihmon Kosovën me 3 mijë komplete testimi për zbulimin e Covid-19", "UNICEF i vjen në ndihmë Kosovës, dhuron 1.5 ton pajisje profesionale mbrojtëse", "SHBA-ja ndihmon Kosovën me 1.1 milion euro për luftimin e COVID-19", "Diaspora dhuron 15 mijë teste për COVID-19, një pjesë shkon për Maqedoninë dhe Luginën", "Qeveria ndan 500 mijë euro për Preshevën, Medvegjën dhe Bujanocin", Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing, Sancaktepe Prof. Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital, Yeşilköy Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmener Emergency Hospital, NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber, Kandakadu Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force, Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases, National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board (Turkey), Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country, Tests, cases, tests per capita, cases per capita by country subdivision, World map by countries: confirmed per capita, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=COVID-19_pandemic_in_Kosovo&oldid=996470554, Articles with Albanian-language sources (sq), Articles with Serbian-language sources (sr), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Growth of confirmed cases. Doch die Bewohner der Hochhaussiedlung fühlen sich stigmatisiert. 163 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 11,435. 44 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,946. 3 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 874. [16][17] Another three new cases of coronavirus were confirmed that same day, when a family member of an infected person from village Dumnica of Podujevo[18] and a man together with his wife who flew from Düsseldorf were tested positive for coronavirus. [70], On 15 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Suva Reka was confirmed, bringing the total to 9. [214], On 27 July, a record number of infected people were recorded today. Unter Leitung der Polizei Trier ist Ermittlern ein Schlag gegen mutmaßliche Callcenter-Betrüger im Kosovo gelungen. 79 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,142. Aug 24 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 871. [118], On 21 May, 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 1004. 79 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,878. [206], On 19 July, five new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 135. Deutschland hat den jüngsten Anstieg der Fallzahlen lediglich bremsen können. So gab es etwa Schaltungen zu den Auslandskontingenten im Kosovo, Bosnien und Libanon.