In 2019, UK exports to the EU were £294 billion (43% of all UK exports). Trade in goods and services is defined as the transactions in goods and services between residents and non-residents. With more than 130 million traceable companies, you can quickly find export import buyers, suppliers, product and other data you need. The economy of the European Union is the joint economy of the member states of the European Union (EU). Click any date in the line plot, any subnational region in the geomap, or any product, destination or origin country to explore the exports or imports behavior of China over time. UK overseas trade in goods statistics July 2020: imports. 2 0 obj China has become the world's second largest economy by GDP (Nominal) and largest by GDP (PPP). This means that we do not receive export and import data separately, just the balance (exports less imports). But the latest summit was not expected to garner many positive results due to China's reported reluctance to commit to a number of the EU's demands, setting back the EU's hopes of reaching a more assertive relationship with Beijing. <>>>/BBox[0 0 52.44 25.51]/Length 39>>stream Trading in primary products, such as food and raw materials, recorded less of an impact over the last ten years. China and the EU are ranked as the world's two largest exporters but sit third and fifth on the table for global imports. Exports to European Union in China averaged 31862851.89 USD THO from 2014 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 45278100 USD THO in February of 2020 and a record low of 19296697 USD THO in February of 2014. The EU's trade with China hit a 10-year high last year. It is the second largest economy in the world in nominal terms, after the United States, and the third one in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, after China and the United States. China’s imports of coal declined 48.5% to $921 million, a stunning decline that reflects its phasing out of the dirty fuel as an energy source. 'China developed a network of economic relations with both the industrial economies and those constituting the semi-periphery and periphery of the world system.' UK imports from the EU were £374 billion (52% of all UK imports). endobj Data for the latest year are provisional. European Union exports to Switzerland worth US$ 184,994 million, with a … Further breaking down the category of manufactured goods, we can see that the EU pointedly depends on Chinese tech imports, including telecommunications equipment and computers. China’s global trade surplus swelled by 72% over a year earlier to … The relationship has leaned in particular on the trading of manufactured goods, which made 84% of the EU's exports to China in 2018, specifically that of machines and vehicles, according to statistics released by Eurostat. In 2019: UK exports to China were worth £30.7 billion; imports from China were £49.0 billion, resulting in a trade deficit of -£18.3 billion. The bloc is quite heavily reliant on its trade relationship with China — last year alone the east Asian country made up 20% of the EU's imports. In 2019, the most important export partners for China were the European Union and the United States. In 2019, China was the third largest partner for EU exports of goods (9 %) and the largest partner for EU imports of goods (19 %). In charts, China to overtake US to be world's biggest economy by 2028 due to COVID-19, says report, Mallard to go? The half-day summit on Tuesday saw EU officials meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in the hope of strengthening its €1 billion trade relationship, making up for tension in previous years due to disagreements over the South China Sea. In 2010, China imported $18.2 billion worth of coal. endstream 9 As of May 19, 2020 General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China Address: No.6. NCB database provides international import and export data and analysis of over 33 countries and regions integrating over 8,000,000 entries every month. Exports to European Union in China increased to 45278100 USD THO in February from 40132200 USD THO in December of 2019. In terms of a trade balance, three countries recorded a trade surplus: Germany, Finland and Ireland, while all other remain in deficit. 1 0 obj MS Excel Spreadsheet, 68KB. T19.Q.FX. It is measured in million USD, as percentage of GDP for net trade, and also in annual growth for exports and imports. With all eyes on Brussels, why is this trade summit so important to Europe? PIERS is the leading provider of import and export data at the detailed, bill-of-lading level – a heritage rooted in 40 years of amassing the industry's largest US waterborne trade data set. And how much does the EU rely on China? It also shows the breakdown figures of major import and export commodities like auto parts, electronics, food, footwear, furniture, garments, timepieces, toys, etc. A hotly-anticipated EU-China summit got underway in Brussels this week amid a flurry of pessimistic speculation over the potential outcomes. <>] 31(�� ������f��f�� f��� 3ff��3��3f�f�� 3f���3fff��� D� )]/Intent/Perceptual/Subtype/Image/Height 545/Filter/FlateDecode/Type/XObject/DecodeParms<>/Width 1104/Length 18279/BitsPerComponent 8>>stream �r�+�q��P. and Representative of World Food Program China Office Mr. Qu Sixi in China On the afternoon of July 9,Mr. The following tables contain EU and Non-EU import and export data for July 2020 at chapter level. China includes Hong Kong. Imports of natural gas shrank by dollar value but increased by quantity. The EU now has a trade deficit of €185 billion with China. On both the export and import side, European Union's liner trade is dominated by Germany, which accounts for over 20 percent of EU liner exports and 17 percent of EU liner imports. Similarly, almost all of the EU's imports from China in 2018 were manufactured goods (97%), again falling into the machinery and vehicles bracket. It was also the EU's second largest export partner, behind the US. x�+T05�31Q0 B#S=SC0+9WA?37�@�%_!� �g� Imports of European goods tumbled 29.7% to $22.5 billion. zJ/���lt�h[�]�Ozq����(�nW��d�vǯN�(u��@���x�N=��}��>�'몳�sҁ�j�v��.�@iw�܁R���k�'���O���@Ѵn����� All OECD countries compile their data according to the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA). The UK had a small surplus with China on trade in services, outweighed by a deficit on trade in goods. <> The EU's trade with China hit a 10-year high last year. Exports to the 27-nation European Union, China’s biggest foreign market, fell 20.1% from a year earlier to $35.7 billion. �^2�y�@Q4n��{{b/�u�dOYJ� ��7�l�%w6;Pr-���%E̔�Q�]���C��i�@�4���ǓP�(y3ځ�g�'��.�9�-�6��� ��x��5s(Y�{`�yr�%gV;Pr����]�ā"6�(b�|�"�/���dJ���W�O��#�y2�%�x�+�)O.@q��g��o���������@l. The top four exporters and importers of the European Union (which include Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) also rank within the top 20 globally. European Union exports to United States worth US$ 472,782 million, with a partner share of 20.50 percent. European Union Trade Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit; Current Account To GDP 2.40: … UK overseas trade in goods statistics January 2020: imports… This short note provides some key statistics on the UK’s trade with China. ���Ϻ��dt����� 3 0 obj endobj European Union exports to China worth US$ 245,173 million, with a partner share of 10.63 percent. and merchandise imports are c.i.f. ;P�L� E�(��C�dv��M������' The share of UK exports accounted for by the EU has generally fallen over time from 54% in 2002 to 43% in 2019. China's exports fell 6.6% in March from a year ago, while imports slipped 0.9% in the same month, data from the General Administration of Customs showed on Tuesday. We attribute the balanced data to either exports or imports, depending on whether the data are positive (that is, exports are greater than imports) or negative (that is, exports are less than imports) respectively. Exports and imports of the EU exclude intra-EU exports. Overview: In August 2020 United Kingdom exported £22.7B and imported £40B, resulting in a negative trade balance of £17.3B.Between August 2019 and August 2020 the exports of United Kingdom have decreased by £-5.05B (-18.2%) from £27.7B to £22.7B, while imports decreased by £-7.68B (-16.1%) from £47.7B to £40B. wv;P��{^�~yr��9�(L�=�X���5�:��o EU 28 Countries Import and Export Data is also called EU 28 Countries Import Export Data, or EU 28 Countries Import and Export Trade Data, EU 28 Countries Trade Data. This article discusses the development of the European Union’s (EU) international trade in goods. The EU, taken as a whole is the UK’s largest trading partner. It considers the EU’s share in world import and export markets, intra-EU trade (trade between EU Member States), the EU’s main trading partners, and the EU’s most widely traded product categories.. China Customs Data (CCD) is also called China Customs Import and Export Data, or China Customs Import and Export Data with company, China Customs Data with company. Information on rules for products, access to foreign markets for EU businesses and how to export to the EU This content is not available in your region, What does the EU trade with China? Mr. Xian Zude Meets with the UN Resident Coordinator a.i. China and the EU are ranked as the world's two largest exporters but sit third and fifth on the table for global imports. STATEMENT. This section shows exports and imports data at subnational level for China. Dig of Pompeii fast-food place reveals tastes, Germany, Hungary and Slovakia start COVID-19 vaccinations a day earlier than EU's plan. Exports to China hit €210 billion, up from €78 billion in 2008, while imports reached €395 billion compared with €215 a decade earlier. The share of Africa's merchandise exports within the continent has nearly doubled, jumping from 10.3 of total exports (by value) ... EU European Union ... merchandise exports are f.o.b. Exports and imports of China exclude exports between China and Hong Kong. Much of the negative speculation over Tuesday's summit also focused on the EU's inability to unify its 28 member states, leaving China to search for separate deals. The graph shows the trade balance of the European Union with China from 2009 to 2019. %PDF-1.5 READ MORE: China's Belt and Road plan: Why did Italy sign it and why is Brussels worried? Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China Postcode: 100730 Data are not available for EU members Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia. The notice announces the U.S. Trade Representative’s determination to impose additional duties on products of the EU or certain member states. In its place, China is burning more natural gas. (Quarterly/Fuel imports as percent of total exports) T19.Q.RU.$ (Quarterly/Ratio of unit value indices of MGX and FM/$) Historical Data 1900-1960 on IMTS China Customs Statistics cover the latest statistics on China's imports and exports by countries or regions. The following tables contain EU and Non-EU import and export data for January 2020 at chapter level. European Union, Trade with China Trade flows by SITC section 2019 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4 Imports Exports Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Total 362,015 100.0 18.7 5.9 198,269 100.0 9.3 5.5 0 Food and live animals 4,714 1.3 4.4 9.8 10,984 5.5 8.8 55.1 x^��-'��W��=����=5�*��X��g/DEyԲ^���[ j�:�M/��Η~^C����z��Lt��۸����Ѻ��\t����� The Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom made up the top three EU member state importers of Chinese products in 2018, while Germany the UK and France were the top three exporters. We provide actual live CCD since 2000 onwards. %���� CCD is provided according to 8- digit HS Code, in English, Chinese, or other languages such as Korean, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Every day, on average, the PIERS team processes close to 60,000 bills of lading that are filed with US Customs. The Large Civil Aircraft Section 301 duties only apply to products of the countries set forth in 84 FR 54245, and are based on the country of origin, not country of export. China, however, receives a large share of the EU's vehicle and aircraft exports. Here you can find all tariffs, import procedures and formalities as well as product specific requirements for more than 120 export markets outside the EU which represent over 90% of the total value of the exports to non-EU countries. The EU-27 accounts for around 15 % of the world’s trade in goods.