[6] Thirty years after, Kosovo again participated in a tournament held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Turkish Football Association. Live Italy and Spain plough on as Serbia make their move. Superliga (Kosovo) 2020/2021 - Ergebnisse u. Tabelle: alle Paarungen und Termine der Runde. POMOĆ: Nalazite se na Superliga 2020/2021 rezultati stranici u Nogomet/Kosovo sekciji. Kosovo Superliga. [12] On 22 April 2006, Kosovo achieved their biggest win, defeating Monaco 7–1. A total of 10 teams are competing in the league: eight teams from the 2019–20 season and two teams from the 2019–20 First Football League of Kosovo. [45], In Kosovo's first ever competitive UEFA Euro play-offs, Kosovo was drawn against North Macedonia. Kosovo Superliga 2020/2021 table, full stats, livescores. Day Date Home team Score/Time Away team ; Aggr. There are 34 teams that have taken part in the Football Super league of Kosovo since 1999. The starting line-up of that match was Anel Rashkaj, Dukagjin Gashi, Enis Zabërgja, Fisnik Papuçi, Ilir Nallbani, Kushtrim Mushica, Liridon Kukaj, Robert Gjeraj, Shpëtim Hasani and Yll Hoxha. Membership of Kosovo in international sports federations, diplomatic relations between the two countries, "The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Associations - Kosovo - Men's", "Besnik Dizdari: Kur në Tiranë lindte Përfaqësuesja e Kosovës...(II)", "Kosova, kalvari sportiv e miqësorja e harruar me Jugosllavinë", "International Matches 1993 – Europe, January–March", "Friendly match/Kosovo defeated Monaco by a score of 7-1", "Fitore historike kunder Arabise - Nushi "sheiku" i Kosovës", "FIFA ExCo makes reform progress and Audit and Compliance Committee appointment", "Shaqiri, Xhaka, Cana&Co., deklaratë për Kosovën në FIFA", "Cana, Šaćiri, Džaka i Behrami pisali Blateru zbog Kosova", "Vokri: FIFA i UEFA imaju dvostruke standarde", "Kosova e dha provimin, barazoi pa gola me Haitin", "Kosovo footballers draw with Haiti in Mitrovica debut", "Kosovo national team cause a stir by posing with guns before first ever international fixture", "Kosova shijoi fitoren e parë nën ombrellën e FIFA-s", "UEFA shqyrton në mars të vitit të ardhshëm anëtarësimin e Kosovës", "Football Federation of Kosovo joins UEFA", "Kosovo accepted as member of Uefa after Congress vote", "Zyrtare: Kosova pranohet në FIFA, jemi të barabartë me të gjitha vendet e botës", "Kosovo and Gibraltar assigned to 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifying groups", "Kosova në Grupin I për kualifikimet e Botërorit 2018", "Kosovë brilante, debuton me barazim në kualifikimet e Botërorit 2018", "UEFA Nations League 2018/19 League Phase draw", "Kosova bën histori, kalon në "play-off" për Euro 2020 dhe promovohet në Ligën C", "Kosova në grup me Anglinë, ja deklaratat e presidentit Ademi dhe përzgjedhësit Challandes (Video)", "Anglia ndal serinë e shkëlqyeshme të Dardanëve", "Dardanët pësojnë humbje në Çeki, ëndrra për kualifikim vazhdon tek Liga e Kombeve", "Kosova në grup me Greqinë, Slloveninë e Moldavinë", "Kosova e nis me barazim edicionin e ri në Ligën e Kombeve", "Ëndrra "Euro2020" përfundon, Dardanët pësojnë humbje në Shkup", "Kosova e pafat, debuton me barazim në kualifikimet për Euro 2020", "Amazing Kosovo enjoys historic win in Bulgaria", "Kombëtarja A kthehet e pamposhtur, barazon me Azerbajxhanin", "Kosova e nderon me fitore Fadil Vokrrin, merr kryesimin e Grupit 3 në Ligën D", "TR Northern Cyprus - 50 Years Anniversary Cup 2005", "Challandes publikon listën e futbollistëve për ndeshjet e nëntorit", "Agim Ademi sqaron se pse dështoi kësaj radhe ardhja e Andi Zeqirit te Kosova, i zbulon të rejat e fundit rreth ndeshjeve me Moldavinë dhe Greqinë", "Një futbollist i Kosovës nuk mund të luaj ndaj Sllovenisë dhe Moldavisë, nuk ka kompletuar dokumentacionin", "Nënshkruhet marrëveshja mes FFK-së dhe 'Kelme' për fanellat e Përfaqësueses së Kosovës (Foto/Video)", "FFK-ja promovoi logon e re dhe sponsorin e ri teknik", "Zbulohen fanellat e reja të Kosovës për Ligën e Kombeve dhe logo e re e FFK-së", "Nis ndërtimi i stadiumit nacional të Kosovës", "Prezantohet projekti për stadiumin Kombëtar të Kosovës", "Stadiumi Olimpik Adem Jashari, Mitrovica", "Kosovo international footballers of all-time", "Kosovo national football team goalscorers of all-time", "Kosovo international footballers of all-time (captains) by caps as captain", "Kosovo national football team match results", "Meciul Moldova – Kosovo din Liga Națiunilor se va juca în Italia", "UEFA e ka konfirmuar orarin e ndeshjes Maqedoni e Veriut – Kosovë, zhvillohet në Shkup në muajin tetor", "Këto janë 11 stadiumet e Superligës dhe asnjëri nuk i plotëson kushtet (Foto)", "Loro Boriçi, shtëpia e përkohshme e Kosovës", "Loro Boriçi, i rilindur gati për kolaudim (Foto)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kosovo_national_football_team&oldid=996439916, European national association football teams, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles containing Albanian-language text, Articles containing Serbian-language text, Instances of Lang-sr using second unnamed parameter, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with Albanian-language sources (sq), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 16:55. [51] On 10 September 2018, Kosovo achieved their first win in the UEFA Nations League, which was also the team's first-ever competitive win, a 2–0 home win against the Faroe Islands. Španjolska - Kosovo, 02.09. [41] In the decisive match against the Czechs away, which Kosovo needed a win to directly qualify for the first time, Kosovo gained a shock lead, but failed to protect it again as they lost 1–2 and could only participate in the playoff,[42] but this remained to be Kosovo's greatest success up to date. Liga e Kombeve Euro 2020 RUSIA 2018 EURO 2016 Copa America 2016. [43] After impressive performance in the UEFA Euro 2020 qualifying, Kosovo was tipped favorably to promote to League B. However, I want to emphasize that our players have been fantastic. Some players, especially Kosovo Serbs as Milan Biševac and Miloš Krasić, continued to play for the Serbia. It is controlled by the Football Federation of Kosovo, the governing body for football in Kosovo. Get the latest football scores & result for all games in the Superliga 2020/21 of Kosovo and all other football match results from the Kosovar Superliga only at ScoresPro - #1 football livescores website for all of the Kosovo… Liga Latvian Cup. If one included matches played before Kosovo became a FIFA member, this scoreline is their best result yet. 2019/2020; Cup; Super Cup; Play-offs 1/2; Liga e Femrave; Matches Day Date Home team Score/Time Away team ; Wednesday 08/07/2020: FT. Gjilani 2 - 1: Prishtina More info. Final Stages; Super Cup; Play-offs 1/2; Liga e Femrave; Finals. Kosovo (2) Superleague of Kosovo Kosovar Cup. [55] All caps and goals as of 18 November 2020 after the match against Moldova. The league has its origins in 1945 when it became one of the subdivisions of the 5th level in Yugoslav football league system. It included most clubs from Kosovo except those from Serbian-dominated North Kosovo which remained in Serbian football league system. In a meeting held, FIFA decided to allow friendly matches to be played a decision it later revoked following a protest issued by Football Association of Serbia. Yet, Kosovo began the Nations League with a disappointing 1–1 away draw to Moldova,[44] before the team which was halved due to the absences of key players suffered a 1–2 home loss against Greece. The 3.Liga is a professional association football league and the third division in Germany. The Football Federation of Kosovo (Albanian: Federata e Futbollit e Kosovës; FFK) is the governing body of football in Kosovo, with headquarters in Pristina. Founded 1946 Address Rruga Agim Ramadani 45 Prishtinë (Pristina) Country Kosovo E-mail ffk-kosova@hotmail.com The game against England away even saw the Kosovars took an early lead in the surprise, even though they were unable to protect it and fell 3–5 away. In 1945, Kosovo was reincorporated to Serbia, and subsequently, SFR Yugoslavia. The clubs play each other four times during the season for a 36-match schedule. .mw-parser-output .nat-fs-player th{background-color:inherit;border:0}.mw-parser-output .nat-fs-player td{text-align:center;border:0}. Kosovo lost against the host with result 1–0 and won against Sàpmi with result 4–1. For the women's team, see, "I am very pleased with the team's performance even though we had predicted a stronger opponent. A new meeting was held at FIFA, on 27 and 28 September in which the Kosovo issue was again planned to be discussed, which was then postponed until December. Kosovo. The modern 3. The 2020–21 Football Superleague of Kosovo season is the 22nd season of top-tier football in Kosovo.The season began on 18 September 2020 and will end on 30 May 2021. We have the football league standings for all of the major football & soccer leagues including all of the Kosovo's football leagues such as the Kosovar Superliga. All three of Kosovo's goals came from individual mistake and the West Ham man was guilty of giving the ball away in the lead-up to the second goal. Livescore stránka s live výsledky Kosovo je aktualizovaná online - vôbec nemusíte používať refresh. ", Kosovo starting line-up in first international friendly against Haiti, Kosovo kit in the first competitive match against. Vend: Basketboll Liga Unike FBK Superliga FBK Liga e par ë FBK Liga e Femrave FBK Superliga U18 BIBL Balkan League Vend: Hendboll FHK Superliga. League table, goal alerts, goal strikers, sound alerts, personalization and more livescore features. FIFA reversed that decision stating that Kosovo may play other countries in international friendlies according to Article 79 of the FIFA Statutes. [30] On 3 May 2016, at the Ordinary Congress. It was the first time that Kosovo played against a team that has taken part in the FIFA World Cup and the winning goal was scored by Kristian Nushi from the penalty kick on the 84th minute. Liechtenstein (1) Cup. In 1991 an unrecognised parallel league gathering ethnic Albanian pro-independence clubs was set that run till 1999. [52] Kosovo finished the league unbeaten (with four wins and two draws) and will be promoted to the next tier (C league) for the next edition. 2019/2020; Cup; Super Cup; Play-offs 1/2; Liga e Femrave; Matches. [40] As the dark horse of the qualification, Kosovo however created a major phenomenon, managed to beat Bulgaria, Montenegro and especially, a shock home win over the Czechs to take the second place behind England. HELP: Superliga 2020/2021 results page belongs to the Football/Kosovo section of FlashScore.co.uk. On 29 November 1942, Kosovo for first time in its history played a friendly match as part of the celebrations for 30th Anniversary of the Independence of Albania against Tirana[a] and the match ended with a 2–0 away defeat and the starting line-up of that match was Mustafa Daci, Ballanca, Ahmet Zaimi, Mazllum Xërxa, Veseli, Hajdar Hamza, Nebil Dylatahu, Ramadan Vraniqi, Dobrica Barbaroga,[b] Bajrami and Henci. Lesotho (1) Lesotho Premier League. [11], One of the most important international matches was a 1–0 win over Saudi Arabia played on 15 June 2007. [60][61], On 12 July 2019, it was announced that a stadium will be built with a capacity of 30,000 seats.[62][63]. Laos (1) Laos Premier League. Ten teams will compete in the league – the top eight teams from the previous season and the two teams promoted from the First Football League of Kosovo. [5][6][7], —The reasoning of the then head coach of Yugoslavia, Rajko Mitić for the reason for organizing the Kosovo–Yugoslavia match. [37][38] On 7 September 2018, Kosovo made their debut in the UEFA Nations League with a 0–0 away draw against Azerbaijan. Get up to date results from the Kosovar Superliga for the 2020/21 football season. Bundesliga and the fourth-tier Regionalliga.. Elo rankings change compared to one year ago. This article is about the men's team. In Germany, the 3. Kosovo.