Sammlung Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz» Die Privatsammlung befindet sich in der ehemaligen Villa von Oskar Reinhart. It has been known for a long time that Manet originally painted a large composition called ‘ Café-concert de Reichshoffen’ in 1878 and then divided the painting into two unequal pieces before the original composition had been completed. Winterthur. Mariantonia Reinhard-Felice: Sammlung Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz», Winterthur. Locations: The Museum of Modern Art Archives, NY and the Archives of American Art, Washington. At his bequest his entire collection of 500 or more works went to the nation of Switzerland upon his death in 1965. Part of his collection is now on display at the “Am Römerholz” villa. Useful information. The Night Café, Sept. 6–8, 1888. Helle Räume, gemütliches Ambiente sowie eine grosszügige Terrasse laden zum Verweilen ein. It comprises some 200 works of European art from the late Gothic period to the threshold of … Address: Grüzenstrasse 44-45 Winterthur. Café Restaurant Raindli Poststrasse 16 8312 Winterberg Telefon 052 345 01 51. Matthias und Christina Frehner: Sammlung Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz», Winterthur. “Römerholz”; former residence with gallery addition, for the exhibition of the Oskar Reinhart Collection of Art; the differentiated interventions range from the remodelling of the entrance area, exhibition rooms and café, to the restoration of the historical spatial disposition, materials, and the construction of three new exhibition spaces. May 2, 1889 Arles, France. Middle: The gallery inside the mansion. 1924 erwarb er als Wohnsitz und Sammlungsort die Villa „Am Römerholz“ und beauftragte deren Architekten, den Genfer Maurice Turrettini, mit dem Anbau einer Gemäldegalerie. Both the hospital garden and ward paintings were held by Oskar Reinhart [26] from a powerful family in the banking and insurance industries. Phone: +41 52 234 10 60. Correspondence from Neumann to Flechtheim is in the J.B. Neumann Papers and the Archives of American Art. Left: Edouard Manet, Au café, 1878. It is one of the most important private collections of the 20th century. At his bequest his entire collection of 500 or more works went to the nation of Switzerland upon his death in 1965. Enjoy a coffee at the Café Bistro at the Oskar Reinhart Collection 'Am Römerholz' Visit the Oskar Reinhart Collection 'Am Römerholz' Return by museum bus to Winterthur town centre; Lunch at the Restaurant National or Restaurant zur Sonne; Wander through the delightful old town, referring to the Winterthur map Het geheel is beschermd als Zwitsers cultureel erfgoed van nationaal belang The charming café with a view, inviting you to follow the enjoyment of art with delicacies of the table, is not to be overlooked. This former residence of Oskar Reinhart is an exquisite location to display some of the most important works from his collection. Main image: The café is a particularly attractive part of Oskar Reinhart’s house. Oskar Reinhart (1885–1965) stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Winterthurer Handelsdynastie und hatte bereits von Kindesbeinen an engen Kontakt zu Künstlern, die der Vater als Mäzen unterstützte. Sammlung Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz» Die Privatsammlung befindet sich in der ehemaligen Villa von Oskar Reinhart. Oskar Reinhart (1885-1965), einer kunstsinnigen und mäzenatisch tätigen Winterthurer Handelsdynastie entstammend, kaufte als junger Mann die ersten Bilder. Die Villa am Römerholz war ursprünglich das Wohnhaus des Winterthurer Kaufmanns Oskar Reinhart, in welchem er Meisterwerke des 14. bis zum frühen 20. Oskar Reinhart am Römerholz Collection. Er selbst begann früh, Kunst zu sammeln und zog sich im Alter von 39 Jahren aus dem Geschäftsleben zurück, um sich fortan hauptsächlich seiner Leidenschaft zu widmen. Zu bewundern sind eine konzentrierte Auswahl von Glanzstücken der europäischen Kunst, vor allem Gemälde sowie Zeichnungen und Skulpturen. The focus is on French impressionism and its direct predecessors. Photo by Alex Roediger Nearby we visited the local hospital where Van Gogh recovered after having cut off part of his ear during an emotional breakdown. A fictional niece of Oskar Reinhart, a girl named Anna, takes the children for a walk through the historical rooms and the marvellous collection of impressionist and Old Master paintings. 3:00 . Since 1873 Gerstenberg worked as mathematician for assurance Allgemeinen Eisenbahn-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft, which later became German assurance Victoria.In 1888, Gerstenberg became member of supervisory board in that assurance and was since 1891 CEO of the assurance. Oskar Reinhart came from an affluent Winterthur family. Oskar Reinhart was born in Winterthur in 1885 and bequeathed part of his impressive art collection and his Am Römerholz villa to the Swiss public on his death in 1965. Oskar Reinhart collection. PIERRE BONNARD. Jahrhundert zusammentrug und dabei den Akzent auf die französische Malerei des 19. La Collection Oskar Reinhart « Am Römerholz » est un musée d'art de la ville suisse de Winterthour, dans le canton de Zurich.La structure date de 1915, Maurice Turrettini en étant l'architecte [2].Oskar Reinhart (1885-1965) lui demanda de construire aussi une galerie pour abriter toute sa collection [2 He began to collect art as a young man. 'The Night Café' Painted in 1888. The Archiv Oskar Reinhart, Römerholz, Winterthur (Switzerland) includes correspondence between Alfred Flechtheim and Oskar Reinhart from 1921–36. The Oskar Reinhart Collection “Am Römerholz,” Winterthur, Switzerland; The garden at the former hospital as it appears today. Reinhart acquired the best work he could from the artists he liked. The Collection Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz», in Winterthur, is located at an established address for lovers of art. Once an industrial stronghold, today Switzerland’s sixth largest city is a real cultural metropolis. Café Bistro 'Am Römerholz', Winterthur: 28 Bewertungen - bei Tripadvisor auf Platz 104 von 268 von 268 Winterthur Restaurants; mit 4/5 von Reisenden bewertet. Zu bewundern sind eine konzentrierte Auswahl von Glanzstücken der europäischen Kunst, vor allem Gemälde sowie Zeichnungen und Skulpturen. Das Café-Bistro «Am Römerholz» ist eine kleine Oase am Rande des Lindbergs über der Stadt Winterthur. Much of the collection was given to the Swiss Confederation and today is housed in Reinhart’s house Am Römerholz and the Oskar Reinhart Museum in Winterthur. Up on a hill sits the lovely villa that houses the Oskar Reinhart Collection 'Am Römerholz'. After the visit the wonderful Garden and the Museum Café offer a moment of true leisure. Nachdem viele seiner Werke in den 1930er Jahren bereits in verschiedenen Schweizer Museen ausgestellt worden waren, vermachte Oskar Reinhart 1958 testamentarisch die Villa und die Sammlung der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. ... Collection Oskar Reinhart « Am Römerholz », Winterthur. Sammlung Oskar Reinhart «Am Römerholz» A jewel of the Swiss museum scene is located in an elevated position above Winterthur: one of the most distinguished private collections of the 20th century awaits you in a villa hidden away behind old trees in an idyllic garden. De Sammlung Oskar Reinhart "Am Römerholz" is een kunstmuseum in de Zwitserse stad Winterthur.Het bevindt zich in de voormalige woning van Oskar Reinhart (1885-1965), die er zijn collectie onderbracht. In addition to 17 outstanding museums – such as the Fotomuseum, the Oskar Reinhart collection “Am Römerholz”, and the Swiss Science Center Technorama – “Winti”, as … Oskar Reinhart collection. Details of Café Bistro 'Am Römerholz' in Winterthur (Address, Telephone number, Homepage) Both the hospital garden and ward paintings were held by Oskar Reinhart from a powerful family in the banking and insurance industries. European masterpieces from earlier periods are also featured, from Lukas Cranach to Peter Paul Rubens and Francisco de Goya. April 30, 1889 Arles, France. Discover the surroundings ClickToViewContent. Sammlung Oskar Reinhart: Very interesting art gallery - See 120 traveler reviews, 337 candid photos, and great deals for Winterthur, Switzerland, at Tripadvisor. Contact ClickToViewContent. Fontenay-aux-Roses 1867-1947 Cannet, Alpes-Maritimes Von Dienstag bis Sonntag können Sie sich hier, umgeben von Kunst und Natur, kulinarisch verwöhnen lassen. Life. Juliet Wilson-Bareau, Malcolm Park: Manet trifft Manet. In his childhood Gerstenberg lived in Pyritz.Gerstenberg studied mathematics and philosophy in Berlin. Schwabe, Basel 2003, ISBN 3-7965-1952-0. Flooding in the Yellow House causes water damage to several of Van Gogh’s works, including the first version of The Bedroom. The Reinhart Collection formed by Oskar Reinhart is now held in a museum in his old house, "Am Römerholz" in Winterthur, Zurich Canton, Switzerland, as well as the Museum Oskar Reinhart in the centre of Winterthur.It belongs to the Swiss Confederation, Federal Office of … Jahrhunderts, insbesondere des Impressionismus legte. Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft SIK, 1993, ISBN 3-908184-14-2. Official website ... Oskar Reinhart am Römerholz Collection . Café, shop, book shop, etc. Villa am Römerholz. The holdings are shown during temporary exhibitions, of which there are around seven per year. The Oskar Reinhart Collection “Am Römerholz” is presented to visitors in unique surroundings and rooms with a unique atmosphere. On display at the Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut. The Oskar Reinhart Am Römerholz collection is located in Winterthur. Reinhart verfügte, dass Werke der Sammlung «Am Römerholz» weder verkauft noch ausgeliehen werden dürfen.