The peak season for climbing the Matterhorn is generally from mid July to late August. From Mike's Mountaineering Guide to the Swiss Alps. Climbers switching to crampons at the site of the ruined Solvay Hut in snowy conditions. The Matterhorn Webcam is a useful tool if planning a visit; the mountain should really appear pretty much clear of snow when viewed from Zermatt to be considered in optimum condition. on scrambling terrain with increasing vertical intervals. It is situated at an altitude of 3260m and was rebuilt in 2015, reducing the number of beds from 170 to 130. Hornli Ridge 2. Sadly, 1,220m on a step machine in the gym is simply not going to cut it, and time in the mountains will be well spent. Guided parties climbing the Shoulder snow field⦠1. An early start means some intricate route-finding has to be negotiated in the dark. The guidebook time is 4-5 hours in ascent and 5-6 in descent. Hörnligrat (Swiss route), Liongrat (Italian Route), Zmuttgrat, Furggengrat. This, combined with some training ascents of other 4,000m peaks and nights spent sleeping at around 3,000m will be essential for acclimatisation. Many British Mountain Guides offer ascents on a private or course basis. HOW TO GET THERE: Fly to Zurich, and then either catch a train or drive to Zermatt or Breuil-Cervinia where you will be based. IFMGA Mountain Guide James Thacker explains exactly what you can expect when, climbing the route of the first ascent, the Hörnli Ridge…. Výstup na Matterhorn hřebenem Hörnli vyžaduje větší zkušenost s pohybem v horách, více rozvahy, orientačního smyslu a vytrvalosti. For the vast majority of the route, one person will probably have the rope in alpine coils around their body, as only a short distance is needed in ascent. To save a bit of weight I usually take a 40m rope, which is a good compromise between the added burden and usable length for abseils and lowers on key sections. There are very real barriers to achieving those big days in the mountains, but a good way of maximising time is to concentrate on scrambling terrain with increasing vertical intervals. The overall commitment of the route is clear when you consider that you need to ascend and descend a vertical interval of 1,220m from the Hörnlihutte in a timely and expedient fashion. Read our Trip Report, "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes." The sustained terrain on the Matterhorn may feel comfortable enough in dry conditions but being caught in a storm high on the mountain is not one to savour. The guidebook time is 4-5 hours in ascent and 5-6 in descent. The route is graded ‘Assez Difficile’ (AD) and a quick glance at the Alpine Club Guidebook (details at bottom of page) will tell you that the route includes sections of UIAA III climbing – which is around British Difficult or Very Difficult standard. - 1. I favour quite a light but stiff boot for the this sort of climbing, the stiffness allowing the effective use of small footholds as well as fitting a crampon. Traverse of Matterhorn with ascent via Hörnligrat and descent via Liongrat in August 1996 by Dietmar Hahm. Italský hÅeben Lion klade vyÅ¡Å¡í nároky na sílu a schopnost co nejefektivnÄji využívat umÄlé fixní pomůcky. When pushed it became apparent that he had never set foot on the mountain, let alone possessed an understanding of the enormity of the task. Matterhorn (4477m) Liongrat-Hörnligrat 11.07.2010 4 Von flosse Anfahrt und Startpunkt: "Berg der Berge", "Schönster Berg der Welt", "Ein Muss für jeden Alpinisten". As a Guide, I personally think of the Matterhorn as a unique challenge, the overall itinerary being a much greater undertaking than its constituent parts. This quickly gives way to warmer temperatures in the afternoon as you descend into the heat of the day. Starting at about 4am, most of the lower section is climbed in darkness before reaching the summit early, then descending before the build up of afternoon cloud. If anyone struggles on the Breithorn, you shouldn't take them on the Matterhorn. To climb this famous summit remains a significant challenge and is still one of the European Alps most sought-after ascents. Sehr anspruchsvolle Hochtour auf den wohl bekanntesten Berg der Welt: das Matterhorn (4.478 m) im Kanton Wallis. Radek. In this hut you can touch the Matterhorn so to speak. Hut Booking: Hörnlihutte, price is 150CHF per person with a discount for Alpine Club, CAF, SAC members. Der Auf- und Abstieg erfolgt ausschliesslich in Fels und Eis und setzt ausgezeichnete Fitness und Erfahrung im Felsklettern voraus. Although nothing really compares to the Hörnligrat, traverses such as the South Ridge of the Laggingorn make ideal targets to practise movement on AD ground over a reasonable horizontal and vertical distance. Experienced required July and August are the only months sensible to try this route, as snow will still be lying before this. Cheers. Von der Hörnlihütte geht es über den Hörnligrat auf den formschönen, pyramidenförmigen Gipfel der Walliser Alpen. It is of course possible to hire a Swiss Guide purely for a summit attempt in Zermatt, but the approach is slightly different with the vast majority of hopefuls having a rather clinical test on a nearby summit. The topographic prominence of the Matterhorn is 1,042 metres (3,419 ft) as the ridge connecting it with a higher summit (in this case the Weisshorn, which is the culminating point of the range west of the Mattertal valley) sinks to a height of 3,436 m (11,273 ft) at the Col Durand, a saddle between the Pointe de Zinal and the Mont Durand. Der Auf- und Abstieg erfolgt ausschliesslich in Fels und Eis und setzt ausgezeichnete Fitness und Erfahrung im Felsklettern voraus. Sadly, 1,220m on a step machine in the gym is simply not going to cut it, and time in the mountains will be well spent. Moving together on a short rope often without protection between, is one of the true techniques of alpinism, demonstrating solidarity in the climbing partnership, mutual trust to move carefully and sure-footedly in pursuit of the summit. B&W shows well how severe was Matterhorn Hörnligrat during winter days. The topographic prominence of the Matterhorn is 1,042 metres (3,419 ft) as the ridge connecting it with a higher summit (in this case the Weisshorn, which is the culminating point of the range west of the Mattertal valley) sinks to a height of 3,436 metres (11,273 ft) at the Col Durand, a saddle between the Pointe de Zinal and the Mont Durand. This all helps overall fitness but also contributes to developing balance, agility and co-ordination on scrambling terrain and that feeling of being ‘good on your feet’. The climb and descent is done exclusively over rocks and ice, and it requires outstanding fitness and experience in rock climbing with and without crampons. There are some small abseils or lowers on the way down so I prefer a harness with a little padding, shunning super-lightweight models. Sadly, no shortcuts exist and this isn’t a challenge which can be achieved by following a closely-defined checklist, but that’s the ultimate attraction – the Matterhorn is definitely no ‘quick tick’. The Matterhorn climbers stay here just like the hikers. Vital information: Berghaus Matterhorn / Hörnlihütte Kurt Lauber CH-3920 Zermatt während den geöffneten Monaten Juli bis September Telefon +41 27 967 22 64 Fax +41 27 967 54 75 Telefon +41 27 967 27 69 (Hörnlihütte) während den geschlossenen Monaten Oktober bis Juni Telefon +41 27 967 54 68 Hörnligrat To climb the Matterhorn by the easiest ridge â the Hörnli Ridge (or Hörnligrat) â one needs the ability to cope with roped scrambling for a long period of time. We’ve got a great deal to keep you covered: 25% off all annual multi-trip policies in Europe, which works out at £141 for 12-months cover. In der Regel wird das Matterhorn über den Hörnligrat bestiegen, er stellt den sogenannten Normalweg, also den leichtesten Anstieg, dar. The scale of the Hörnligrat also brings the challenge of speed and efficiency. Jsou mezi námi jedinci, kteÅí to celé zvládnou za den a dokonce i v zimÄ, ale máme za to, že hory nejsou urÄené k závodÄní. Snowdonia, the Highlands and North West Highlands, and the Isle of Skye all offer fantastic scrambling terrain on which to practise. Není to žádná procházka a už výška vrcholu kolem 4500 metrů nad mořem požaduje aklimatizaci. In most cases an ascent would be made at the end of a six-day period, allowing acclimatisation time and some practice or warm-up ascents prior to a summit bid. Stellungnahme des Alpincenters Zermatt (jetzt Zermatters) Wie wir aus dem Bericht von Herrn Jost entnehmen können, war er mit unseren Bergführern zufrieden. Italský hřeben Lion klade vyšší nároky na sílu a schopnost co nejefektivněji využívat umělé fixní pomůcky. Hörnligrat by Stefan Griebel. The overall commitment of the route is clear when you consider that you need to ascend and descend a vertical interval of 1,220m from the Hörnlihutte in a timely and expedient fashion. Hörnligrat). WHERE TO STAY: In the valley, stay in either Zermatt or Breuil-Cervinia. Matterhorn (4478 m) Lion (italská normálka, JZ hÅeben, AD, III) (bez fixních lan IV) -> Hörnligrat (Å¡výcarská normálka, SV hÅeben, AD, III) (bez fixních lan IV+) 29. Athletic rock climbing ability is not really required – instead, sure-footedness, good balance and the ability to deal with the heady exposure of such a significant summit are more useful for a successful ascent. The topographic prominence of the Matterhorn is 1,042 metres (3,419 ft) as the ridge connecting it with a higher summit (in this case the Weisshorn, which is the culminating point of the range west of the Mattertal valley) sinks to a height of 3,436 m (11,273 ft) at the Col Durand, a saddle between the Pointe de Zinal and the Mont Durand. Walk up the night before to the Hörnlihutte – this is very busy though, so book well in advance. Hut Booking: Hörnlihutte, Waterproof jacket and pants, softshell pants, 25L backpack, belay jacket, lightweight mountaineering boots, 12-point crampons, ice axe, helmet, harness, 40m rope, Unless you are a very experienced mountaineer, prospective Matterhorn climbers are advised, to book an IFMGA Mountain Guide for their Hörnli Ridge climb. Climbers must be able to climb up to 5.7 in boots and be in excellent fitness as summit day is over 4,000ft of technical climbing. Inevitably, this period also coincides with the high season in the Alps when the mountains are at their busiest, the conditions are often dry and the risk of rockfall is ever- present. For weather conditions, check the webcam at and weather forecast at It is a true ‘mountaineer’s summit’, and any ascent will require experience, training and practice, with its technical difficulty alone making it stand head and shoulders above Mont Blanc. Den Gipfel des Toblerone-Berges hatte ich bereits an einem Traumtag im August 2001 zusammen mit Peter über den Hörnligrat erreicht.Für einen echten Schweizer Alpinisten gehört das unverrückbar zum Curriculum, und entsprechend glücklich waren wir auch über diese Tour. The most popular ascent route is the Hörnligrat. Due to the huge vertical difference you need clothing to cope with a broad range of temperatures; most likely +30 degrees on the approach to the hut, followed by a pre-dawn start with temperatures just above freezing. Sort Routes Type: Trad, Alpine, 3600 ft (1091 m), Grade III ... Hörnli Hut approach trail with Matterhorn tower⦠2. Matterhorn (4477m) Liongrat-Hörnligrat 11.07.2010 4 Von flosse Anfahrt und Startpunkt: "Berg der Berge", "Schönster Berg der Welt", "Ein Muss für jeden Alpinisten". On a recent ascent, I was riding the lift up to Schwarzsee and a confident and articulate British tourist described how you simply didn’t need a Guide for the Matterhorn; it was, of course, far too “easy”. Route-finding is really important to ensure that you stay on well-travelled rock. Matterhorn summit success comes from climbers that generally have taken and successfully completed a Matterhorn Prep program, or equivalent type experience. Matterhorn topographic map in AZ viewable online in JPG format as a free download. Preparation is key and it may be that you need to take longer than a week for successful acclimatisation. Summit height: 4,477 meters. To climb the Matterhorn by the easiest ridge – the Hörnli Ridge (or Hörnligrat) – one needs the ability to cope with roped scrambling for a long period of time. That’s why all of our policies come with: *Policy details: £141.80 for annual European Alpine and Ski cover up to age 69. The Matterhorn (German: Matterhorn, [ËmatÉrËhÉrn]; Italian: Cervino, [ËtÊerËviËno]; French: Le Cervin, [mÉÌ sÉÊvÉÌ]) is a mountain of the Alps, straddling the main watershed and border between Switzerland and Italy. Digital topo map DVD and paper map purchase of the Matterhorn USGS topo quad at 1:24,000 scale. The Hörnli ridge of the northeast (the central ridge in the view from Zermatt) is the usual climbing route. Ausbruch am Hörnligrat von 2003 ereigne- ... On the influence of topo-graphic, geological and cryospheric factors on ... Geomorphologically, the Matterhorn is a karling, i.e. Hörnli Hütte, Rifugio Carrel, Solvay Hütte. S nadmoÅskou výÅ¡kou 4478 metrů je zároveÅ také sedmou nejvyÅ¡Å¡í horou Alp. Read our Trip Report 'Matterhorn in Winter Tastes Bittersweet'. IFMGA Mountain Guide James Thacker explains exactly what you can expect when climbing the route of the first ascent, the Hörnli Ridge…. If, instead, you are considering an ascent of the Matterhorn independently, then many of the other Valais peaks offer excellent routes on which to cut your teeth. Hörnligrat. Besteigungsbericht: Matterhorn-Hörnligrat-28.08.2007 Das Matterhorn war bisher eigentlich nie wirklich ein Thema für mich gewesen. Normally the Hörnligrat needs to be largely clear of snow on the lower section and ideally up to The Shoulder, close to where the upper fixed ropes begin. Due to the huge vertical difference you need clothing to cope with a broad range of temperatures; most likely +30 degrees on the approach to the hut, followed by a pre-dawn start with temperatures just above freezing. An unusually cheery queue at the bottom of the Lower Moseley Slab. The topographic prominence of the Matterhorn is 1,042 metres (3,419 ft) as the ridge connecting it with a higher summit (in this case the Weisshorn, which is the culminating point of the range west of the Mattertal valley) sinks to a height of 3,436 m (11,273 ft) at the Col Durand, a saddle between the Pointe de Zinal and the Mont Durand. (Dominic Steinmann/epa/Corbis ) On July 14, 1865, a seven-member team of climbers made the first ascent to the top of the Matterhorn ⦠In most cases, a light pair of softshell trousers, thin thermal and softshell top will be the mainstay of any clothing system. Sadly, the Matterhorn is also one of the most dangerous summits in the Alps with a rumoured 500+ deaths since its first ascent. 1. The author regularly guides on this route, see his website at Monte Cervino. A climb by Bernd Busam. Info: Tourenbeschreibung Hörnligrat mit Topo. --Henry David Thoreau, 'Matterhorn in Winter Tastes Bittersweet'. Description: Route length: 1,220 meters. Tag:Mit der Seilbahn zum Schwarzsee und in 2 Std./700 Hm auf markiertem Weg zur Hörnlihütte.2. In most cases, a light pair of softshell trousers, thin thermal and softshell top will be the mainstay of any clothing system. Want more? 2012. The Matterhorn (German: Matterhorn, [ˈmatərˌhɔrn]; Italian: Cervino, [ˈtʃerˈviːno]; French: Le Cervin, [mɔ̃ sɛʁvɛ̃]) is a mountain of the Alps, straddling the main watershed and border between Switzerland and Italy. Zermatt, Breuil Cervinia. Matterhorn Traverse. Although not too hard technically, excellent fitness is required as it is a very long day, plus a head for heights is helpful as the exposure in places is quite breathtaking. The Matterhorn's faces are steep, and only small patches of snow and ice cling to them; regular avalanches send the snow down to accumulate on the glaciers at the base of each face, the largest of which is the Zmutt Glacier to the west. The normal route is via the Hörnligrat and is only suitable for well-versed mountaineers accompanied by a mountain guide. 8. Having decided that the Matterhorn is firmly on your tick list it’s worth considering what equipment to take. At the top of the mountain sits a metal cross. Besteigungsbericht: Matterhorn-Hörnligrat-28.08.2007 Das Matterhorn war bisher eigentlich nie wirklich ein Thema für mich gewesen. Matterhorn Hörnligrat. To climb the Matterhorn by the easiest ridge – the Hörnli Ridge (or Hörnligrat) – one needs the ability to cope with roped scrambling for a long period of time. Hörnligrat Route T 5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c PG13 Order Wrong? Walk up the night before to the Hörnlihutte – this is very busy though, so book well in advance. It goes without saying that you should do a shorter route first: the half traverse of the Breithorn can be done in a day from Zermatt using the early cablecar. For weather conditions, check the webcam at, Fly to Zurich, and then either catch a train or drive to Zermatt or Breuil-Cervinia where you will. For many people the logical way of climbing the Matterhorn is with an IFMGA Mountain Guide. The Matterhorn, Monte Cervino (in Italian) or Mont Cervin (in French) lies between the town of Zermatt in Switzerland and Breuil-Cervinia in the Italian Aosta Valley to the south. Von der Hörnlihütte geht es über den Hörnligrat auf den formschönen, pyramidenförmigen Gipfel der Walliser Alpen. In addition, some lightweight waterproof trousers and a jacket will be useful in the bottom of your sac for an afternoon shower or windy conditions. At 4,477m the Matterhorn is well over the magical 4000m mark and, combined with such a rapid ascent and descent on rock, people often suffer from altitude illness as they work hard, on the ascent, in contrast to the slow plod of. The Matterhorn Hörnligrat field site located in Zermatt, Switzerland, at 3500 m a. s. l. is a unique situation for steep bedrock permafrost research as it is located on a ridge and not on a mountain top or in a large rock face where permafrost boreholes would typically be placed (Luethi and Phillips, 2016). Even in relatively stable conditions the summit can be shrouded in cloud as moist air rises from the Italian plains up the Aosta Valley. My jsme se o nÄj již jednou pokouÅ¡eli, v roce 2005 hÅebenem Hörnligrat. Matterhorn Hörnligrat and a piece of North Face. For many people the logical way of climbing the Matterhorn is with an IFMGA Mountain Guide. And, the Allalinhorn is the easiest 4000er to get acclimatised first. 1. Hornli Ridge: the route of the first ascent by Edward Whymper in 1865. As a Guide, I personally think of the Matterhorn as a unique challenge, the overall itinerary being a much greater undertaking than its constituent parts. The good news is that as a predominately rock ascent – with just the final section on snow and ice – this is one place where you don’t need to worry about seracs and crevasses. Hörnligrat by Hartmut Bielefeldt. At 4,478m the summit is high – in fact, one of the highest summits in the Alps – with no truly ‘easy’ route to the top. Matterhorn je považován[kým?] Sehr anspruchsvolle Hochtour auf den wohl bekanntesten Berg der Welt: das Matterhorn (4.478 m) im Kanton Wallis. Matterhorn není tÅeba pÅedstavovat. At 4,478 m, the Matterhorn is the most difficult classic in the Alps. TyÄí se na hranici mezi Å výcarskem a Itálií, nad Å¡výcarským Zermattem a italským mÄstem Breuil-Cervinia. Do nothing in haste; look well to each step; and from the beginning think what may be the end.”. Finally, embrace the controlled chaos of one of the busiest summits in the Alps and enjoy a unique ascent from the Golden Era. The northeastern ridge also known as the Hörnligrat is one of the most famous ascents in the Alps attracting more ⦠Matterhorn-Hörnligrat. Oh, and don’t forget that it’s not always good to join the back of the queue…, WHEN TO GO: July and August are the only months sensible to try this route, as snow will still be lying before this. Whether you are a young alpine tiger or are starting your mountaineering career in your 40’s, the Matterhorn is almost sure to be on your ticklist. Den Gipfel des Toblerone-Berges hatte ich bereits an einem Traumtag im August 2001 zusammen mit Peter über den Hörnligrat erreicht.Für einen echten Schweizer Alpinisten gehört das unverrückbar zum Curriculum, und entsprechend glücklich waren wir auch über diese Tour. Whether you are a young alpine tiger or are starting your mountaineering career in your 40’s, the Matterhorn is almost sure to be on your ticklist.