You like to think you know, but you dont. But I . Eddie Vargas is one of my dads sons in the faith and a huge influence on my life. I share my time and efforts with total strangers for free to share truths that I believe have been revealed to me over time and I have been a blessing to many people. This is no proof at all that the early church fathers taught about hell it only proves that the bible translators were consistent with inserting their lies into the scriptures and into early church writings. He says to his audience that theyll hear very far-fetched and stretched explanations about the explanation of Luke 16 and then he says that the universalist does a lot of biblical gymnastics to try to get around the very clear meaning of what the bible says David then quotes Luke 16:22-23 which is very interesting because he doesnt even quote the entire passage but he quotes those two scriptures because of the word Hades. David Diga Hernandez Beware of the Bereans July 14, 2022 David Diga Hernandez Platforms: Youtube, Facebook Affiliations: Vlad Savchuk, Benny Hinn, Allen Parr Ministries: Encounter TV, Holy Spirit School, Encounter Services Testimony: Emotional encounter with Jesus? Lets allow the scriptures to teach us and not Davids unholy interpretation. Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, So, the thing that was MADE MANIFEST spoken of in Romans 16:26 is the REVELATION of the MYSTERY of the preaching of Jesus Christ. I never saw in the scriptures where Jesus or a disciple prayed for someone and they fell down, with the exception of Ananias and Saphirathey didnt get up. The word angel comes from the Greek word aggelos and according to Dr. Strongs Concordance, aggelos simply means a MESSENGER. When we think of angels, we think of beings of heaven with wings, a halo, and a harp. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. A Mark of Spiritual Maturity #God #Jesus #SpiritualGrowth #BibleTruth . But for us, it has to be achievable. From beginning to end, God is God There is NOTHING wrong with that statement and it would appear again that David is the one playing biblical gymnastics. So, why would they do this? How do you like those biblical gymnastics? I tried to be open but was already set up negatively. Now, David breaks down his arguments into four sections as follows; 1. In John 11:25, Jesus Christ himself states that HE is the resurrection so there is no resurrection that happens outside of Christ so are we to believe that this witch from Endor literally raised Samuel from the dead with the power of Christ? Why even stop at all? God doesnt exist in eternity for Gods existence has NOTHING to do with terms created by humans. Your view of hell is much different than fundamental Christianity but you are still mixing some good points with a lot of Christian dogmas that are completely unbiblical. We are talking about BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of people including mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, children, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and a host of other extended family members. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. David, or the word of God? I really dont know much about youI just want her to be careful and to look towards God for what to believe. I was thirteen years old, and God had already revealed himself to me as the Great Healer. YES, YOUR SISTERS, SODOM AND SAMARIA, AND ALL THEIR PEOPLE WILL BE RESTORED, AND AT THAT TIME YOU ALSO WILL BE RESTORED. The word translated as soul in this verse comes from the Greek word psych and it is properly translated in a number of other bible verses as the word LIFE. In the Greek, the words translated as torment typically refer to testing such as how metals are tested to determine how purified it is. You have marked them with the seal of one baptism; now make them one in the fullness of faith and unite them in the bond of LOVE. You will know them by their works.. David should be ashamed of himself for promoting such poor scholarship. David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of homes globally. At the same time, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit drawing me to the Lord. Shambach,Michael Koulianos,Raul Nunez,,Robert Sanchez,Kelly Lohrke,Kim Clement, Donna Neville, Esther Bloom I could go on for paragraphs. Naturally skeptical and analytical, I am the last person who should have ever been put into the healing ministry. The everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels (which includes David, and the entire host of Christianitys deceived clergy) is AGE-LASTING for that is the true definition of the Greek word aionios. "Dave Hernandez is a man devoid of a conscience. Four years later, they had their first child called Aria Rose. But you have not merely sinned as they did. I was born on March 22nd, 1989 in Artesia, CA. David says that the most persuasive argument concerning hell is the moral argument. Im not going to go into all of the other quotes because the same principle applies. If the Gospels are a record of the life and ministry of Jesus, then the Book of Acts is a record of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Shame on you! Your comment was extremely arrogant and offensive. What is already divided cannot be united until there is agreement and understanding in truth. May God bless him and his team! Gods standard of righteousness is not the problem it is YOU and your entire corrupt religion that commits blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by assigning such rank evil to the Almighty. Do the scriptures really state that Samuel was called back from the grave? Based in Southern California, David travels worldwide to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry. Amazing preacher, so much wisdom! Wait for it IM GOING TO QUOTE THE VERY NEXT VERSE! A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host. The person I knew only as a historical figure, had now become my Lord and my God eternally. Here is Psalm 90:2 from the New Living Translation; Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, you are God. Again, the word of God doesnt lie. Even Samaria did not commit half your sins. To further illustrate the CONTEXT of this Psalm, lets read the first verse to see if the from age to age theology makes sense. Hernandez is an American minister, TV Host, healer, and evangelist. We should form a habit of thanking and praising God as soon as we wake up each morning. Top TV Evangelists Televangelists Ministers Net Worth Houses Homes. The reason is because David doesnt have a clue what he is talking about. The day of His coming may be the last day of what could be hell on earth. The other employees do not get to experience the special cruise. David says that Jesus wouldnt use heresy to demonstrate a truth but guess who does? If my neighbor starts eating dog feces shall I then believe that eating dog feces is a real thing? David goes on to describe biblical references of Sheol and Hades and he actually does so without error but he calls those statements only general references to death. Baptist Church growing up but came to doubt many teachings. Were holding your hands up as in the time of Moses Servant of the Living God.We love you much! I read books, listened to CDs and questioned every preacher I ever met. God is JUST but to be just requires God to do that which is RIGHT! From then on, I spent large amounts of time with Jesus. Justice involves doing what is right, not getting even, which is exactly why Christians despise the word of God. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Praise God, thank you, Jesus, for your servant, Pastor David for he touches the hearts of people. So we have a scripture in the bible which we believe to be the WORDS OF GOD that tells us that dead people do NOT come up from the grave. At all? You didnt quote or speak on a single thing I actually wrote you just offered me what you think when you clearly havent even read what I wrote about hell. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. God exists because He is the very essence of life and He is IMMORTAL! The anointing he said softly. When people die, it is a common expression for the living world to say in reference to the dead, rest in peace for we know and see that they are not alive anymore to deal with all of the suffering and toiling that takes place in the world. What is the purpose of punishment? Okay, so what happened? The ministry's weekly TV program, Encounter TV, is . Correct me if Im wrong but these words seem a lot like antonyms not synonyms. Ironically enough, if we are looking for solid evidence outside of scripture, there is little to no evidence of a hell outside of the evil fantasies of the pagan religious. Looking back today, I realize that it was the testing ground the preparation for a future in ministry. Here is the passage from the New King James Version; For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. What is clear, is that the Greek word aionios does NOT mean eternal or everlasting. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christs at His coming. Shifting back to the New Testament, David again attempts to justify that the Greek word aionios pertains to an eternal afterlife. Well, if we are to trust the scriptures, then we have a blatant contradiction. You can check Davids opinion here regarding Universalism. At the age of 11, David met Jesus and everything in his life changed. Fast forward several years. Is that not a matter of time? David Hernandez is a thief," said sports broadcaster Chet Coppock. Take vacations and relax. Billy Graham never once asked people for money. David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of home globally. Get app. What would be the purpose of all the prophets that God used if everyone could just read the scriptures and understand what it says? Inside pages are clean. He has an uncommon grace to guide believers into closeness with the Holy Spirit. If context really does dictate the meaning of any scriptural passage then surely we would have a scripture that gives us permission to do so but guess what? Those who are given much, have the responsibility to give and when they do, more is given because God can trust them and knows their heart is intent on Him, not riches. Now, even if we are redeemed, I think God says there is still a price to be paid for our sin. God uses man to accomplish His purposes but man dies. I needed Jesus. I just prayed to know Jesus. Before David begins his teaching he takes a moment to basically call universalist arrogant for thinking that our understanding of the scriptures is right while the thousands of bible experts and bible translators got it wrong. Hmmmm? I will never wake up one day and understand that Im in some place called hell because there is no such place as hell. The Apostle Peter never cosigned to or adopted any Greek mythological nonsense. Pastor Eddie assigned me to my new ministry (without my consent). He has a younger brother named Michael. No one is perfect and as long as you have a working relationship with one of the trinity you can dismiss the naysayers! The moment I shook his hand, the expression on his face changed. When all things have been completed, Jesus Christ himself will be subject to the Father after Christ subjects all things to himself which will ultimately result in GOD BEING ALL IN ALL! Watch David Jeremiah Sermon: A Political ProphecyCancel Culture. My main influences were these four men: my dad, my grandfather, Eddie Vargas (Ill tell you more about him in a bit) and my pastor, Omar Lopez. Amen, Pido por la misericordia de Jess estar sana de quistes, miomas, tumores siento algo en mi matriz que me preocupa y quiero sanar de la hernia que tengo por la presiosisima sangre de Jess quiero estar sana. 1,791 Followers, 219 Following, 59 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Diga Hernandez (@digahernandez___) That would appear to be a more plausible explanation but in his own argument, he attempts to deflate the idea that Luke 16:19-31 is a parable. There was no self-promoting desire in my heart. Your sins are so terrible that you make your sisters seem righteous, even virtuous. In 2016, he released two books, Carriers of the Glory and 25 Truths about Demons and Spirit Warfare. Encountering the Holy Spirit soon followed in 2018, reaching number on the best sellers list. You dont get the idea of hell. He started seeking Jesus on Christian Tv programs, and in the Bible. Pay close attention here the scriptures NEVER state that Samuel came back from the dead. He tries to make the comparison that since ruwach and pneuma can mean different words, `owlam, aion, and aionios should also be able to have different word meanings. And this shall be an everlasting statute unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. Davids grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers. Lets read Romans 16:25 again; Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. I saw in the book of Acts that they spoke in tongues but they were speaking in other mens languages. When Jesus spoke to the rich man who couldnt enter the kingdom without selling all he had, He saw the mans heart and worldliness! David was born on22nd March 1989in Artesia, California. Dr. Strongs religious opinion doesnt automatically equate to truth. David clearly likes to do a lot of cherry picking when it comes to quoting scripture but he never considers the context that dictates the meaning of the scripture (pun intended). Now I want to listen to every teaching on the Holy Spirit. Sadly though, many Christians still having blind eyes and dull ears, do not understand the meaning of the passage. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. There is NO argument that the previous stories are parables but when it comes to Luke 16:23, Christianity needs it to be literal so they can be justified in cosigning the world to torment in their pagan afterlife. This is what David and Christianity considers to be Gods higher form of justice. Published in Amir Tsarfati. David, you are absolutely UNBELIEVABLE and you have the audacity to consider universalist the ones promoting heresy? If you are going to be critical then at least be diligent enough to read the material before you offer your thoughts and opinions about what you think I know or believe. For more content, search for my sermon, "Holy Spirit: The Mightiest Prayer Warrior," on YouTube. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Clearly David is the real deal!! I dont mind criticism at all but what you provided was far from criticism. I was the song words guy. There is limited detail about what Jesus actually meant when He used the word Gehenna but I think we can agree that Jesus was NOT referring to literal physical fire. It is you that assumes that all references to fire mean hell so I guess according to your logic that God is hell since God is a consuming fire. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health. Play all Word and Spirit features the sermons of David Diga. I thought that some might find it a bit pretentious. But if God didnt send them, who did? In an attempt to make himself look better, he says that the universalist doesnt like those scriptures in Luke 16 I guess because he thinks it proves the universalist wrong. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. Age 2023, Net worth, Wiki, Bio, Sid Roth Net Worth, Age 2023, Wife Marriage, Daughter, Wiki Bio, Family, Lance Wallnau Wikipedia, Age, Wife, Bio, Married Family Partner, Becket Cook Age, Married Wife Bio Wiki Family, Birthday, College. That is all religious fantasy. Higa has been able to make a decent income from his work as a preacher and evangelist. His local church is located in Southern California. Now I understand God can test us, but I think the true test would be hell. David believes that this everlasting fire is synonymous with the pagan hell that Christianity has preached from its pulpits for centuries but David errs. Tears were streaming down my face. Based in Southern California, David travels worldwide to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry. I have one older sister, Raquel and one younger brother, Michael. What a person thinks becomes the driver and primary influencer of all actions. Time will eventually come to an end for time will be IRRELEVANT when mortality puts on IMMORTALITY! And most people would agree thats enough of an obligation. The CEO goes away and comes back entrusting a few to keep the business operating in his absence. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. Course curriculum. THERE IS NO SUCH SCRIPTURE! Why did they stop at just two evers? SHE WAS PROUD AND COMMITTED DETESTABLE SINS, SO I WIPED HER OUT, AS YOU HAVE SEEN. Before we can understand 1 Peter 3:18-20, we have to understand the difference between being dead and being alive so lets simply define the two According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, the words alive and dead are defined as follow; Alive: having life, not dead or inanimate, still in existence, force, or operation. Read my series of the false doctrine of hell then I think you will have a better understanding of why I know hell is a lie. His grandparents and parents were also ministers of the word of God. Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible, How to Become a Friend of the Holy Spirit: A Featuring Teaching, Praying in the Holy Spirit: Secrets to Igniting and Sustaining a Lifestyle of Effective Prayer, David Funk, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Bethel, Music, Becket Cook, Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Wife, Family, Church. David then quotes Daniel 12:2 and surely this verse will prove his point. Greetings from Spore. So how is God like a consuming fire? This revelation of Him was captured in the secret places of deep prayer. NO, God never promises eternal life to the believer but rather, God promises the believer AGE-LASTING AIONIOS life which is an additional age of life that the rest of the world doesnt get to experience. The person that has lived a godly life walking in uprightness will enter into peace when they die and go to the grave. Not according to David and the clergy of Christianity. They hate that they had to give up the world they loved so they want God to torture sinners in hell for all eternity! shelved 2,506 times Showing 11 distinct works. The Holy Spirit led me to your teachings as I looked and was hungry to know about the Holy Spirit. The revelation of the mystery of the preaching of Jesus Christ was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN next verse; Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting (SAME GREEK WORD AIONIOS) God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Now wait a minute The bible translators left aionios UNTRANSLATED in Romans 16:25 but then they somehow remembered to translate it as everlasting in the very next verse? If a person burned a cat to death in real fire and posted the video on YouTube, that person would be put in prison but people like David have no quarrels with believing that God is going to literally burn BILLIONS of peoples family members in some godless hell not for a year, a century, and not even a quadrillion eons but for ALL ETERNITY! STOP SCROLLING!!! We are now in preparing to launch the next phase of Encounter TV. Yes, like everywhere in the world When LIVING THINGS die, they are no longer alive and we use the word DEAD to describe things that are no longer alive. in the grave. But Lord, I said, If you want to use me in that way, confirm it through I paused to think of the most unlikely confirmation. I dont think we really grasp the depths of depravity that is the nature of sin. Well, the only way to figure that out is to read the previous verse so prepare yourselves for a magnificent pearl of information hidden by the church to keep its own believers deceived. Not many teachers teach the way you do. I guess Here is a list of the introductions to 6 of Christs parables all having similar wording while some even indicate that it is a parable. Espritu Santo: El rompedor de ataduras(Spanish Edition): Experimente la liberacin permanente de las fortalezas mentales, emocionales y demonacas Humans are ALL naturally bent towards evil and if it wasnt for God holding us back from ourselves, we would ALL do nothing but evil continually. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. At the age of 13, David started his ministry to have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit. God created the garden and put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil IN THE MIDDLE of the garden. David has written over 12 books in total. There is NO such thing as the afterlife There is life and then there is death. He gives a pretty lame analogy to support his theory with his comparison of the Hebrew and Greek words ruwach and pneuma which are both translated as breath, wind, and spirit. Destiny Image Publishers. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. If you desire to bring the heavenly realm into this world, you must learn how to access God's divine authority in prayer. Special cruise mortality puts on IMMORTALITY are Christs at his coming as follows ;.. Justify that the Greek word aggelos and according to David and Christianity considers to be paid for our.... I shook his hand, the expression on his face changed God eternally to David and Christianity considers be... Healing ministry as long as you have not merely sinned as they did as long as have... Then we have a blatant contradiction Encounter TV, is that the Greek word aggelos and according David. The scriptures, then we have a blatant contradiction minister, author, and host. 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