Sigmund Freud << zurück weiter >> 116 6. Psychoanalysis, in its character of depth-psychology, considers mental life from three points of view: the dynamic, the economic and the topographical. In 1899 Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams. He saw the preconscious mind as a kind of censor or bodyguard, only allowing unthreatening thoughts into the conscious mind. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Abriß der Psychoanalyse. In spite of this widespread opposition, however, the movement in favour of psychoanalysis was not to be checked. Sie ist das älteste (im modernen, westlichen Sinn) psychotherapeutische Verfahren und Grundlage vieler später entstandener Therapieverfahren. During the years 1911–3 two former adherents, Alfred Adler, of Vienna, and C.G. Its influence upon dementia praecox and paranoia is doubtful; on the other hand, in favourable circumstances it can cope with depressive states, even if they are of a severe type. Strukturen aus, welche das Handeln, Erleben und Verhalten bestimmen. It occurs in the 12th edition (1922) in such articles as “Behaviorism” and “Psychotherapy.” The first treatment of psychoanalysis as a subject unto itself appeared in the 13th edition (1926), and for that article Britannica went to the best possible authority, Sigmund Freud. Die Psychoanalyse nach Sigmund Freud Die um 1900 von Sigmund Freud entwickelte Psychoanalyse wurde zum Feststellen und zur Beseitigung von Neurosen eingesetzt. Digitization of this collection was made possible by The Polonsky Foundation. Wir erklären Ihnen die Psychoanalyse verständlich. By 1906 the group had grown to a membership of sixteen, including Carl Jung and Otto Rank, both of whom would go on to be highly influential psychoanalytic thinkers. In the years 1880–2 a Viennese physician, Dr. Josef Breuer (1842–1925), discovered a new procedure by means of which he relieved a girl, who was suffering from severe hysteria, of her various symptoms. - Fondatore della psicoanalisi (v.), nato il 6 maggio 1856, di famiglia israelitica, a Freiberg (ora Přibor) in Moravia. In them he outlined the key tenets of psychoanalytic theory, as he had developed them over the past two decades, including his ideas of repression, free association and libido. Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis, appreciated the many ways in which our minds are troubled and anxious. Email:, Copyright © The Institute of Psychoanalysis, British Psychoanalytical Society (incorporating the Institute of Psychoanalysis), Limited Company Registered in England & Wales no. Out of these experiments in hypnosis, and in collaboration with his colleague Josef Breuer, Freud developed a new kind of psychological treatment based on the patient talking about whatever came to mind – memories, dreams, thoughts, emotions – and then analysing that information in order to relieve the patient’s symptoms. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The Austrian-born psychiatrist greatly contributed to the understanding of human psychology in areas such as the unconscious mind, sexuality, and dream interpretation. Jung, of Zürich, seceded from the psychoanalytic movement and founded schools of thought of their own. Free delivery for many products! Topographically, psychoanalysis regards the mental apparatus as a composite instrument, and endeavours to determine at what points in it the various mental processes take place. He found that when she had done this the symptom in question disappeared for good. Dieses soll hier nur in Grundzügen dargestellt werden, und mit der Einschränkung, dass Sigmund Freud kein geschlossenes theoretisches System hinterlassen hat, sondern es zeitlebens überarbeitete, ergänzte und umstrukturierte. Freud führt hier die grundlegenden Begriffe der frühen Psychoanalyse ein. When Sigmund was three, the Freuds moved to Vienna. In 1923 Freud published his important paper, 'The Ego and the Id'. "Über Psychoanalyse" ist eine Serie von fünf Vorlesungen die Freud zum 20jährigen Jubiläum der Clark University in Worchester, Massachussetts gehalten hat. Freuds Strukturmodell der Psyche entstand im Jahr 1923. They moved into 20 Maresfield Gardens, in Hampstead (now the Freud Museum), where Freud continued to write and treat patients, despite the painful advancement of his jaw cancer. Thus psychoanalytic treatment acts as a second education of the adult, as a corrective to his education as a child. He asked his doctor and friend, Max Schur, to euthanize him with a high dose of morphine, and he died on 23rd September 1939, not long after the outbreak of World War Two. From that time forward interest in Europe grew rapidly; it showed itself, however, in a forcible rejection of the new teachings, characterised by an emotional colouring which sometimes bordered upon the unscientific. 00200962   Charity no. From the economic standpoint psychoanalysis supposes that the mental representations of the instincts have a cathexis of definite quantities of energy, and that it is the purpose of the mental apparatus to hinder any damming-up of these energies and to keep as low as possible the total amount of the excitations to which it is subject. Its adherents formed themselves into an International Association, which passed successfully through the ordeal of the World War, and at the present time comprises local groups in Vienna, Berlin, Budapest, London, Switzerland, Holland, Moscow and Calcutta, as well as two in the United States. Soeben erschienen. His father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. There are no specific causes of nervous disorders; the question whether a conflict finds a healthy solution or leads to a neurotic inhibition of function depends upon quantitative considerations, that is, upon the relative strength of the forces concerned. Sigmund Freud - Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalytic theory: Freud, still beholden to Charcot’s hypnotic method, did not grasp the full implications of Breuer’s experience until a decade later, when he developed the technique of free association. Sigmund Freud. At first the new discoveries aroused no interest either in the medical profession or among the general public. Freud ging davon aus, dass seelische Probleme durch unbewusste Konflikte entstehen, die auf die Kindheit zurückgehen. Image Provided by Wikimedia Commons. At the invitation of the League of Nations and its International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation at Paris, in 1932 Albert Einstein initiated an exchange of letters (for subsequent publication) with Freud, concerning the subject of war and how it might be avoided. All experiences during the first period of childhood are of the greatest importance to the individual, and in combination with his inherited sexual constitution, form the dispositions for the subsequent development of character or disease. During the 1890s, Freud worked with Austrian physician… An empirical analysis leads to the formation of two groups of instincts: the so-called “ego-instincts,” which are directed towards self-preservation and the “object-instincts,” which are concerned with relations to an external object. Theoretical speculation leads to the suspicion that there are two fundamental instincts which lie concealed behind the manifest ego-instincts and object-instincts: namely (a) Eros, the instinct which strives for ever closer union, and (b) the instinct of destruction, which leads toward the dissolution of what is living. Nevertheless, all the trouble involved is as a rule rewarded by the results. Jahrhunderts. Psychoanalysis is founded securely upon the observation of the facts of mental life; and for that very reason its theoretical superstructure is still incomplete and subject to constant alteration. Before this there are a number of “pre-genital organisations” of the libido—points at which it may become “fixated” and to which, in the event of subsequent repression, it will return (“regression”). Scopri le migliori foto stock e immagini editoriali di attualità di Sigmund Freud su Getty Images. Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalyse Inhaltsverzeichnis III. De kern van Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytische filosofie is een analyse van het menselijke ‘ik’, het wezen en de psyche van de mens. On the contrary, they are its latest conclusions and are in every respect open to revision. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born on 6th May 1856 to Jewish parents, Amalia and Jakob Freud, in a part of the … 1909 folgt Freud einer Einladung an die Clark University in den USA, um dort Vorträge zu halten. 31,00 € in den Warenkorb Merkliste. Opere di Sigmund Freud (OSF) è il titolo della raccolta, in dodici volumi, di tutti i principali scritti del fondatore della psicoanalisi, oltre ad appunti, annotazioni, carteggi, e altro materiale. By the beginning of the twentieth century Freud’s ideas were drawing interest from several colleagues in Vienna. In … The justification for this arose with the discovery that the dreams and mistakes (“parapraxes,” such as slips of the tongue, etc.) Psychoanalysis is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic methods which have their origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud.. Freud believed these dream symbols were far from simple to interpret, often embodying several meanings at once. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born on 6th May 1856 to Jewish parents, Amalia and Jakob Freud, in a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire now in the Czech Republic. The psychoanalytic movement originated in the clinical observations and formulations of Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, who coined the term psychoanalysis. Updates? In this book, Freud and Breuer described their theory that the symptoms of hysteria were symbolic representations of traumatic, and often sexual, memories. Breuer and Freud, Studien über Hysterie (1895); Freud, Traumdeutung (1900); Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens (1904); Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie (1905); Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse (1916). Freud at last agreed and, after much financial and political negotiating with the Gestapo on the part of Jones and others, he and his daughter Anna left for London in June 1938. Er ist der Begründer der Psychoanalyse und gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Denker des 20. Freud became very interested in medical and scientific research, and went on to study medicine at the University of Vienna. Le migliori offerte per Sigmund Freud ebook Collection la psicoanalisi Edition raccolta EBOOK KINDLE sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e … It must not be supposed that these very general ideas are presuppositions upon which the work of psychoanalysis depends. The super-ego, the moral factor which dominates the ego, also has its origin in the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex. Sigmund Freud beschouwde het menselijke lichaam en de geest als een geheel van energiestromen. A hysterical symptom would thus be a substitute for an omitted mental act and a reminiscence of the occasion which should have given rise to that act. Si laureò in medicina a Vienna nel 1881, e conseguì nel 1885 la libera docenza in neuropatologia. Freud war ursprünglich Nervenarzt und wurde später zu einem psychologischen Theoretiker. Consulting: supervision and organisational development. Kurzüberblick über die Psychoanalyse - Psychologie / Sonstiges - Referat 2001 - ebook 0,- € - GRIN Die Psychoanalyse wurde Ende des 19. But he did not pursue the matter any further at the time, and it was not until some 10 years later that he took it up again in collaboration with Sigmund Freud. This was at a date before the investigations of Charcot and Pierre Janet into the origin of hysterical symptoms, and Breuer’s discovery was thus entirely uninfluenced by them. The course of mental processes is automatically regulated by the “pleasure-pain principle”; and pain is thus in some way related to an increase of excitation and pleasure to a decrease. September 1909 / (Leipzig : F. Deuticke, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) In 1930 Freud had been awarded the Goethe Prize for his contributions to psychology and German literary culture, but in January 1933, the newly empowered Nazis seized Freud’s books, among many other psychoanalytic and Jewish-authored works, and publicly burned them in Berlin. She was aged only twenty-seven when she died, pregnant, and a mother of two. Deze energiestromen noemde hij ‘driften’ (Triebe). Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis and, over his immensely productive and extraordinary career, developed groundbreaking theories about the nature and workings of the human mind, which went on to have an immeasurable impact on both psychology and Western culture as a whole. Dit principe is bekend gewor… Psychoanalyse ist die eine Großtheorie der mentalen Vorgänge, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf das Unbewusste gelegt wird. The primary assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that all people possess unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories. The growth later turned into cancer and would ultimately cause his death sixteen years later. Despite repeated criticisms, attempted refutations, and qualifications of Freud’s work, its spell remained powerful well after his death and in fields far removed from psychology as it is narrowly defined. There are three journals representing the views of these societies: the Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, Imago (which is concerned with the application of psychoanalysis to non-medical fields of knowledge), and the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. Further, the property of consciousness has a topographical reference; for processes in the id are entirely unconscious, while consciousness is the function of the ego’s outermost layer, which is concerned with the perception of the external world. ... und darauf fragten wir – nein, zum Glück nicht wir, sondern andere, die der Psychoanalyse ganz fernstehen, da fragten ihn diese anderen, was er mit dieser unverständlichen Rede wolle. Jahrhunderts begründete Sigmund Freud die Psychoanalyse. Sigmund Freud, Wiener Psychologe und Arzt, ist der Begründer der Psychoanalyse und Traumdeutung. Supervision and organisational development have been crucial constituents of the clinical and scientific work at the Sigmund-Freud-Institute since its establishment. Sigmund Freud (geboren am 6.Mai 1856 in Freiberg in Mähren als Sigismund Schlomo Freud; gestorben am 23. The Austrian-born psychiatrist greatly contributed to the understanding of human psychology in areas such as the unconscious mind, sexuality, and dream interpretation. Der Psychische Apparat I. Mensch Freud - Biographische The first task of psychoanalysis was the elucidation of nervous disorders. Freud believed that every human has a collection of unconscious thoughts and urges, many of which are unpleasant, that influence behaviors and experiences. Sigmund Freud – Beginn der Psychoanalyse Von Claudia Heidenfelder In seiner Schrift "Das Ich und das Es" von 1923 entwickelte er sein berühmtes Modell, wonach die menschliche Psyche aus dem Es, dem Ich und dem Über-Ich besteht. Die Psychoanalyse geht auf den Wiener Neurologen Sigmund Freud zurück. This new theory was not well received by most of his analytic colleagues in Vienna, though it would, in time, have a big impact on the thinking of several preeminent psychoanalytic thinkers, notably Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein. Freud's work stems partly from the clinical work of Josef Breuer and others. According to Freud, in dreams this censorship becomes weaker, and forbidden wishes can become visible to our sleeping minds, albeit in some kind of symbolic disguise or code. Zum Beispiel entwickelte er die freie Assoziation. By Saul McLeod, updated 2018Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939) was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a Particularly accessible to English readers are: A.A. Brill, Psycho-Analysis (1922); Ernest Jones, Papers on Psycho-Analysis (1923). Sigmund Freud nasce il 6 maggio 1856 a Příbor, nella Repubblica Ceca (a quel tempo Freiberg, in Moravia). The analytical theory of the neuroses is based upon three ground-pillars: the recognition of (1) “repression,” of (2) the importance of the sexual instincts and of (3) “transference.”. Abriß der Psychoanalyse… (German Edition) [Freud, Sigmund] on Scegli tra immagini premium su Sigmund Freud della migliore qualità. On the contrary, its application has been instrumental in making clear for the first time the difficulties and limitations in the treatment of such affections. Band 7: ›psychoanalyse‹ - Sigmund Freud und das Problem des konkreten gesellschaftlichen Allgemeinen. of normal men have the same mechanism as neurotic symptoms. They develop toward their physician emotional relations, both of an affectionate and hostile character, which are not based upon the actual situation but are derived from their relations toward their parents (the Oedipus complex). “The future will probably attribute far greater importance to psychoanalysis as the science of the unconscious,” Freud wrote, “than as a therapeutic procedure.” Freud also chafed at what he seemed to think was the too-small space allotted to his article. Dec. 15, 2020. Freud was born in Austria and spent most of his childhood and adult life in Vienna (Sigmund Freud Biography, 2017). Psychoanalyse: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Am 6. The beginnings of psychoanalysis may be marked by two dates: 1895, which saw the publication of Breuer and Freud’s Studien über Hysterie, and 1900, which saw that of Freud’s Traumdeutung. Blog. At this point the group decided to re-name and establish itself as the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Seine Theorien und Methoden werden bis heute diskutiert und angewendet, aber auch kritisiert. This self-investigation led him to build upon his and Breuer’s original theory that neurosis was caused by early trauma, and to develop substantially his ideas about infantile sexuality and repression. Top 10 blogs in 2020 for remote teaching and learning; Dec. 11, 2020 Such tendencies are described as “repressed.” They remain unconscious; and if the physician attempts to bring them into the patient’s consciousness he provokes a “resistance.” These repressed instinctual impulses, however, are not always made powerless by this process. Definition "Psychoanalyse" II. It was after these American lectures that Freud’s renown and influence began to grow far beyond the confines of the Viennese medical community. Nasce da una famiglia di commercianti in lana, ebrei: e lui stesso rimarrà ebreo. Sigmund Freud. Image Provided by Wikimedia Commons. W9 2BT, Telephone: 020 7563 5000 Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939) was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating mental illness and also a theory which explains human behavior.. Freud believed that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. The infantile fixations of the libido are what determine the form of neurosis which sets in later. Stationery, garments, pictures, souvenirs We offer a wide range of products, have a look at our catalog! Sigmund Freud weiter >> ... Ich weiß nicht, wieviel die einzelnen von Ihnen aus ihrer Lektüre oder vom Hörensagen über die Psychoanalyse wissen. In 1895 they published a book, Studien über Hysterie, in which Breuer’s discoveries were described and an attempt was made to explain them by the theory of Catharsis. By “transference” is meant a striking peculiarity of neurotics. Die Tiefenpsychologie wurde von ihm zwar nicht begründet, aber populär gemacht. Das Begehren und seine Deutung. In many cases they succeed in making their influence felt by circuitous paths, and the indirect or substitutive gratification of repressed impulses is what constitutes neurotic symptoms. Ernest Jones was very worried about this determination to stay in what was becoming an increasingly dangerous place for Jews, and he flew into Vienna soon after the annexation, determined to get Freud to move to Britain. Improving the quality of your professional activity. Cathartic treatment gave excellent therapeutic results, but it was found that they were not permanent and that they were dependent on the personal relation between the patient and the physician. You can learn more about Sigmund Freud with our online Introductory Lectures course. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei For the moment these are the only institutions on the continent of Europe which make psychoanalytic treatment accessible to the wage-earning classes. In einem Brief an Sigmund Freud schlägt Breuer vor, das von ihm bei der Behandlung von Bertha Pappenheim (in der Literatur bezeichnet als Anna O.) Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis and, over his immensely productive and extraordinary career, developed groundbreaking theories about the nature and workings of the human mind, which went on to have an immeasurable impact on both psychology and Western culture as a whole. 1923 veröffentlicht Sigmund Freud seine Schrift "Das Ich und das Es". In 1902 a group of physicians and psychiatrists formed the Wednesday Psychological Society, which met every week in Freud’s apartment at Berggasse, 19. September 1939 in London) war ein österreichischer Arzt, Neurophysiologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Kulturtheoretiker und Religionskritiker.Er ist der Begründer der Psychoanalyse und gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Denker des 20. Omissions? Sigmund Freud (Moravia, 6 May 1856 – London, 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist (a person who treats the nervous system). He would later call this process ‘free association’. Sigmund Freud first used the term 'psychoanalysis' (French: psychoanalyse) in 1896, ultimately retaining the term for his own school of thought. Grund dafür war die Behandlung von Bertha Pappenheim, die später als "der Fall Anna O." Einstein and Freud had met several years earlier in Berlin, and were very interested in one another’s work. Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis. Freud and Carl Jung quickly became close colleagues and friends, both fascinated and enthused by the possibilities of psychoanalysis. The lectures were published two years later, and went on to become his most popular publication. Byron House, Quote by Sigmund Freud In 1881, Freud obtained a degree in medicine, which equipped him with credentials that enabled him to find employment as a doctor at the Vienna General Hospital. The most important conflict with which a small child is faced is his relation to his parents, the “Oedipus complex”; it is in attempting to grapple with this problem that persons destined to suffer from a neurosis habitually fail. Anfang des 20. Freud was born in Austria and spent most of his childhood and adult life in Vienna (Sigmund Freud Biography, 2017). In this, one of his most important works, he described dreams as a form of wish-fulfilment, and asserted that: “[T]he interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” In his formulation, dreams were the result of the unconscious trying to resolve conflicts or express desires that, in our conscious minds, are not allowed to be acknowledged. Zum Teil erfahren sie Bestätigung durch die Erkenntnisse der … Sie wurde erst durch ihn innerhalb der Psychologie zu einer bedeutenden Strömung. On the contrary, signs of it can be detected from the beginning of extra-uterine existence; it reaches a first culminating point at or before the fifth year (“early period”), after which it is inhibited or interrupted (“latency period”) until the age of puberty, which is the second climax of its development. 212330   VAT no. Sigmund Freud / Psychoanalyse. Im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten untersuchen wir die Ursachen und Funktionsweisen von seelischem Leid und Krankheit in seinen individuellen und sozialen Dimensionen. Short accounts of the subject-matter and history of psychoanalysis will be found in: Freud, Ueber Psychoanalyse (the lectures delivered at Worcester, U.S.A.) (1909); Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung (1914); Selbstdarstellung (in Grote’s collection Die Medizin der Gegenwart) (1925). According to that hypothesis, hysterical symptoms originate through the energy of a mental process being withheld from conscious influence and being diverted into bodily innervation (“Conversion”). Facsimile: 020 7563 5001 The following year, Freud embarked upon a self-analysis, which he deemed necessary both as a means of expanding and testing his theory of the mind, and as an exercise in honesty and self-knowledge. It is a mistaken belief that sexuality coincides with “genitality.” The sexual instincts pass through a complicated course of development, and it is only at the end of it that the “primacy of the genital zone” is attained. Sigmund Freud war ein österreichischer Arzt, Neurophysiologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Kulturtheoretiker und Religionskritiker. In 1909 they travelled, along with Hungarian analyst Sándor Ferenczi, to the USA, where Freud gave a series of psychoanalytic lectures. Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939: Über Psychoanalyse : fünf Vorlesungen gehalten zur 20jährigen Gründunsfeier der Clark University in Worcester, Mass. Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis, appreciated the many ways in which our minds are troubled and anxious. Freud nahm beide Behandlungsmethoden und ließ diese in seiner Psychoanalyse zusammenfließen. In Freud’s formulation, the death instinct was an expression of a fundamental biological longing to return to an inanimate state. Mai 1856 wurde Sigmund Freud in Freiberg (Pribor, Österreich) geboren. Das Sigmund-Freud-Institut in Frankfurt am Main ist ein 1959 gegründetes Forschungsinstitut für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen mit nationaler und internationaler Vernetzung. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? Hierauf amtete er als Arzt im Allgemeinen Krankenhaus, setzte aber seine Forschungen insbesondere über das Zentralnervensystem des Menschen fort. He invented the term “psychoanalysis,” which in the course of time came to have two meanings: (1) a particular method of treating nervous disorders and (2) the science of unconscious mental processes, which has also been appropriately described as “depth-psychology.”. Si Thus the neuroses are to be regarded as inhibitions in the development of the libido. Nach diesem Modell bildet die menschliche Psyche drei Instanzen bzw. Psychoanalysis does not act as a convenient panacea (“cito, tute, jucunde”) upon all psychological disorders. Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in a small town -- Freiberg -- in Moravia. Am 23.9.1939 verstarb Freud in London nach einem längeren Krebsleiden. It’s very likely you’ve heard of the influential but controversial founder of psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud. bekannt wurde. Freud galt in Wien bald als führender Neurologe (Nervenarzt). Sigmund Freud is best known as the creator of the therapeutic technique known as psychoanalysis. "Über Psychoanalyse" ist eine Serie von fünf Vorlesungen die Freud zum 20jährigen Jubiläum der Clark University in Worchester, Massachussetts gehalten hat. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Nor has there been space to allude to the applications of psychoanalysis, which originated, as we have seen, in the sphere of medicine, to other departments of knowledge (such as Anthropology, the Study of Religion, Literary History and Education) where its influence is constantly increasing. He nonetheless found himself unable to give them up, and likened his addiction to them to his obsessional collecting of antiquities. He invented the treatment of mental illness and neurosis by means of psychoanalysis.. Freud is important in psychology because he studied the unconscious mind.The unconscious part of the mind cannot be easily controlled or noticed by a person. Vorlesung. CONSULTING. The theories distinctive of this school generally include the following hypotheses: Human development is … Only a year after this epistolary exchange, 1933 Hitler was elected Chancellor of the German Reich. ‎Sigmund Freud war ein österreichischer Neurologe, der als der Begründer der Psychoanalyse gilt. Die Freudsche Entwicklungstheorie - psychosexuelle Entwicklung Entwicklung des Kindes in sechs Phasen: II. In 1920 Freud suffered a personal tragedy when his daughter Sophie died from the influenza eviscerating an already war-damaged Europe. By the autumn of 1939, the progression of Freud's cancer was causing him severe pain and had by this point been declared inoperable. The term psychoanalysis was not indexed in the Encyclopædia Britannica until well into the 20th century. Sigmund Freud. … Wells. In the course of development the original pleasure principle undergoes a modification with reference to the external world, giving place to the “reality-principle,” whereby the mental apparatus learns to postpone the pleasure of satisfaction and to tolerate temporarily feelings of pain.