Useful for freaking people out. Spam Momotaro and Divine Cyclone will literally be frozen forever. ), 27th & 28th Actress Awakens! Great for any situation if you can fit him into your lineup. Dual wields a scoped rifle and a what looks to be an uzi. Elizabeth the LVIth(AL) (5): This is only piece of pork you do not want to eat. Effective in stalling enemies in early levels like Ch 3. He has a unique ability: the more damage he takes, the more damage he does. When the CLCs first come out, focus on stalling them with your meatshields. Battle Cats or Nyanko Daisensou ("Nyanko Great War") as it's known in Japan is a free-to-play tower defense game. Marco, when combined in conjunction with cats of similar caliber, such as Psychocat and Tarma, can create a devastating combo of lockdown that can hold fearsome enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn at bay. He can slow aliens, but in exchange, is single target. While useful at first in the regular Chapters, his poor stats make him unusable for the SoL chapters. Special cats (that have true forms and their added ability): Ninja Cat -> Ninja Frog Cat -> Flying Ninja Cat (Cheaper summon cost), Sumo Cat -> Madame Sumo -> Riceball Cat (Gets a mega speed boost, faster than Crazed Tank Cat), Samurai Cat -> Knight Cat -> Pastry Cat (Able to slow any enemy (except metal) at a 10% chance), Zombie Cat -> Devil Cat -> Skelecat (Gains area attack), Cat in a Box -> Cat Gang -> Heavy Assault C.A.T. Gets knocked back easily, but quickly becomes a threat if he breaks through your frontline. Hyppoh(AL) (2): More tentacles? You just need to upgrade Axe Cat as many times as you can before reaching stage 1-7 (Japan). Useful against high damage enemies that it can reach, such One-Horn and Bore. Useful against high priority red enemies such as Bore and Shy Boy. Thats right, 3.2 MILLION health (the most base hp in the game), coupled with high-damage, long-ranged area attacks. Still expensive, but much more balanced out. Pumpcat/Cat O Lantern None/Can stop Black enemies (20%) 9/10 (Different in each form). While weak individually, this guy never shows up alone. Once you beat kill off the third one, be careful and send out your Bahamut cat. The main danger of this stage is Crazed Titans double wave and a chance to slow your cats. -(Stage name)-(Duration)-(# of stages)- Loot, Weekend XP Stage (48 hrs)(6)- Extra XP (compared to other stages), Crimson Catastrophe (Mondays, 24 hrs)(1)- Space Cat (40%), Heaven of Darkness (Wednesdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Bronze Cat (40%), Peerless (Fridays, 24 hrs)(1)- Rope Jump Cat (40%), Wrath of Heaven (Saturdays, 24 hrs) (1)- Clockwork Cat (30%), Sweet Irony (Tuesdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Hoop Cat (30%), Dimension of Despair (Thursdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Drumcorps Cat (30%), Silver Ticket Chance Stage (1 hr)(1)- Silver Ticket (30%). ALLEN O NEIL/ALLEN O NEIL CC Can survive lethal hit (100%) 7.5/10 Super Rare Cat. Very useful in keeping all black enemies at bay. Kuu/Kuu, type Inflicts x1.5 damage to red and black enemies, while only taking damage from them 7/10. Deliciously useless, except for campfires. Continuously drag the panel to the right (forcing it to close) until you unlock Flower cat. Fortune Teller/Fisherman Cat Can knockback floating enemies (30%) 7/10. Its a mini cat base! Useful against shockwave enemies and some troublesome red enemies such as Dark Emperor Nyandam and possibly Shy Boy. You have not faced true terror in this game until you have faced him. However, this guy just got replaced by the Super Ancient Hero Souls Gamereon, who takes damage from black AND angel enemies and has super high stats. If you lose, try farming some more XP from previous levels to upgrade Axe Cat. Incredibly effective against Metal enemies and my heart. The Battle Cats. Hes massive in size, damage, and health. Gives a lot of money when defeated. NOTE: Your draws are predetermined up to a certain number of cats. The The Battle Cats - Uber Super Rare (12.1 Updated) Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 93 submitted tier lists. Koi/Gross Koi Cat Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies 2/10 (May Event). His high health and damage makes him very tough to deal with, stats alone, but the worst parts about him is: 1. Corrupt Valkyrie(AL)(F) (5): Majestically destructive. Tin/Plane Cat Might knockback black enemies (50%) 6/10. With his drill-lance of justice, long ranged attacks, and strong ability, hes a very good unit to have against alien enemies. Has a great visual model though. It is currently needs some clean-up, so lend a hand if you can sometime. This unit has really poor stats overall (if youre talking mid to endgame) but hey, they move pretty fast though. Vacation Queen/Office Lady Cat, August Ghostly Houseguests Vengeful Cat/Groucho Cat, September Autumn = Sports Day! Slow*: Unit will be slowed down to a certain speed for a certain amount of time. Check out special stages, treasure fests, and more from 12/25 (11am) thru 12/31! Higher Uber drop rates along with Uberfest-only heroes Gao, Mitama and D'artanyan! Baby Cat/Baby Cats Can knockback Flying enemies and Alien enemies (30%) 2/10. Given how there arent too many units that have an effect on metal enemies, this unit is amazing. Director Kurosawah(B) (4): Stronger version of Nyandam. Obtained via many methods, such as downloading apps from Tapjoy to completing a sub-chapter/star difficulty in SoL He has a moderately long attack animation, so against Aliens that have quick attacks, he might get hit before he lands an attack. With her current stats and ability, she comes out as pretty decent against red and black enemies. Long cooldown, long attack animation, and slow movement speed cannot stand before the typically-fast-and-hard-hitting Flying enemies. Kory has a multitude of knockbacks, so a solid stack of ranged cats can easily keep him at bay, but Battle Kory will not falter until he dies. Dober PD (5+): Another enemy with the ability to use shockwave attacks. This is the first menu you are greeted with when playing Battle Cats. Has cheap cost, long freeze time, and extreme range, but has an insanely long delay between attacks and an insanely long attack animation. But with a bit more range. This stage will take a while, so dont be surprised if you see a second Ms. Sign come out. The more damage he takes, the more damage he dishes out. Before chapter 1, it appears as Event Stages. Other than this, their stats are so identical that its suspicious. Stall them with meatshields and kill them asap with Bahamut. These cats tend to waste lots of XP, only upgrade them if they can contribute to the battle (strong against reds, freezes floating, etc.). If you do spin and get a cat, do NOT upgrade it. Mer-Cat/Commando Cat Does 1.5x damage to and takes .5 less damage from floating enemies and is able to survive a lethal strike 3/10. Theres no reason not to replace The Flying Cat with him. Grind your way through to the final stage- the moon. Q: Are there true forms for all the cats? An underrated cat. BATTLE WITH ALL THE CATS!! Excellent Cat unit. He can be used later on as meatshield fodder like Macho/Wall Cat, but his higher costs make him extremely ineffective. In SoL, there is no God. Hes been baited into a lot of bad things from this guide. Mars People actually has nearly identical stats to Magica, the only difference being that Mars People has almost double the DPS of Magica Cat, therefore making it the more ideal send against Aliens, while Magica has the versatility of being deployable against other typings. While he cant take many hits, his freeze ability makes it possible to permanently freeze a black enemy forever, provided the target enemy doesnt get knocked back. And cuter. Gives barely any kill money. Can be countered stalling with meatshield spam and is considered easier than regular Bun Bun Teacher because anti-Black cats are extremely strong. Stacking Bahamut cats also helps. The high crit chance and Area Attack is his only saving grace. Drawbacks include a longer cooldown, less hp and ability duration, and more expensive when compared to a cat like Necromancer. By the time you reach the enemy base, you should have a stack of gross cats and be able to defeat Hippoe with relative ease. This cat will become your most used damage cat in this game. However, he has a somewhat long attack animation and low range, so black enemies will usually hit/knockback him before he actually lands his attack. Newest buff makes this unit very good against tough red enemies like Bores and Shy Boys. Obtainable by conquering all the legends? Since there are more Red enemies than Flying enemies, Thundia gets a higher rating. Criticals do x2 damage to any unit in the game, so this cat gains an extra point. I recommend using this form instead of his evolved form. Warlock and Pierre/Dark Merchant Babil Only attacks Alien and Floating enemies and deals 4x damage to the enemy base/Only attacks Alien and Angel enemies and grants 2x money from kills 9/10. Her crit chance is her only saving grace and will come in handy against the super strong metal enemies (like the metal cyclone, who is flanked by all the other metal enemies in the game except metal doge). Absolutely dominates all red enemies. High damage, knockback, super fast attacks, tons of HP, and medium movement speed. Also, if you take too long, a shy boy will spawn in addition to the signboard girl, so heads up! Will you risk 150 cat food in exchange for an archer cat or other meh cats? His cooldown is slightly longer, however. Then look no further, because our Battle Cats tier list will give you all the information you need. The only real way to beat her is to stack up your damage dealers and out-damage the enemies with number. Kung Fu Cat X/Drunken Master Cat X 7/10 (April Event). There is a way to cheese the level and not have Metal Cyclone spawn at all, poke around the subreddit if you want to know what it is. Theres reasons why these cats suck in the Special Cats section of this guide. Feeling lucky, punk? Bird/UFO/The Flying Cat 9/10 | 9/10. A: After upgrading a cat base skill to Max+10, any further upgrades obtained through the normal gacha will be unusable. press Set time automatically and re-open BC. You would think Kuu would be extremely overpowered due to her ability to deal 1.5x damage to and take damage from red and black enemies, but sadly, PONOS gave her mediocre stats. Also, he trades his drill for a rocketlancething. The Ottas will still come out and you dont want to lose a stage because you were careless, do you? He is easily one of the strongest mass-produced cats in the game. The Battle Cats Beginners Guide - YouTube 0:00 / 34:06 INTRO The KEY Gacha Units IN-DEPTH! Pretty useless. However, he has long attack animations, single target and long attack cooldowns. Also, he attacks using his atomic breath. Alternatively, if you have crazed UFO and Crazed Whale, use them! If you have the Dynamites or other tanky uber rare cats, this stage will be a walkover. However, they are only good for the 3 campaign Chapters and do not perform very well in the SoL chapters. Alone, this guy cant do too much, but as soon as you add even just one more, your army will fall nearly as fast as if it got hit with a Crazed Titan shockwave. Useful in situations similar to Pirate Cat. To make things worse, he has a bunch of Rain. Anyways, they make tutorials on certain stages. A: Currently no. Y u do dis to me PONOS? Their below average range also limits their power. This cat is probably the first monthly event reward thats actually of some use. Other than his critical chance, this cat is pretty bad. Extremely effective for stalling high damage, low attack speed units, such as Camelle, Nyandams, Bun Buns, and Sunfish Jones. Also, she too has bounce physics. Has a need for speed, moderately fast attack animation, very high health, and a moderate amount of damage. Basic Has a moderate cooldown compared to others of this series, moderate movement speed, and fast attack animation. And maybe some nostalgia, if you know the reference. Very tough at first glance, if you thought of a black Hippoe, this would be a result. Sports Day/Kidnapper Cats 1.5/10 (September Event). It travels of the stage and does insane damage, killing almost all your cats- including all your meatshields. To get out of it, just do the +2/-2 energy glitch trick. Recommended for user rank purposes. He has some range, which makes him very effective on Divine Cyclone. That also means that he will push towards the enemy base Very, VERY, slowly. Cosmic Cyclone(AL)(F) (5+): You thought the other cyclones were tough? After a while, one Rain D will come out, followed by another a bit later, then a Bore and a last Rain D. Afterwards, enemies will spawn one by one (with some time in between) in this order: 4 Rain Ds and 1 Bore. All in all, hes a situational unit you only use when you need Area Attacks to clear out the weak minions protecting the boss unit. Capable of dealing out some massive DPS if well protected. It was added in version 3.5. and added even more alien versions of SoL and basic chapter enemies. Useful against high damage, slow attack cooldown and mobility enemies such as Dark Emperor Nyandam and THE SLOTH. (11:00am) through January 31st, 2022 (11:59pm)! User Rank is also unlocked in this chapter. A place to post memes involving the hit game The . Kill him as fast as you can before he can deal a crippling blow to your army. Cat Machine/Cat Machine Mk 2 Takes damage from Red and Alien enemies 2/10. Endorsed by Nurse Wuffa. St. Pigge the 2nd(R) (1): Stronger version of Pigge, but shouldnt be a problem at all. When you win, congratulations! Inferior in every aspect. He also has a fairly large amount of health so he can definitely tank hits if necessary. And as a bonus, he has a relatively shorter cooldown time compared to the other characters in this set. Chickful A(A) (3): A major annoyance as its high damage and range allows for it to effectively push through your meatshields. Its not that bad if you think about it. Cat Capsule Events: Usually there will be a gacha event during which time certain Ultra Rare cats will be available in the cat capsules. Dagshund (2): Strong minion. Power ups Items that can be equipped before a battle to give the player an advantage. By this point you should know how annoying Nyandam variants are, and this guy is no exception. Proc Rate Ability chance; the chance for a units skill to activate. True form grants a big stat buff, and the ability to have a chance of lowering the Attack power of Angelic enemies. Before beating Chapter 2, the max cat level is 10. Useful against strong alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Elizabeth the LVIth if protected with the freeze ability. Much, much better than his counterpart. At level 20 and above, he deals much more damage than King Dragon at +10. This makes him obsolete in levels with multiple enemies. Useful for short range enemies that tend to push like Bore and One-Horn. While hes weak and dies easily, he can knockback Metal enemies, which will become one of the most useful skills in the game against the challenging Metal enemies that wont die from just one critical (Metal Cyclone *shudders*). Incredibly powerful against floating and alien enemies. Bc those are kind bundles with bonuses and not sets. Nyanko is usually a sound effect for meow, or more specifically Nyan. (yan). 2nd enemy that can be obtained as a cat. Figure Skating/Drama Cats Area Attack 10/10. XP Megablitz Stage (Scheduled, 1 hr)(1)- Extra XP, XP drop chance (?%), 2x Treasure Chance (Scheduled, 1 hr) (Not a stage). Also, go on Pixiv(.net) and search the tag for more r34 BC (make sure youre logged on for the r-18 stuff). She has slow movement, mediocre damage, longish attack animation, long cooldown, and a relatively reliable ability. Has a little more health than his white counterpart (and is slightly larger), but is pretty much the same as the original. Very inefficient cat. The abilities do. Version 4 allows for +40 Rare Cats. Mistress Celeboodle(AL) (3): Damage will double at 75% hp. Unlocked Buffs carry over for all the chapters, including the Stories of Legend. Defeat this guy the same way as how you would any other Nyandam variant, but beware his slow ability will make the fight drag on longer than it needs to be. You might want to snoop around the subreddit for a JP .apk), Q: Are the Friend-Code Cats good? After a given amount of time, 3 Crazed Lizard Cats will spawn. Pigge(R) (1/1): Has area attack, but is weak. If you use this on the Crazed Cats, it will refund your radar back. His ability is mediocre and he is close ranged, but his stats are pretty decent. Command your Cats with simple controls in a battle through space and time! Set automatic time to off (if you have it on, otherwise ignore this step) and manually set the date back 2 days. 9th & 10th Zombie Awakens Shambling Along (referencing the way zombies walk), 11th & 12th Boogie Awakens! She deals good damage and is medium ranged, but is single target and has long pauses between attacks. If you have Momotaro (uber rare from the Ancient Hero Souls), this stage is unbelievably easy. Just like metal enemies, crits (R. Ost) will destroy him.
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