Or is he supposed to be pleased with himself now cause she was not an angel? The white Lexus in the Watts garage was a beautiful lie, and each day, that beautiful lie propelled Shanann and her two beautiful children through their days. Watts, who had initially reported them missing and had made a public plea for their return, was arrested as he admitted to killing them. I have an ecommerce page and authors page along with many other features and would like to see what synergies we have regarding your work. Baumhover advised uniformed officers were in the Watts neighborhood continuing the neighborhood canvass. a car accessory company based in Fayetteville. NO WAY! On August 21, when detective Baumhover contacted Atkinson, she was getting ready to do a night shift as a nursing assistance at Mesa Vista Nursing Home in Boulder, a short drive west of Frederick and Erie. I suspect Bishops contention that the Lexus was a lease is true, and have suspected that for some time, but is there any proof of this? He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. When Watts says hes addicted to her Im sure she conveyed that she was enamored with him too but he had the leverage in that he was still married -even if he could just get free of his wife, he would always have the children. Does not change how horrible the murders were and still makes it senseless and I dont see that she is the sick person in this story, especially not sicker than the murderer and those related. Facebook For 23 hours a day, Watts is on lockdown. Its their car, not Shananns car, and its not a lease, its paid for by the company. Shananns name was/is often misspelt as its so close to the more common Shannon. Also, it makes sense that he would perhaps leave using the back door or a window in the basement (that he rigged not to notify her or that were not on their system) while Shannan was away in NC. Celeste Watts and Shanann Watts via the Daily Mail Bella Watts and Celeste Watts via the Daily Mail. In his mind. And he would chase me around lashing me with pieces of willow full of ticks laughing his ass off about how theyre biting me and drinking my blood. If you think ShanAnn was a mentally sound and stable individual, I fear for not only your intelligence, but you discretion as well. Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? Departing from that grim note, a very joyful holiday to you all who participate on your site. Actually, its sick. Hes the dumbest psychopath in history of the planet. Lie Spotting: Test your true crime lie detector nous with the Chris Watts case, BREAKING: Chris Watts accuses wife of murdering his children in Arrest Affidavit. This could mean that one or more bodies were stowed in the boot of the Lexus prior to being transferred to the truck. Sometime he slept top bunk sometimes he slept bottom. I bet it bothered him that his family did not seem to care for them to the point that he got sick of it and stopped caring himself cause he could not stand up to them. Shanann Watts and her two daughters, Bella and Celeste, were allegedly killed by her husband, Chris Watts. Shanann gently ticks her off with an exasperated sounding MuuummmIm wondering if this sort of teasing was normal in this family as I compared it to when Shanann was squirting poor Bella ( Bella again!) They become addicted to the trauma. I was born in 86. To prove her innocence once and for all. Or conveniently he said that, 1) The dogs barked a lot but did not give the alert signal. they did find Shanann's car and all . Are they kidnapped and being trafficked for sex? Apparently they were doing quite well too, to own a Lexus SUV type vehicle. I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. The evidence is in the actions, not the words, dear. I further believe that Shanann later insisted on controlling the finances in Colorado because she wanted to manipulate the books to squeeze more blood out of the Wattss income turniip, which resulted in a real blood sacrifice on August 13. Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. Did Chris Watts not mind his wife Shanann humiliating him on Facebook? So all the officers are in car-chase mode and very excited you can tell, radioing each other about weve got him hes headed this way etc. But something wasnt right with her and all of her illnesses, childrens illnesses, it seemed she contended Chris had some form of cancer from which she saved his life by recognizing it. this report is that on that evening he is observed pulling out of the driveway in the Lexus, pulling up to his work truck parked down the street, opening the Lexus hatch and transferring some items. An injustice which should have been dealt with accordingly and in line with every other murder and vile act which has made headlines and beyond. Same reason she used Chris FB account too to post about her life and Thrive, to reach more people, therefore hopefully more customers. Are we still trying to pin these murders on her or somehow make this murder less horrific if we can say there is something wrong with her? Then they all get the word at once: hes actually headed to the police station for a scheduled interview. I still say a proper investigation wasnt done. So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com, Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording herchildren. ..those 15 charges were against Shannon Watts, not Shanann Watts. According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to see if anyone was trying to break into the truck again. Nobody knows Stephen Paddocks motive 6 months after Las Vegas. Really? Watts said he then drove the girls, with Shannan's body in the car, to an oil field owned by his then-employer. So I started reading. It does not change the fact that someone snuffed out the life of their wife and children in cold blood, after cheating on them for months, with no regard at all that they were their own family who thought they were safe with him. On page 553 Det. Wow, you must not have much of a life if you spend your time researching Shanann past . Its pretty much standard practice when it comes to MLM companies: The dirty little secret promoters wont tell you, is that far from the auto bonus being a reward for hard work, the promoters are required to get a lease when they reach a particular milestone. Also, if memory serves, a cadaver dog can alert after 90 mins of a deceased body lying somewhere. What the Discovery Documents say about Shananns Lexus. I currently am a brand Specialist at Williams Subaru where I . Shanann, her mother, Chris Watts and the Watts family go way back when it comes to cars. Btw, I have wondered a little about Shananns mother. Might she have in a mixed message sort of way conveyed to him that he was still flawed in her mind because he came with extra baggage children? If Oscar wanted to sell his story, could he, and if he could, why doesnt he, and if he has, how has he? He has said he planned to kill Shanann. A fresh start as Rourke said, but its deeper than that he wanted to be fresh and unencumbered, for her. Ironically, since Shananns nightmarish murder and burial on a leased oil site, rather than taking a knock, Thrive seems to have reaped a whirlwind of positive publicity. She was born with some ailment, but had surgery to correct it. Is Henri van Bredas motive a culmination of a festering of a perceived injustice? They met at a car dealership where she was a sales agent and CW was a mechanic. I am a Michigan State University Graduate. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. Its shocking that she was hired by a childrens hospital, being a career criminal and all.. Genuis! Im a Catholic too, but lord, grandmother Rzucek ( Sandra) is a bit off the planet about it. Chris Watts Case: What would Sherlock Holmes Do? Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts neck? Bella appeared to be a deep thinking, intelligent, v thoughtful child, even at such a young age. If that was me I would be hammering the DAs door down until he proved that I did not have knowledge of or participation in that heinous crime. one thing he said to me that always stuck And Shanann, 15 charges? Actually her name is still spelled Shanann no matter how your pronounce it. Let go and let God! I know that we cant overanalyze everything and that a childs behavior can be indicative of many different things (or nothing at all) but I couldnt help wondering if Ceces seemingly constant mischief, tantrums, etc. Sandra Onorati Rzucek [Shananns mother]: Shanann and Chris Watts definitely planned to separate, BREAKING: FRANKLIN WILLIAM RZUCEK charged with misdemeanor child abuse October 31, 2015, Chris Watts: More Photos of the Fairy Tale, You Havent Seen These Watts Family Photos, Chris Watts: His plan to turn blood and tissue to oil and dust. I truly believe Chris killed his family, whatever Shannons faults she did not deserve this. You didnt post enough information for anyone to play judge and jury, yet they are. Did he buy it and they drank beer? Her and her daughter asked to be responsible for sending out letters inviting guests to Chris and Shannans wedding and they failed to do that, purposely (people Shannan had invited did not turn up and claimed to have never got those invitations). And she wasnt doing any favors by drinking that slop and wearing THRIVE patches at 16 weeks pregnant, either. Ive written about a few incidents I observed in the videos in a comment above. Yes it would make absolute sense to not want the carrying out in the open. Chris revealed. He was penniless when i met him but he was ashamed to tell me. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? Luann Watts is a board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with experience in treating the mental health needs of clients of all ages, diagnoses and needs. Hasty reporting? Its not hidden info and surprised you didnt know that. Revisiting the Day Shanann Watts told Chris Watts she was pregnant, Could thrive supplements and patch be the cause of Chris Wattss Rage?, Shanann Watts Tribute Video: Someday we will all be gone, but lullabies go on and on, Shanann talks about spending quality time with Chris Watts, I dont know if were gonna have another baby anytime soon. It has been awhile backI think I saw this shortly after news of their deaths broke and I saw that they were from NC. The suburban Denver crime began with the disappearance of a pregnant Shanann Watts and the couple's two children, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. Its creepy to see people blaming the victim For her own murder, like the psychopath murder. He had made arrangements to go out to that remote work site. The children and he were at a childrens birthday party alive and well Sunday afternoon, and they Facetimed with the maternal grandparents that evening.The Lexus did not leave the garage that night. Possibly a silly detail. No. CHRIS WATTS - WHY DID HE GO TO SHANANNS CAR? I wonder if there are any divorce documents out there from Shananns first marriage. Shannon Ruzeck King -Watts IS her real name. How and Why I chose Van Gogh as a True Crime Investigation, Maddening Money Matters Excerpt from The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, Vincent van Goghs letter to Theo, January 1882, outlining his rows with Pa and Ma. I work in HR department of ONE of the BIGGEST childrens hospitals in the country! But, she was born Shannon. Or is this somehow going to make these murders OK in everyones minds if we can think Shannan was not a perfect person? It all seems a bit odd to me. Ill pray for God to fill you with peace and love for your fellow humans and that you lose the desire to bash the dead. And would she be ready for step motherhood? Im shocked at that charge because child abuse IS a felony punishable by jail timehe did NO jail time. What was she being given to eat? His dissociation from his acts and denial are signs to me that he was brainwashed. His truck could not fit in the garage; which is why he was only able to back it in so far when removing the bodies. She guilted him into spending money for the kids and he could not say no because there would be non stop hell to pay if he didnt do what she said. He couldnt even buy lunch. A normal person couldnt dispose of their deceased dog the way he did his children, and if you believe they could, perhaps something is wrong with you. A sizable fraction of those visitors have undoubtedly converted into the Thrive fairy tale. Please help me to understand this. . You have to understand that Chris grew up in a family with a distant father, the whole house was a ball of tension, everything had to be perfect. There are So Many Job Opportunities There! But the statement is specific that the loading was on the morning of the disappearance. It could be an error in the discovery, or it could be accurate. I wouldnt understand that of course, because I dont judge people for their actions as a mother or father. I dont care personally if she was not a perfect. One can also apply the same psychology to MLMs. He said Im finally totally free.. You should be trying to figure out what is wrong with the person who took their lives and how they can sleep at night. I would like to see Trisnatichs video for the whole day Sunday August 12 as well as Shananns arrival at 1:48 a.m. Were being gypped by not getting everything. Was the change of clothing deposited in the Lexus because he hoped to grab the clothing and take to work 8/13 after he got rid of his burial clothing, or might he kept clothing changes in the cargo area of the Lexus to change into after all those nights spent at Nichole Kessengers? August, 2008], Sadism in High Schools and School Shooters: 5 Reasons why Isabelle Robinsons Op-Ed is flat wrong, Walk Up, Not Out is a campaign of cowardice, promoted by adults who want there to be a solution to school shootings that asks literally nothing of us, King of Freaks, the Saga of the West Memphis Three discussion with William Ramsey, Oscar Pistorius Anniversary: Revisiting Reevas Perspective, #Shakedown Smackdown of Idiocy Surrounding #OscarPistoriusMovie. Did Shanann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August? Sociopath? But, Shannon had neck surgery and was gulping down Oxy constantly. Heres why [Analysis], #Rohde Trial: Prosecutor Louis van Niekerk could not wipe the smile off his face with [todays] ruling [Analysis], Bloodline: the epic behind the epic, the tragedy behind the tragedy [Part 1], First Presidential Debate Transcript, September 26, 2016, Second Presidential Debate Transcript, October 9, 2016, Third Presidential Debate Transcript, October 19, 2016. This is so true and I think about this all the time, especially when I see kids at a concert with all of their phones up recording. There is also reason to believe her financial situation at the time she lost her first house could have led to credit card impairment and debt related charges. I believe the girls were already dead when RW asked to facetime with. No puss puss forever when??? Wow! Shanann Watts: I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life. Old Ploy, New Game: How the McCanns are using PR [again] to influence a legal outcome that affects THEM, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 1, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 2, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 3, The Prodigal Nanny Returns #Shakedown McCann Podcast #1, #Shakedown Discusses DOUBT The Madeleine McCann Mystery with Ed Opperman. Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? This is Watts doing a Thrive spiel to the cops, only, a police interrogation is where pitching fairy tales no longer works. In one of the few instances where the Discovery Documents do deal with the Watts finances in some detail, notice the manner in which Watts cagily frames the situation around the Lexus. In The Army! Get a life loser. I know one thing. He had power ranger figures, they had to be set up in a specific and certain way on his bedside table. Possibly, quite a wild family. The Lexus was usually parked inside the garage while Chris Watts truck was invariably outside [the vehicular equivalent of him not sleeping in his own bed, but in the basement]. I believe Shanann was the primary force behind the debt spiral, but, as you suggest, Chriss passivity enabled it, so hes complicit too. If Vincent van Gogh didnt cut off his ear, who did? Abusers blame the victims, Every. Chris was probably gaslighted into killing his wife and children in order to appease someone and this would have only happened to a codependent person. Subscribe to NBC News: nbcnews.to . Cindys actions resembled those of a sociopath. Van Breda Sentencing: Taking a wrong turn does it happen suddenly or systematically? No, Ronnie asked to FaceTime on August 10. One cadaver dog showed interest in the Anadarko work truck parked out front. Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. Shannan had hell to deal with with Chris family while alive, least we can do is leave her at peace now shes dead. So, even if NK could have been with him and his cute girls, theres no way she wanted to take on Shannan, especially after watching those videos. Apologies for the rave, just my thoughts! After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. The open question remains: how was Shanann Watts able to afford a home [or rather, get a loan to build one] in North Carolina, in 2009 when she was about 25-years-old? Cookie Notice If youre all trying to find a good reason for all this, look more into that. I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. Rohde Trial: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is Character Assassinating Who? Be set up in a comment above seriously, if you spend your time Shanann! Was ashamed to tell me, if memory serves, a cadaver dog showed in... Truly believe Chris killed his family, whatever Shannons faults she did give! The more common Shannon he go to Shananns car, not the words, dear absolute to! Interest in the videos in a comment above power ranger figures, they had to set. 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